(7) WWII WAR BOND POSTERS, UNFRAMED(7) WWII WAR BOND POSTERS, UNFRAMED Including: "Another Enemy to Conquer, Forest Fires, 9 out of 10 can be prevented", 1944, O-615995, 26 1/2" x 19; PLUS "7th War Loan, Now all Together" (Iwo Jima flag raising), 1945, WFD-11, 12 3/4" x 9"; PLUS "Dig Down Deep! Buy twice as many Bonds in the Mighty 7th War Loan", by George Kanelous (NY, 1915-1988), 1945, WFD 16, 26" x 18 1/2"; PLUS "In the strength of great hope we must shoulder our common load" (FDR Commemorative) Victory Loan, 1945, WFD 32, 26" x 18 1/2"; PLUS "Am I Proud! I'm fighting famine by canning food at home", by Dick Williams (NY, 1908-1991), 1946, O-695696, 25 3/4" x 18 1/2"; PLUS "Victory, now you can invest in it! Victory Loan (Eagle)", by Dean Cornwell (NY/CA, 1892-1960), 1945, WFD 53, 13" x 9"; PLUS "Don't Shiver Next Winter, Order Coal Now! Solid Fuels Administration for War", by Mike Arens (Disney cartoonist), 1944, O-641974, 26" x 18 1/2". Very good condition unless noted. Loose, in foamcore folio. These were all folded, as originally mailed, never used.