ITALIAN MAGGIOLINI STYLE MARQUETRY BOMBECOMMODEItalian marquetry two drawer bombe commode, 20th c., in the manner of Giuseppe Maggiolini (Italy, 1738-1814), the case featuring burlwood reserves inlaid with colorful...
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(2) ITALIAN BOMBE FIGURED MARQUETRYSIDE CABINETS(pair) Italian bombe nightstands, early 20thc., each having a molded marble top, over a single door with trailing floral marquetry, interior shelf, approx 29"h,...
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A VINTAGE PARQUETRY INLAID ITALIAN STYLECOMMODE. Great patina, parquetry inlaid top and shaped, bombe front. From a Larchmont, NY estate. Dimensions: 32" h x 40" w x 19" d. Condition: Overall good, wear consistent...
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Italian Parquetry-Inlaid Olivewood BombeCommode, the front fitted with two small drawers above two long drawers, raised on cabriole legs, h. 31-1/2\", w. 36-1/2\", d. 18\"....
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BAROQUE STYLE FIGURED WALNUT INLAIDBOMB‚ COMMODEprobably Italian, 20th century, with "Egyptian" marble top over three drawers, finely figured bookmatched walnut veneers with inlay, well constructed with paneled...
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ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE BOMBE MARQUETRYCOMMODEItalian Louis XV style bombe commode, late 20th c., two drawers accented with floral marquetry, rising on French bracket feet, approx 34.5"h, 51"w, 20.25"d...
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FINE ITALIAN MARQUETRY BOMBE DISPLAYSIDEBOARDItalian Louis XV style two-part marquetry sideboard, Mobilificio Bertero, Ovada, early 20th c., the upper part with a pierced iron shell crest over four foliate etched...
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ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE MARQUETRY BOMBECOMMODEItalian Louis XV style bombe commode, 20th c., three drawers accented with marquetry, rising on angled supports, approx 33"h, 40.25"w, 16.75"d...
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(2) LOUIS XV STYLE MARQUETRY BEDSIDECABINETS(pair) Italian Louis XV style bedside cabinets, late 20th c., bombe matched veneer case, with floral marquetry and gilt metal accents, single cabinet door, opening...
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(2) ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE MIRROREDNIGHTSTANDS(pair) Italian Louis XV style bombe bedside cabinets 20th c., giltwood foliate scroll frame encasing flat mirror plate, above the shaped marble top, over single...
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ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE-TOP BOMBECOMMODEItalian Louis XV style burled walnut bombe commode, 20th c., shaped marble top, over three drawers, accented with scroll marquetry, rising on French bracket feet, approx...
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ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE-TOP BOMBECOMMODEItalian Louis XV style marble-top bombe commode, 20th c., walnut case with foliate scroll marquetry, four drawers, rising on French bracket feet, ending in sabots,...
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ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE-TOP BOMBECOMMODEItalian Louis XV style burlwood bombe commode, early 20th c., having shaped marble top, over three drawers, accented with scroll marquetry, rising on French bracket...
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(2) ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE-TOPNIGHTSTANDS(pair) Italian Louis XV style burlwood bedside cabinets, 20th c., having shaped marble tops, over bombe case, with scrolling marquetry inlay, single drawer, above...
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ITALIAN GIUSEPPE PADOVANI PATCHWORKBOMBE COMMODEItalian patchwork bombe commode, Giuseppe Padovani, 20th c., having shaped top, over conforming case fitted with five drawers, inlaid marquetry banding, rising...
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LARGE ITALIAN LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE-TOPCOMMODELarge Italian Louis XV style bombe commode, 20th c., marquetry case fitted with four drawers, rising on cabriole legs, restoration to marble top, approx 40.5"h, 57.75"w,...
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ITALIAN INLAID WALNUT &MARQUETRY COMMODEwithan inset black granite top over a bombe case with four drawers 49 inches wide; 21 1/2 inches deep; 40 inches high Condition:...
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ITALIAN INLAID BOMBE COMMODE20th century,with a serpentine marble top over three full-width drawers Condition: with restorations throughout and slight edge wear to front apron 56 inches wide; 24 inches deep; 37 3/4...
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ITALIAN ROCOCO BOMBE COMMODE20th century;cross banded and line-inlaid, having three short drawers over three full-width drawers, raised on carved cabriole feet; Condition: fading and scattered areas of lifting to...
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ITALIAN ROCOCO STYLE MARQUETRY KINGWOODAND TULIPWOOD BOMBé COMMODE, FIRST QUARTER 20TH CENTURYItalian Rococo Style Marquetry Kingwood and Tulipwood Bombé Commode, First Quarter 20th Century Height: 35-1/2 in...
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(2) ITALIAN INLAID BURLWOOD BOMBE NIGHTSTANDS(pair)Italian Louis XV style inlaid burlwood bedside cabinets, early 20th c., having shaped top, over bombe case fitted with single cabinet door, revealing open storage, with scrolled...
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ITALIAN PARQUETRY INLAID AND VENEEREDCOMMODE Mid 20th century, paper label en verso, the shaped top with molded edge and parquetry inlays with banded veneer edge, two over two drawer configuration with serpentine...
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Italian marquetry inlaid olive woodbombe chest of drawers, 20th c
29.5"h x 36.5"w x 16"d
Condition: Minor cracks, discoloration, good condition....
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Italian Walnut and Burl Walnut CommodePossibly Naples 18th century. A walnut and burl walnut veneered two-drawer commode the shaped top above a bomb? form with serpentine front and sides the shaped sides with...
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ITALIAN TWO-PART SECRETARY - Early ItalianDrop-Front Secretary Desk having exotic veneer marquetry panels with wide banded edge two mirrored glass cabinets doors above with mirror inlaid crest three shelf interior...
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ITALIAN TWO-PART SECRETARY - Early ItalianDrop-Front Secretary Desk having exotic veneer marquetry panels with wide banded edge two mirrored glass cabinets doors above with mirror inlaid crest three shelf interior...
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