Three vintage Inuit stone carvings/sculptures,including; man with kayak 3.5”H x 10”W, man hunting seal 3”H x 13”W, resin sculpture of sled dogs- 4”H x 13”. Condition: good overall CT Transfer Fee $10...
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"POLAR BEAR HUNT" INUIT CARVED FIGURALSCULPTURE Inuit carved bone figural sculpture depicting man hunting a polar bear, mounted to bone base. 2.375" H x 5" L....
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INUIT CARVING OF A HUNTER, SIMON UTTAQ,NUNAVUTAn Inuit carving on bone of a hunter with hunting tools, by Simon Uttaq, Spence Bay, now called Taloyoak, Nunavut, the most northerly community in Canada. Hunting spear...
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RICHARD HUNT (B. 1951 KWAKIUTL) KILLERWHALE MASK Richard Hunt (b. 1951 Kwakiutl) Killer Whale Mask
cedar, with carved and painted details, signed to interior, 18"h Provenance: From the estate of Tony and Madeline...
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INUIT TRIBAL SOAPSTONE/REGIONAL STONESCULPTURE, FISHER...Dark green carving with incised images of Native Inuits hunting, fishing. Artist signed.
This striking polished dark green soapstone was hand carved by...
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INUIT TRIBAL SOAPSTONE/REGIONAL STONEFIGURINE TWO SIDE...Rich dark stone hand carved with scenes of native hunters. Artist marks to base.
Dark gray soapstone with carved incised decoration, detailed scenes of...
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INUIT SOAPSTONE/REGIONAL STONE FIGURINESCULPTURE, HUNT...Light green hand carved stone with other natural materials.
Lustrous green stone with inclusions, hand carved as a spear fisher hunter with separate wooden...
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INUIT SOAPSTONE/REGIONAL STONE FIGURINESCULPTURE, HUNT...Hand carved white stone, gray inclusions. Trio of Fox heads to base.
Vintage patina, carved in a naturalistic style. #Sculpture #InuitArt #NativeCanadians...
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INUIT CARIBOU BONE SCULPTURE, NATIVEHUNTERS AND BEARA striking hand carved and mounted scene, a bear hunt in naturalistic materials.
Carved in relief and mounted on a wooden base stand. #Sculpture #InuitCarving...
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INUIT FLAT STONE PETROGLYPH CARVING,SIGNED, HUNTING SC...IVU signed on base. Traditional Inuit hunting scenes carved on front and back.
252301 / IVU incised on base. #Inuit #stonecarving #tribalart #sculpture...
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DANIEL KUMARLUK, SIGNED, INUIT SOAPSTONESCULPTUREArtist name and date incised on base. Inuk man indigenous art sculpture; hand-carved grey stone.
Daniel Kumarluk is an Inuk artist living in Umiujaq, Nunavik (QC),...
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NINE INUIT CARVED FOSSILIZED HUNTINGITEMSNine Inuit carved fossilized hunting items including harpoon heads and a harpoon head holder. 3/8" wide, 3 1/4" long to 3/4" wide, 3 1/2" long.
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GROUP OF INUIT CARVED FOSSILIZED HUNTINGTOOLSGroup of Inuit carved fossilized hunting tools including a whale harpoon head and spear tips. 2 1/4" long, 1/2" wide to 4 3/4" long, 1 1/2" wide.
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GROUP OF INUIT CARVED FOSSILIZED HUNTINGTOOLSGroup of Inuit carved fossilized hunting tools and other items including a warriors' armor plate, cutting tool and other items. 1 7/8" long, 1/2" wide to 4 1/2" long,...
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GRP: 3 PICTOGRAPHIC STONE CARVINGSGroupof three pictographic stone carvings. Featuring a hunting scene, bears, and fish. Carved by an Inuit or Yup'ik artist, one of the peoples indigenous to the North American...
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7 INUIT HUNTING ITEMS - SPEAR TIPS,FISH HOOKSGroup of seven Native American Inuit hunting items including harpoon tips and fish hooks. Carved from wood, two with inset bone hooks. Some carved to resemble bird...
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19TH C. INUIT BONE HARPOON + 2 WOODCARVINGS**Originally Listed At $200**
Native American, Northwestern United States, Alaska, Inuit, ca. 19th to mid-20th century CE. This is a fine collection of 3 hand-made...
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20TH C. INUIT SCRIMSHAWED WALRUS TUSKCRIBBAGE BOARDNative American, Northwestern United States, Alaska, Inuit or Inupiaq, ca. early to mid-20th century CE. A striking walrus ivory tusk, hand carved into a cribbage...
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SIGNED 20TH C. INUIT SOAPSTONE OWL BYJOE TALIRUNILINative American, Canada, northern Quebec, Nunavik, Puvirnituq, ca. 1960s to 1970s CE. Signed by Joe Talirunili (Inuit, 1893-1976) in English and syllabics. An...
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SIGNED 20TH C. INUIT SOAPSTONE SQUIRREL,JOE TALIRUNILI...Native American, Canada, northern Quebec, Nunavik, Puvirnituq, ca. 1960s to 1970s CE. Signed by Joe Talirunili (Inuit, 1893-1976) in English and syllabics....
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INUIT CARVED JADE HUNTERUnsigned. Depictinga male hunting a seal. Height 3 in. Width 3.25 in. (Cond: good)...
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AN ESKIMO INUIT MODEL KAYAK WITH FIGUREAnEskimo Inuit model kayak with figure, Late 19th/Early 20th century A hide-covered kayak and figure with hide or gut parka, hunting tools and a carved wood fish all lashed...
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INUIT MAMMOTH IVORY SEAL HUNT SCULPTUREThreedimensional diorama Alaskan Eskimo carved scene depicting a hunter with a spear standing beside a stretched seal hide and the body of a seal, along with a kayak and paddle....
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JOHNNY PILURTUUT (INUIT, B. 1928), FIGUREWITH HUNTED GAME Circa 1960s, Kangiqsualujjuaq, Quebec, carved and polished gray stone figure holding a fish and seal, incised number E9-1281 with vintage label to underside....
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CANADIAN INUIT ESKIMO CARVED STONE SCULPTURECanadian Inuit Eskimo carved stone sculpture depicting hunting scenes on each side, illegibly to underneath. 5.5" H x 9.25" W x 1.75" D....
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INUIT SCRIMSHAW CARVING.A carved andincised Inuit bone tool or accessory depicting fishing and hunting scenes with people, boats, birds, and fish. 8 1/2" long, 3/4" wide. Good condition, no repairs. Please note...
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COLLECTION OF ALASKAN IVORY AND SCRIMSHAW:To include 1) Hawaiian scrimshaw whales tooth with whaling scene, signed Saphore '71. Tooth measures 5 1/2'', affixed to frame, 5 1/2'' x 7 1/2'' x 2''. 2) Alaskan scrimshaw...
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Inuit Ivory Carving of Figures withPolar BearDepicting several figures mounted on a tusk in a hunting scene Inuit hunter with spear along with his dog face off a standing bear there is also a moveable seal...
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