FINE TRIBAL ANTIQUE CAUCASIAN EAGLEKAZAK RUGTribal Antique Caucasian Eagle Kazak Rug Antique Caucasian Eagle Kazak Rugs - Chelaberd antique rugs are often referred to as Eagle Kazaks. size 53.5" x 76.5" inches...
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KAZAK 5'4" X 7'9" RUGHand woven in India,100% wool pile Kazak rug having a geometric border and a triple medallion field; measures approximately 5'4" x 7'9"; in Good overall condition. Kazaks are known for their...
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DOUBLE-EAGLE KAZAK RUG CIRCA 1900 6FT 5 IN X 4 FT 4 IN (196 X 132 CM)Double-Eagle Kazak Rug, Circa 1900 Red ground with rosette field centering two eagle medallions on red-blue-ivory ground within a rosette...
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KAZAK RUG SECOND QUARTER 20TH CENTURY7 FT X 4 FT 9 IN (213 X 145 CM)Kazak Rug, Second Quarter 20th Century Blue ground with latchhook and serrated field centering a pulled medallion enclosing rosettes on red-blue...
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KAZAK DOUBLE-PRAYER RUG SECOND QUARTER20TH CENTURY 7 FT 2 IN X 4 FT 2 IN (218 X 127 CM)Kazak Double-Prayer Rug, Second Quarter 20th Century Blue ground with latchhook medallions and rosettes centering a prayer...
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KAZAK TRIPLE DOUBLE-EAGLE RUG CIRCA1950 9 FT 8 IN X 4 FT 11 IN (295 X 150 CM)Kazak Triple Double-Eagle Rug, Circa 1950 Shaded rust ground centering three eagle medallions within a trellising vine guard border...
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KAZAK PRAYER RUG CIRCA 1900 7 FT 7 INX 5 FT 5 IN (231 X 165 CM)Kazak Prayer Rug, Circa 1900 Within prayer arch, blue-beige ground with latchhook, rosette and geometric field, within a shaded red field enclosing...
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A CAUCASIAN LORI-PAMBAK KAZAK RUGA CaucasianLori-Pambak Kazak rug, Mid/late 20th century Polychrome geometric motifs centering two medallions on a red ground; wool on cotton foundation 7'10" L x 5'8" W Dimensions:...
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HAND-TIED KAZAK RUG, PAKISTAN, 5'8"X 2'Hand-tied Kazak rug, Pakistan, approx 5'8"l, 2"w **Please Note: All of the rugs offered in this auction would likely benefit from a professional cleaning. Estate rugs...
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HAND-TIED KAZAK RUNNER, PAKISTAN, 8'3.5"X 2'5.5"Hand-tied Kazak runner, Pakistan, approx 8'3.5"l, 2'5.5"w **Please Note: All of the rugs offered in this auction would likely benefit from a professional cleaning....
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HAND-TIED KAZAK RUG, INDIA, 2'11" X1'11"Hand-tied Kazak rug, India, approx 2'11"l, 1'11"w **Please Note: All of the rugs offered in this auction would likely benefit from a professional cleaning. Estate rugs...
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HAND-TIED KAZAK RUG, INDIA, 9'6" X 6'6"Hand-tiedKazak rug, India, approx 9'6"l, 6'6"w **Please Note: All of the rugs offered in this auction would likely benefit from a professional cleaning. Estate rugs may show some wear...
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HAND-TIED KAZAK RUNNER, PAKISTAN, 5'9"X 1'11"Hand-tied kazak runner, Pakistan, approx 5'9"l, 1'11"w **Please Note: All of the rugs offered in this auction would likely benefit from a professional cleaning. Estate...
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HAND-TIED KAZAK RUG, INDIA, 8'8" X 6'4"Hand-tiedKazak rug, India, approx 8'8"l, 6'4"w **Please Note: All of the rugs offered in this auction would likely benefit from a professional cleaning. Estate rugs may show some wear...
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ORIENTAL RUG 3' X 5' KAZAK Orientalrug 3' x 5' Kazak...
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AFGHAN KAZAK WOOL HANDKNOTTED RUG AfghanKazak wool hand knotted rug, unmarked. Previous restoration. 54" H x 24.5" W....
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CAUCASIAN KAZAK GEOMETRIC PATTERN RUGCaucasian Kazak hand-knotted rug with geometric repetitive medallion pattern and elaborate border. 6" H x 3'6" W....
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EAGLE KAZAK SOUMAK RUG, (3'10" X 6'8")Eagle Kazak Soumak rug, Northeast Caucasus. Three "eagle" medallions in camel, tan, turquoise, sky blue, faded rose and gold on the aubergine field with tan polygon border....
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KAZAK RUNNER (2'2" X 9'10") Kazak runner,Southwest Caucasus, dated 1894. A column of seven Lesghi stars in gold, red, sky blue, blue-green and ivory on the midnight blue field with gold meander border. Large areas...
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KAZAK RUG (3' X 3'8") Fachralo Kazakrug, Southwest Caucasus, late 19th c. Two gabled rectangular medallions in gold, red, Persian and midnight blue, tan and blue-green on the midnight blue field with tan meander...
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KAZAK RUG (2'11" X 5'9") Kazak rug,Southwest Caucasus, early 20th c. Six "cruciform" medallions with inset serrated leaves in gold, red, aubergine, navy and sky blue with gold "serpent head" border. Some salvage...
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HAND KNOTTED KAZAK DESIGN RUGHand knottedKazak tribal wool rug. Wonderful rich earthy tones with geometric shapes. Field of reds, dark blue and cream. Short natural tassel. Approx. 80 kpsi. Like new condition, approx....
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Kazak center hall carpet with overallgeometric pattern, border missing, faded; together with a smaller Hamadan, losses to fringe.
Kazak: 5'11" x 3'7"
Hamadan: 4'9" x 2'8"
Condition: Both rugs have wear consistent...
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Karz Kazak centerhall carpet; togetherwith a Turkish flatwoven bag.
Kazak: 4'2" x 3'10"
Condition: Losses to border, needs cleaning....
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THREE ORIENTAL RUGS. Twentieth century.Dark blue Kazak 1'5'' x 1'10''. and a Caucasian fragment with polychrome hooked lozenges 1'6'' x 2'. Together with a Turkish kilim fragment in a slit weave technique 3'...
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19th Cent. Kazak Oriental Runner 710.19th Cent. Kazak Oriental Runner Some old small areas of restoration. 4' 1'' x 9' 3''E...
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Kazak Oriental Rug 760. Kazak OrientalRug Some wear.4' 4'' x 6' 6''E...
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Kazak 763. Kazak Very good. 4' x 7'7'' E...
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Bordjalou Kazak rug southwest caucasus,circa late 19th century 7 ft. 4 in. x 5 ft. 2 in. ,000-5,000 Kazak: Generally good condition, overall with pale red khilim end finishes and two cord selvages...
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Kurd Kazak complete bag, northwestpersia, circa 1900 Together with a Lori Soumac Khordjin, South Persia, early 20th century. (2). 1 ft. 9 in. x 2 ft.; 3 ft. 10 in. x 1 ft. 5 in. Kurd Kazak...
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Three rugs 20th century A KazakLong rug, Southwest Caucasus, circa 2nd half 20th century; a Kerman rug, Southeast Persia, circa 2nd quarter 20th century and a Kayseri Rug, Central Anatolia, 20th century....
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Two Caucasian Rugs A Karachopt Kazakrug, Southwest Caucasus, circa 2nd half 19th century, and a Shirvan Rug, East Caucasus, circa 2nd half 19th century. (2). 7 ft. 9 in. x 5 ft., 5 ft. 4 in. x 3 ft. 9 in....
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Eagle Kazak ca. 1910 8'4" x 4'8" togetherwith two Kazak carpets 5'10" x 3'9" and 3'7" x 3'1". ?...
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(5) ORIENTAL RUGS & (1) NATIVE AMERICAN- Includes : 48'' x 57'' Kazak in gold and pale blue; 40'' x 76'' Kazak in deep blue and pink with pale blue border; 46'' x 92'' Shirvan in deep blue brick red and ivory;...
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Kazak rug, three central diamonds withbold hook borders, sawtooth minor borders with light blue and ivory highlights, probably a Borjalou Kazak, 3 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. 1 in. Pile varies from none to low, scattered...
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