1900 -REDWOOD RI...169. Classic Pitcairn Island Cane -Ca. 1900 -Redwood right fist handle on its coconut wood shaft with a light colored, flush set and joining wood washer...
[more like this] - 163. CLOISONNé ENAMEL DRESS CANE -CA.
1900 -SHIPPO CLOI...163. Cloisonné Enamel Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Shippo cloisonné enamel small cylindrical knob with round and flattop totally enameled in well-matched pastel...
[more like this] - 156. BONE AND COQUILLA NUT FIGURAL CANE
-CA. 1880 -L-SH...156. Bone and Coquilla nut Figural Cane -Ca. 1880 -L-shaped bone handle with a carved coquilla nut head with a split beard and two colored glass eyes at...
[more like this] - 142. FOLK ART OWL CANE -CA. 1900 -THE
CANE IS FASHIONED...142. Folk Art Owl Cane -Ca. 1900 -The cane is fashioned of a wild cherry branch with a beautiful brown-red bark and naturally grown angular handle carved...
[more like this] - 111. PORCELAIN AND SILVER CANE -CA.
1880 -T-SHAPE PORCE...111. Porcelain and Silver Cane -Ca. 1880 -T-shape porcelain knob with an elegantly formed body with asymmetrical extensions in the Baroque taste ending...
[more like this] - 108. PECULIAR CHARACTER CANE -CA. 1900
-SUBSTANTIAL FRU...108. Peculiar Character Cane -Ca. 1900 -Substantial fruit wood handle carved to depict a man’s head with a smiling face and long nose out of proportions....
[more like this] - 95. CLOISONNé ENAMEL CANE -CA. 1890
-TURQUOISE COLORED ...95. Cloisonné Enamel Cane -Ca. 1890 -Turquoise colored Shippo enamel crook handle with an elongated vertical stem decorated with, what seems to be,...
[more like this] - 66. CLOISONNé ENAMEL CANE -CA. 1890
-LARGE SHIPPO ENAME...66. Cloisonné Enamel Cane -Ca. 1890 -Large Shippo enamel handle with a substantial round and flattened knob on its integral long and tapering stem profusely...
[more like this] - 57. SILVER LION DRESS CANE -CA. 1890
-LARGE AND VOLUMIN...57. Silver Lion Dress Cane -Ca. 1890 -Large and voluminous L-shaped silver handle with an arched hand rest on a long vertical stem modeled with pleasing...
[more like this] - 51. SILVER PANTHER CANE -CA. 1900 -SILVER
KNOB NATURALI...51. Silver Panther Cane -Ca. 1900 -Silver knob naturalistically fashioned as a panther head with wide-open mouth exposing strong jaws and sharp teeth. A pair...
[more like this] - 45. CLOISONNé ENAMEL CANE -CA. 1890
-OPERA SHAPED SHIPP...45. Cloisonné Enamel Cane -Ca. 1890 -Opera shaped Shippo enamel handle with integral longer stem profusely decorated with various blooms and floral...
[more like this] - LIBERTY STYLE ENAMEL CANE-Ca. 1910 -Large
and voluminous brass knob fashioned in a rounded and plain mushroom shape and embellished with an integral hand chased black enameled beetle on a green also enameled leave....
[more like this] - COROZZO BLACK MAN CANE-Ca. 1890 -Corozzo
also called coquilla nut carved to depict a Black Man’s head with impressive facial traits accented by bone inset eyes and teeth. Here, the talented creating artist succeeded,...
[more like this] - BOXWOOD FOLK ART CANE-Ca. 1870 -Characterful
folk art walking stick, fashioned of a naturally straight and tapering grown hedgerow boxwood branch freed from its bark and integral angular shoot carved at with, what seems...
[more like this] - ALL SILVER PARADE CANE-Ca. 1930 -Entirely
fashioned of low-grade silver, the cane consists of a substantial handle depicting a mythical prone lion with a larger, integral and lobbed ball collar extending in an almost...
1900 -Substantial warthog tooth handle embellished at the front with a boxwood boar head against oak leaves. -The boar is naturalistically carved with the characterizing furry...
[more like this] - CLOISONNé ENAMEL MASCOT CANE-Ca. 1890
-Shippo enamel handle with a large, round and flat top and an integral long and cylindrical stem decorated with a yellow dragon on a black background with endless, partly...
[more like this]