ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE, SIX VOLUMES1969-1973Rolling Stone Magazine, six bound volumes 1969-1973Rolling Stone Magazine: lot includes: 4 volumes containing issues #31-90; 2 volumes containing issues 106-141;...
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MARK TWAIN, OVERLAND MONTHLY MAGAZINEVOLUME 1 The Overland Monthly, volume 1. Published 1868 by A. Roman and Company. The first volume contains all four of Twain's contributions to this journal, all first printings,...
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8VOL CENTURY MAGAZINE BOUND EDITIONS,1880S/1890S A set of 8 bound editions of The Century Magazine. The date and volume numbers include: 1883 vol 4; 1885 vol 8; 1887 vol 11; 1890 vol 17; 1892 vol 21; 1894 vol...
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7VOL CENTURY MAGAZINE BOUND EDITIONS1880S/1890S Seven volumes of The Century Magazine, bound. The date and volume numbers include, 1882 vol 2 & 3; 1883 vol 4; 1884 vol 6(2); 1885 vol 7 & 8. Bound in similar...
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8VOL CENTURY MAGAZINE BOUND VOLUMES,PRINTED 1880S Eight volumes of The Century Magazine. The date and volume numbers include: 1882 vol 2; 1885 vol 8; 1887 vol 11(2) and 12; 1888 vol 13; 1893 vol 23; 1894 vol...
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2VOL OUR YOUNG FOLKS BOUND MAGAZINESTwo volumes of the bound magazine Our Young Folks for Boys and Girls. Edited by J.T. Trowbridge, Gail Hamilton, and Lucy Larcom. Published by Ticknor and Fields. Volume 2...
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3VOL GRAHAM'S, CORNHILL AND SCRIBNER'SBOUND BOOKS Three volumes of bound magazines: Cornhill Magazine, Volume IX, January to June 1864. Published 1864 by Smith, Elder. Bound in leather with marbled boards. Graham's...
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4VOL BLACKWOODS MAGAZINE FROM EDINBURGH,1818-1827 A set of 4 volumes of Blackwood's Magazine with the following volumes: Volume IV: October 1818 - March 1819, Volume VII: April 1820 - September 1820, Volume XXI:...
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10VOL HARPER'S MAGAZINE BOUND EDITIONSTen volumes of Harper's Magazine, containing the following volumes: Volume 4: 1851-1852, Volume 5: 1852, Volume 8: 1853-1854, Volume 10: 1854-1855, Volume 13: 1856, Volume...
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EDGAR ALLEN POE IN GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE,1841-'46 GRAHAM'S LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S MAGAZINE(Phila.: 1841-'46) Comprising Vol. 18-29 in 6 uniformly bound full sheep volumes of the period, including numerous short...
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VINTAGE FRENCH VOGUE MAGAZINES, BOUNDSET OF 8 French Vogue, set of eight bound volumes of the famed French fashion magazine, beginning with the October 1936 issue. 12.75" H x 10" D....
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A bound volume of The New York IllustratedMagazine Of Literature And Art, edited by Lawrence Labree...
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Eleven nineteenth and twentieth centurybook, c/o The King Ranch by Tom Lea (Boston and Toronto, 1957; two volumes in slipcase); The life and letters of Lord McCauley, by his nephew G. Otto Trevelyan (New York,...
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SET APPLETON'S JOURNALS, FIRST 15 VOL.RUNDICKENS, Charles; HUGO, Victor; et al. Appleton's Journal of Literature, Science, and Art (Complete First 15 Volume Run). New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1869 - 1876....
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23 VOLUMES, BRITISH LITERARY JOURNALS23volumes total, comprising: Household Words: A Weekly Journal, conducted by Charles Dickens, London: Office 16, Wellington Street, North, 1850-1852, four volumes, bound in...
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15 VOLUMES LEATHER BOUND PERIODICALS15volumes total, including: six bound volumes of The Quiver magazine, London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, 1866-1871, bound in three quarter leather over marbled boards, morocco...
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TEN BOOKS/MAGAZINES RELATING TO ROBERTWOODRUFF Assortment of ten books or magazines relating to Robert Winship Woodruff comprising: "Holiday" magazine, The Curtis Publishing Company, May, 1961, hardbound with...
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THREE FINELY BOUND ENGLISH RELIGIOUSPERIODICALS AND A SET OF SERMONS As follows: The New Monthly Magazine for Church of England Sunday School Teachers (London: Church of England Sunday School Institute, 1865-1876),...
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MODERNE BAUFORMEN, 3 BOUND VOLUMES OFMAGAZINES Includes German modern architectural magazines, 1936-1938....
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BOOKS: TWELVE VOLUMES, INCLUDING: GREEN,"A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH PEOPLE", LONDON (1894), FOUR VOLUMES, BOUND IN ½ LEATHER PU...BOOKS: Twelve volumes, including: Green, "A Short History of the English People",...
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12 BOUND VOLUMES OF ANTIQUES MAGAZINE,1949-1954 1949-1954 , comprising 1949 two volumes, 1950 two volumes, 1951 two volumes, 1952 two volumes, 1953 two volumes, and 1954 two volumes (12)...
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11 BOUND VOLUMES OF ANTIQUES MAGAZINE,1940-1948 1940-1948, comprising one volume each 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, and two volumes each 1947, and 1948 (11)...
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15 BOUND VOLUMES OF ANTIQUES MAGAZINE,1922-1930 1922-1930, comprising one volume each 1922, 1923, 1930, and two volumes each 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, and 1929 (15)...
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14 BOUND VOLUMES OF ANTIQUES MAGAZINE14BOUND VOLUMES OF ANTIQUES MAGAZINE, comprising one volume each 1930, 1937, 1938, 1939, and two volumes each 1931, 1932, 1934, 1935, and 1936 (14)...
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THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, BOUND VOLUME,1774 Sylvanus Urban (Edward Cave), printed for D. Henry, London, Vol. XLIV, Jan through Dec (no Aug), incl. Captain Cook, The Boston Massacre, etc., vellum binding with marbled...
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A GROUP OF ANGELA LANSBURY "MAME" EPHEMERAAgroup of Angela Lansbury "Mame" ephemera, Two works: Lansbury, Angela. "Fryer, Carr & Harris Present Angela Lansbury as Mame." KOS-3000. New York: Columbia Masterworks,...
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A bound volume, now without backstripor covers and somewhat coming apart, of the New York fashion magazine The Season, beginning apparently with the August 1883 issue and ending with that of June 1885....
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COLLECTION OF YEARBOOKS hard cloth-bound with gilt-tooling , comprising volumes 13 (2); 14; 15; 16; 17; 23; 39; 40; 41; 43; 46; 47; 48; 50; 53; 54;...
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BOUND SET OF "PARIS MATCH" 1931 - 1962,37 VOLS. Custom-bound set of vintage "Paris Match" magazine, consisting of 37 volumes of bound issues from 1931-1962. 14" H x 11" W (ea.) Note: No issues after May 1940 until...
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[Civil War] Two bound volumes of Harper'sWeekly Magazine for 1863 and 1864 folio publisher's cloth rebacked Estimate $ 300-500...
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Magazines. American of the early HighWheel era. 5 issues of The Wheelman from Volumes III & IV. Great early advertisements and other information not available in the bound volumes. Various issues from October...
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Collection of The Magazine AntiquesA near-complete run of The Magazine Antiques from its initial Volumes in 1922 through to 2004. All volumes from 1922-1987 are bound in green cloth with spine labeled binding...
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A Set of The Library of the World'sBest Literature Ancient and Modern 29 vols. together with 3 bound volumes of Harper's Magazine....
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(AMERICANA, PERIODICALS) Five boundvolumes of American magazines 1) Niles' Weekly Register, Vol. XXV (Baltimore: Sept. 1823 - March 1824) 8vo, quarter leather, marbled boards; 2) The Port Folio New Series,...
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(AMERICANA) Bound volume of The MassachusettsMagazine, Vol. II (Boston: Isaiah Thomas and E. T. Andrews, 1790) 8vo, full sheep...
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Charles Hook Armco Steel Company Lotof Manuscripts & Documents Lot includes letters photographs pamphlets mostly from the late 1930s through the 1960s. Born in 1880 the youngest of four children of Henry and...
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