-A SIZEABLE BLUEIS...189. Hard Stone Dress Cane -Ca. 1920 -A sizeable blueish hard stone knob of the Lapis Lazuli family, ebony shaft with a plain “NICKEL SILER” collar...
[more like this] - 153. LAPIS LAZULI DRESS CANE -CA. 1900
-PLAIN LAPIS LAZ...153. Lapis Lazuli Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Plain Lapis Lazuli ball knob and its turned and gilt collar on an ebony shaft with a metal ferrule. The blue color...
[more like this] - 152. SILVER DRESS CANE -CA. 1880 -SUBSTANTIAL
AND WELL-...152. Silver Dress Cane -Ca. 1880 -Substantial and well-proportioned silver knob hand chased and engraved with flowers and scrolls as well as an escutcheon with...
[more like this] - 151. MASCOT PAPERWEIGHT DRESS CANE -CA.
1860 -FLATTENED...151. Mascot Paperweight Dress Cane -Ca. 1860 -Flattened mushroom millefiori glass knob beautifully displaying various canes made from colored rods to resemble...
[more like this] - 147. SILVER DRESS CANE -CA. 1900 -LARGE
AND WELL-PROPOR...147. Silver Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Large and well-proportioned silver crook handle decorated with polished, barbed washers alternating with identical, yet...
[more like this] - 134. PORCELAIN INDOOR DRESS CANE -CA.
1900 -PORCELAIN B...134. Porcelain Indoor Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Porcelain ball knob modeled in low relief with scrolls and foliates highlighted with rich gold moriage, cloisonné...
[more like this] - 130. EARLY SILVER DRESS CANE -CA. 1820
-SILVER KNOB FAS...130. Early Silver Dress Cane -Ca. 1820 -Silver knob fashioned in a beautifully stretching Milord knob and delicately hand chased and engraved in the Baroque...
[more like this] - 129. PORCELAIN DRESS CANE -CA. 1900
-INDIAN GREEN PORCE...129. Porcelain Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Indian green porcelain ball knob finely painted on the top with two cavorting putti and embellished with rich and...
[more like this] - 125. SILVER “WIENER WERKSTäTTEN”
DRESS CANE -CA. 1900 -...125. Silver “Wiener Werkstätten” Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Large silver crook handle with a longer and pointed nose decorated in the best “Wiener...
[more like this] - 123. ROCK CRYSTAL DRESS CANE -CA. 1900
-STRAIGHT AND TA...123. Rock Crystal Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Straight and tapering rock crystal handle with a fascinating natural frosted structure, well figured rosewood shaft...
[more like this] - 116. HARD STONE DRESS CANE -CA. 1920
-SARDONYX BALL KNO...116. Hard Stone Dress Cane -Ca. 1920 -Sardonyx ball knob with a fascinating, natural black and white layered structure presented in a crown-like white...
[more like this] - 115. BONE DRESS CANE -CA. 1870 -L-SHAPED
BONE HANDLE WI...115. Bone Dress Cane -Ca. 1870 -L-shaped bone handle with an impressively tall three tiers vertical stem carved with a knotted rope and two tassels, slim...
[more like this] - 106. ART NOUVEAU SILVER DRESS CANE -CA.
1900 -LONG AND ...106. Art Nouveau Silver Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Long and tapering silver knob with three bundled dog-roses, rosewood shaft and a horn ferrule. The composition...
[more like this] - 103. HARD STONE DRESS CANE -CA. 1900
-A SIZEABLE SIBERI...103. Hard Stone Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -A sizeable Siberian jade ball knob of pale hues reminiscent of sky, water and verdant nature, silver collar beautifully...
[more like this] - 91. PORCELAIN DRESS CANE -CA. 1890 -MILORD
PORCELAIN KN...91. Porcelain Dress Cane -Ca. 1890 -Milord porcelain knob modeled in classic shape with a round, domed top and longer, tapering body with the finely painted...
[more like this] - 82. HARD STONE DRESS CANE -CA. 1900
-HARD STONE KNOB FA...82. Hard Stone Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Hard stone knob fashioned of a select piece of golden rutile quartz in a modified, oval, elaborately facetted and...
[more like this] - 73. PORCELAIN DRESS CANE -CA. 1900 -LONGER
PORCELAIN VI...73. Porcelain Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Longer porcelain vivid purplish-red, fuchsia color handle fashioned in a cylindrical configuration and painted in finest...
[more like this] - 64. ART DECO HARD STONE DRESS CANE -CA.
1920 -PLAIN ROC...64. Art Deco Hard Stone Dress Cane -Ca. 1920 -Plain rock crystal knob and its enameled silver collar on a deep black ebony shaft with metal ferrule. The...
[more like this] - 60. SILVER “CAZAL” DRESS CANE -CA.
1890 -LONG AND TAPER...60. Silver “Cazal” Dress Cane -Ca. 1890 -Long and tapering silver cane handle totally engine turned with dots on a wavy background and embellished...
[more like this] - 57. SILVER LION DRESS CANE -CA. 1890
-LARGE AND VOLUMIN...57. Silver Lion Dress Cane -Ca. 1890 -Large and voluminous L-shaped silver handle with an arched hand rest on a long vertical stem modeled with pleasing...
[more like this] - 56. LAPIS LAZULI DRESS CANE -CA. 1900
-PLAIN LAPIS LAZU...56. Lapis Lazuli Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Plain Lapis Lazuli ball knob and its plain and gilt metal collar on a well-streaked and richly colored rosewood...
[more like this] - 50. SèVRES PORCELAIN DRESS CANE -CA.
1900 -PORCELAIN HA...50. Sèvres Porcelain Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Porcelain handle consisting of a stubby Derby shaped top and a longer cylindrical stem with two courting scenes...
-CA. 1890 -L-SHAP...44. Silver Erotic Stanhope Dress Cane -Ca. 1890 -L-shaped silver handle with a hammered surface and obscured hallmarks on the integral and raised ring...
[more like this] - 41. HARD STONE DRESS CANE -CA. 1900
-TWO PIECES AMETHYS...41. Hard Stone Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Two pieces amethyst quartz knob fashioned in a flattened, fan shape with facetted roc crystal separators and presented...
[more like this] - 39. HARD STONE DRESS CANE -CA. 1900
-A SIZEABLE MALACHI...39. Hard Stone Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -A sizeable malachite ball knob and its silver collar with two lions supporting a blank shield struck with a “J.M”...
-CA. 1870 -SILVE...36. Silver Gilt and Jeweled Dress Cane -Ca. 1870 -Silver gilt filigree handle consisting of a longer and straight cylindrical stem topped by a ball knob...
[more like this] - 30. PORCELAIN “SèVRES” DRESS CANE
-CA. 1900 -SUBSTANTIA...30. Porcelain “Sèvres” Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Substantial deep cobalt blue porcelain handle consisting of a larger ball knob and its longer cylindrical...
[more like this] - 20. PORCELAIN DRESS CANE -CA. 1900 -LONGER
PORCELAIN HA...20. Porcelain Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Longer porcelain handle fashioned in a cylindrical configuration and painted in pastel colors and finest micro detail with...
[more like this] - 14. ROCK CRYSTAL DRESS CANE -CA. 1900
-STRETCHING ROCK ...14. Rock Crystal Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Stretching rock crystal handle cut of natural pure stone in an elongated shape with a slightly widening upper part...
-CA 1900 -SLIGHT...13. Jeweled Gold and Enamel Dress Cane -Ca 1900 -Slightly tapering engine turned and translucent pale pink enameled silver knob embellished with two yellow...
[more like this] - 11. LAPIS LAZULI AND GOLD DRESS CANE
-CA. 1900 -LARGE L...11. Lapis Lazuli and Gold Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Large Lapis Lazuli handle fashioned of a select single stone in a well-proportioned Derby-like Baroque...
[more like this] - 8. SILVER PUTTI DRESS CANE -CA. 1870
-SUBSTANTIAL SILVE...8. Silver Putti Dress Cane -Ca. 1870 -Substantial silver knob fashioned in a well-proportioned, elongated shape and finely hand chased and engraved with...
DRESS CANE -CA....5. Evening Hard Stone and Tortoiseshell Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -Black onyx and faceted rock crystal ball handle presented on a longer stem consisting of five...
[more like this] - 1. SILVER GILT “CAZAL” DRESS CANE
-CA. 1890 -LONG AND T...1. Silver Gilt “Cazal” Dress Cane -Ca. 1890 -Long and tapering vermeil cane handle totally engine turned with various patterns and embellished...
[more like this] - MASCOT CITRINE GLASS DRESS CANECa. 1880-Flattened
mushroom shaped citrine glass knob with an entirely facetted surface and topped by a porthole-like, scooped and magnifying circle reflecting a radiating star cut at the bottom,...
[more like this] - MASCOT PAPERWEIGHT DRESS CANECa. 1900-Mushroom
shaped latticino and millefiori glass knob beautifully displaying a bundle of feather-like, blue and white twirling sprays culminating at the top under a tiny, pink Clichy...
[more like this]