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1920 GERMAN RELIGIOUS NATIVITY SCENE PAINTING Germany,1920 Modernized depiction of the Virgin Mary dressed in blue holding baby Jesus out towards one of...
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(4) CONTINENTAL DEVOTIONAL COLLAGE DIORAMAS18th/19th c., likely Italian and German, watercolor, textile, tinsel and other materials, various religious scenes including an elaborate Nativity, 3 with parish-Hadley tags,...
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CARL WORNER FOLK ART BOTTLE SALOON DIORAMACarl(Karl) Worner (Germany/United States, 19th/20th Century) folk art carved and assembled miniature wood and paper saloon bottle diorama titled "Find the 6 Man". Depicts a Cincinnati,...
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TWO SMALL GERMAN RELIGIOUS PAINTINGSREVERSE/GLASSTwo small German religious paintings, reverse painting on glass depicting the nativity and crucifixion. Framed, not examined out of frames. Largest sight size:...
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RARE ANASAZI MESA VERDE POTTERY DUCKSLIPPER VESSELNative American, North America, Southwestern United States, Colorado or New Mexico, Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi), Mesa Verde type, ca. 1050 to 1200 CE. A fine...
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NATIVE AMERICAN CHACO BLACK-ON-WHITEPOTTERY OLLANative American, Southwestern United States, Four Corners region, New Mexico, Chaco Canyon area, ca. 1050 to 1200 CE. A superb pottery olla boasting a simple yet...
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NATIVE AMERICAN MIDDLE WOODLAND STONEEFFIGY PIPENative America, Midwestern / Southern USA, Middle Woodland period, ca. 200 to 1000 CE. A fascinating pipe, hand-carved from greenish-gray stone to display a tubular...
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19TH C. NATIVE AMERICAN STONE FROG EFFIGYPLATFORM PIPE...Native American, Southeastern United States, Tennessee, likely Cherokee, ca. 19th to mid-20th century CE. A cute and fabulous effigy stone platform smoking...
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CABAN GROUP OF RELIGIOUS FOLK CARVINGS1875-1925, carved wood with polychrome paint, to include: The Three Kings on horseback (11 in.); two versions of San Rafael; a plinth mounted nativity scene with Mary, Joseph,...
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1920 GERMAN RELIGIOUS NATIVITY SCENEPAINTING Germany,1920 Modernized depiction of the Virgin Mary dressed in blue holding baby Jesus out towards one of the three Wise Men with his head bowed as Jesus blesses...
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