LOUIS XVI BRASS MAHOGANY BUREAU A CYLINDRE,18TH C Louis XVI brass-mounted mahogany bureau a cyllindre, or roll up desk, 18th century and possibly later, apparently unsigned, with rectangular fleur peche marble top...
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19TH C. FRENCH CHARLES X MAHOGANY SECRETAIREAnineteenth century French Charles X marble top mahogany secretaire. Having inlaid top drawer over fall front panel which opens to reveal fitted burl wood, ebonized and inlaid...
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FRENCH MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE ABATTANT,EMPIRE STYLEDiminutive French Empire secretaire abattant or bureau in the Empire style with figured mahogany veneers. Marble top with white and grey veining, heavy ogee molding...
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MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE, HAVING GREY MARBLETOP OVER ONE DR...Mahogany Secretaire, having grey marble top over one drawer over drop front desk over four drawers, set on claw feet with bronze female heads, height 56...
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FRENCH MARBLE TOP SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT,C. 1860 French, circa 1860. Bronze bound mahogany secretaire a abattant, or fall front desk in the directoire taste, having a white marble top, four drawers, fitted interior,...
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LOUIS XV STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE AABATTANT French, 20th century. Bronze ormolu mahogany parquetry inlaid secretaire a abattant or secretary desk in the Louis XV taste, having a marble top, four drawers, with...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench Louis XVI style mahogany secretaire a abattant, 19th c., a white marble top, surmounting the case with gilt metal accents, a single drawer over the fall front,...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SECRETAIREABATTANTFrench Louis XVI style marble-top mahogany secretary desk, early 20th c., having a molded marble top, over the case with inlaid stringwork and matched veneers, a single...
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FRENCH MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANY SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench Empire style marble-top mahogany fall-front desk, 19th c., single drawer over fall front, opening to inset leather writing surface, fitted interior gallery...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETAIREABATTANTFrench Louis XVI style mahogany secretaire a abattant, late 19th c., having marble top over frieze drawer, gilt metal trim, fall-front desk opening to interior fitted...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SECRETAIREABATTANTFrench Louis XVI style marble-top mahogany secretaire a abattant, 20th c., rectangular marble-top, over matched veneer case, fitted with frieze drawer, over marquetry...
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FRENCH MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANY SECRETAIREABATTANTFrench Louis Philippe period marble-top mahogany secretaire a abattant, mid 19th c., concealed frieze drawer, drop-front desk opening to inset felt writing surface,...
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FRENCH EMPIRE STYLE MARBLE-TOP SECRETAIREABBATANTFrench Empire style marble-top mahogany secretaire a abbatant, mid 19th c., rectangular marble top over single frieze drawer, drop-front door, opening to interior...
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19TH C. MARBLE TOP MAHOGANY SECRETAIREA ABATTANT Continental, 19th century. Louis Philippe flame mahogany secretaire a abattant or desk, having a grey marble top, concealed frieze drawer, fitted satinwood interior,...
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FRENCH LOUIS PHILIPPE PERIOD SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench Louis Philippe period marble-top mahogany fall front desk, mid 19th c., having rounded rectangular marble top, over ogee frieze drawer, fall front desk opening...
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19TH C. LOUIS XVI-STYLE MAHOGANY BUREAUA CYLINDRE French, 19th century. Brass-mounted plum mahogany (Acajou Mouchete) veneered bureau a cylindre or cylinder roll top desk, having a pierced three-quarter gallery...
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LOUIS PHILIPPE MARBLE-TOP SECRETAIRECOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period marble-top mahogany secretaire commode, mid 19th c., shaped marble top, over drop-front ogee drawer with inset leather writing surface,...
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FRENCH MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANY SECRETAIRECOMMODEFrench Louis Philippe period marble-top mahogany secretaire commode, mid 19th c., inset marble top, over drop-front ogee drawer with felt writing surface, interior...
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LOUIS PHILIPPE MARBLE-TOP SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench Louis Philippe period marble-top mahogany fall front desk, mid 19th c., having upper and lower drawers appearing as trim, a center fall front opening to the...
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(2) ART NOUVEAU MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANYNIGHTSTANDS(pair) Art Nouveau mahogany bedside cabinets, early 20th c., backsplash with shaped and beveled mirror plate, over a marble top, single drawer over open shelf,...
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ART NOUVEAU MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANY DESKTABLEArt Nouveau mahogany desk/ dressing table, early 20th c., rectangular marble top, arched center kneehole, flanked by four drawers, two cabinet doors with stylized floral...
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE SECRETAIRE A ABATTANTFrenchLouis XV style marble-top mahogany fall-front desk, 20th c., having shaped marble top, matched veneer case fitted with frieze drawer, fall-front door opening to sectioned...
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FRENCH MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANY SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench Louis XV/ XVI transitional style marble-top mahogany fall-front desk, late 19th c., breakfront case with parquetry banding, fitted with a single drawer, over...
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FRENCH EMPIRE STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench Empire style marble-top mahogany fall front desk, late 19th c., projecting frieze drawer, fall front panel, interior gallery with small drawers, inset writing...
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FRENCH MARBLE-TOP MAHOGANY SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench marble-top mahogany fall front desk, late 19th c., ogee frieze drawer, over fall front panel, opening to fitted interior gallery, inset leather writing surface,...
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FRENCH EMPIRE STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench Empire style marble-top fall front desk, late 19th c., flame mahogany case with figural gilt metal accents, single frieze drawer over fall front, opening...
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FRENCH EMPIRE STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench Empire style flame mahogany fall-front desk, late 19th c., having marble top, frieze drawer, over fall-front panel, opening to gilt-embossed leather writing...
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FRENCH EMPIRE MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE AABATTANTFrench Empire style marble-top mahogany fall front desk, approx 54.5"h, 37"w, 17.5"d...
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LOUIS XVI BRASS MOUNTED MAHOGANY SECRETAIREA ABATTANT, LATE 18TH CENTURY 56 1/2 X 35 3/4 X 15 1/2 IN. (143.5 X 90.8 X 39.4 CM.) A ABATTANT, LATE 18TH CENTURY, the eared rectangular mottled white marble top above a...
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EMPIRE MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT,CIRCA 1810 54 1/2 X 37 1/2 X 20 IN. (138.43 X 95.25 X 50.80 CM.) CIRCA 1810, the rectangular veined white marble top above a frieze drawer over a secretary door flanked by...
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EMPIRE MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE à ABATTANTEmpireBronze-Mounted Figuraed Mahogany Secretaire a Abattant, early 19th c., black marble top, frieze drawer, fall-front door opens to fitted interior, columnar supports, lower...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE TOP SECRETAIREA ABATTANT French mahogany secretaire a abattant fall front desk in the Louis XVI taste, first half 20th century, having a marble top, fitted interior, and rising on tapering...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE TOP SECRETAIREA ABATTANT French mahogany secretaire a abattant fall front desk in the Louis XVI taste, first half 20th century, having a marble top, fitted interior, and rising on tapering...
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LOUIS XVI STYLE MARBLE-TOP SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench Louis XVI style fall-front desk, early 20th c., shaped marble top, mahogany case fitted with a frieze drawer, fall-front panel, interior gallery with drawers,...
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FRENCH EMPIRE STYLE MAHOGANY SECRETAIREA ABATTANTFrench Empire style marble-top mahogany fall-front desk, 19th c., projecting frieze drawer, with gilt metal crossed sword pulls, turned column supports flanking...
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Chinese Mahogany Desk Chinese. A mahoganydesk in three parts the top inset with marble and fitted with three drawers each with brass pulls resting on two bases each with two drawers with conforming pulls squared...
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