ENGLISH CARVED CHEST POSSIBLY 17TH CENTURYHEIGHT 29”. WIDTH 51”. DEPTH 20”.ENGLISH CARVED CHEST, Possibly 17th Century, In oak under an old dark brown finish. Three-board lift top. Front with two carved and...
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Relief Carved Oak Panel With a Maskof Jesus Within a Wreath, 16th century possibly English, with stylized oak leaf spandrels...
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OAK 19TH CENTURY WELSH CUPBOARD19thCentury British oak welsh dresser, the top section has two open shelves with plate grooves, scalloped frieze and end supports over a base with two drawers over two carved...
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ANTIQUE ENGLISH OAK ROCOCO REVIVAL HALLBENCH, 19TH CEN...Antique English Oak Rococo Revival Hall Bench, 19 th century , ornately carved with scrolling acanthus leaf crest with a central medallion backing flanked...
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BRITISH CARVED OAK PANEL19th century,rectangular form, carved ribbon tied basket decoration, scrolling foliage, 23 x 19 in.
Provenance: Private Collection, Highlands, North Carolina
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TWO BRITISH CARVED BIBLE BOXES18th centuryoak example with carved front panel, design of swirling geometric pattern, open interior with till, iron and brass latch and lock, snipe hinges, 7-5/8 x 22 x 12-1/2 in.; with...
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GROUP OF FOUR BRITISH/CONTINENTAL ARCHITECTURALELEMENT...each of wood construction, comprising: 16th century, pair of French carved walnut chest buttresses, each with varying architectural carving to the columnar section,...
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GROUP OF EIGHT VERY EARLY BRITISH/CONTINENTALARCHITECT...wall accents, panels, and fragments, including: 14th century, a very rare section of English carved oak and blue painted rood screen, with pierced ovoid apertures,...
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EARLY BRITISH CARVED OAK SIDE TABLECommonwealthera, mid 17th century, oak and elm with single side hung drawer with relief carved facing, on turned legs with stretchers, rich mellow brown color, 29 x 33-1/2 x 21 in.
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RARE EARLY BRITISH CARVED OAK OPEN ARMCHAIR17thcentury, probably Charles II, framed and paneled back with carved crest over relief carved coat of arms with goat's head and scalloped shells, carved arm supports in the Gothic...
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AN ENGLISH WILLIAM AND MARY CARVED OAKBLANKET CHEST Late 17th century, two board top with molded edge, snipe hinges, interior with chip carved lidded till, triple panel front with incised carving, iron clasp and...
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AN ENGLISH WILLIAM AND MARY CARVED OAKBLANKET CHEST Late 17th century, quadruple paneled top with molded edge, open interior, the front panels with relief floral and geometric carving, paneled sides, raised on...
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ENGLISH CARVED OAK BENCH19th century;unmarked; 53 inches wide; 11 inches deep; 21 inches high Condition:...
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PAIR OF ENGLISH CARVED CORBELS. Possibly17th century, oak. Architectural brackets of king and queen with fruit and foliate decoration. 16"h. 3.5"w....
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SMALL CARVED OAK LIFT-TOP COFFERSMALLCARVED OAK LIFT-TOP COFFER, Restoration Period, English, 17th century, 14.25"H x 29.25"W x 15.75"D....
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A set of five late 17th Century styleEnglish ebonised oak and cane high-backed chairs (one carver and four singles), the moulded rounded arched cresting rails over tapered columns, the seats supported upon scrolling...
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An English Carved Oak and Elm Panel-BackArmchair
17th Century
Height 44 1/4 inches.
Property from the Estate of Paul Thomas Griffith, Dayton, Ohio...
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A Pilgrim Century Carved Oak DocumentBox
Likely English, Circa 1680
Height 6 x length 26 x width 17 1/2 inches.
Property from the Estate of Paul Thomas Griffith, Dayton, Ohio...
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ENGLISH JACOBEAN CARVED OAK COURT CUPBOARDLate 17th century, two part form, oak secondary, the upper case featuring a relief carved frieze with fleur-de-lis above a recessed cabinet featuring two hinged doors all...
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Two English Carved Oak Figural Terms,16th/early 17th centuries each now framed each term height 25 in — 63.5 cm; each frame 31.25 x 10.25 in — 79.4 x 26 cm...
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English carved oak lift top chest, wroughtiron hinges, front with carved floral and scroll decoration, paneled back and sides, British, possibly 17th century, 28-1/4 x 60 x 21 in. Refinished, top and bottom boards...
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Pair Cromwellian carved oak chairs:each with carved crest rail and turned spindle back, plank seat, turned legs and front stretcher, mellow dark, color, British, 17th century, 40-1/2 x 19 x 16 in. Patches and...
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Early English carved oak chest, carvedand paneled front with inlaid diamonds, paneled sides, back and top, British, probably 17th century, 24-1/2 x 45-1/4 x 18 in. Hinges replaced, large patch at lock, one rear...
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17th century carved oak bible box, hingedtop with open interior with candle till, carved front and sides, initials "G(?)W" and "1674", British, 11 x 22-1/2 x 14 in. Lid, feet and bottom boards...
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English carved oak document box 17thcentury The hinged rectangular top opening to a void interior, the front and side panels carved with flowering vines. H: 9 1/4, L: 23, D: 14 in. PROVENANCE: ...
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English Carved Oak Bible Box-on-Stand,17th century and later, the rectangular box with a void interior, the front with stylized foliate carving, raised on a slightly later stand fitted with a single drawer over...
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Two early English carved oak armchairs17th century and later Each with a blind fretwork carved backrest decorated with strapwork and foliate vines above a drop-in seat raised on baluster joined stretchers....
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Early British carved oak chest, double-paneledhinged top, carved and paneled front with paneled sides and back, 17th century, 21-1/4 x 42 x 18 in. Pest damage and loss to top, notch in front of top from previous lock,...
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Jacobean Joint Stool17th century Englishoak baluster turned and fluted legs molded ''H'' stretchers carved aprons arched relief carved panels hinged top with wrought iron strap hinge.24 x 18 x 10 in.Splits and wood...
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English carved oak lift-top chest, four-panelfront with carved strapwork decoration, double paneled sides and three-panel back, probably original oak top with iron butterfly hinges, British, late 17th century, 30-1/4...
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English carved oak chest 17th centuryThe rectangular top over a front panel carved with stylized flowerheads and applied with iron lockplate. H: 16 L: 41 in. PROVENANCE: Property of a Philadelphia...
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17th century carved oak great chair,oak throughout, frame-and-panel construction, shaped arms, turned front legs, one panel with carved initials "WL", mellow old color, probably British, 45 x 24-1/2...
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English Recumbent Folk Art Lion19thcentury carved oak with glass bead eyes drilled vertically for attachment probably an element from a larger piece possibly the arm rest from a pew or chair.3.25 x 3.5 x 10...
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17th century style miniature chest,carved oak with pine secondary, top with iron strap hinges and open interior, top set with two battens, paneled back, sides and front, front with carved decoration, British,...
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Baroque carved oak refectory table,oak throughout with carved skirt and legs with box stretcher, Continental or British, probably 17th century in part, 33-1/2 x 90 x 36-1/4 in. Possibly period skirt and upper...
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