FOLK ART SGRAFFITO RUNNING STAG DESIGNLOAF DISHby Mary Spellmire Shooner ca. 2012; slab form molded oval serving dish with tan slip ground incised with running stag and floral designs, rim has coggle wheel worked...
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2 PIECES OF FOLK ART SGRAFFITO DECORATEDREDWAREby Wisconsin Pottery ca. 1996 & 2006; 1996 slab form molded rectangular loaf dish with green wash slip ground incised with faux date 1810 and eagle and floral design...
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2 PIECES OF FOLK ART REDWARE BY BREININGERPotteryca. 1971 & 1982; form pour molded loaf dish with three-line flowing slip flowing water and corn rows design decoration with flowing brown and green glaze accents, dated 1971...
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2 FOLK ART REDWARE PIECES BY SEAGRAVESPOTTERYca. mid-late 20th century; crafted by James C. Seagraves or wife, Verna Seagraves: one signed "JCS" slab form molded loaf dish with applied tulip emblem prints on ends,...
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FOLK ART SLIPWARE LOAF DISH BY LESTERBREININGERca. 1986; slab form molded redware oval loaf dish with flowing yellow slip "bird on stem" design, coggle wheel rim and clear glaze, 17 1/2"x 12"x 2"; Condition:...
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FOLK ART SLIPWARE LOAF DISH BY LESTERBREININGERca. 1971 dated; slab form molded loaf dish with chain link yellow slip decoration of intercrossing lines and mottled manganese decoration, 13"x 7 3/4"x 1 3/4"; Condition:...
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FOLK ART SGRAFFITO DECORATED REDWARELOAF DISH BYca. 2009; slab form mold oval serving dish with green slip ground and fine incised birds and blooming heart motif with large tulip design, faux dated 1821 with...
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FOLK ART SLIPWARE LOAF DISH BY BETTYLOU, TURTLECRca. undated, contemporary; slab form molded rectangular shaped loaf dish with three line flowing yellow slip decoration of rippling water design, 17 1/4"x 10"x...
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FOLK ART SLIPWARE DECORATED LOAF DISHBY GREG SHOOca. 1998; slab form molded loaf dish with coggle wheel rim and flowing waters pattern yellow slip design with three and four line slip decoration, 18 3/4"x 12...
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3 PIECES OF FOLK ART REDWARE BY GREGSHOONERca. 2000-2001; small oval loaf dish with three-color flowing slip running stag design, 6"x 4 3/4"x 1 1/4"; small round sgraffito rooster motif plate with brown and...
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2 FOLK ART SLIP DECORATED LOAF DISHESBY TURTLE CRca. 2008 & undated contemporary; both slab form molded oval shaped serving dishes: 2008 "Betty Lou" large loaf dish with coggle wheel rim and three color slip...
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FOLK ART SLIP DECORATED REDWARE LOAFDISH BY BETTYca. 2011; slab form molded oval leaf dish with coggled and fully decorated with three color brown, cream and green peafowl and tulip stem design, 16 1/4"x 13...
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LARGE FOLK ART SGRAFFITO DECORATED LOAFDISH BY GRca. 2010; slab form molded rectangular serving loaf dish with dark yellow slip ground and incised double tulip and floral frond decoration, extensive incised and...
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3 EARLY PIECES OF BREININGER FOLK ARTREDWAREca. all 1974; molded redware: small rectangular sgraffito decorated dish with incised eleven flower design that has fine incised flowing stems, brown manganese accents...
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FOLK ART THREE-COLOR SLIP DECORATEDLOAF DISH BY Lca. 1974 dated; cast molded redware deep trencher bowl with rectangular shape, seven large floral pattern slip designs on trailing slip stems, each flower center...
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