2 PA REDWARE ITEMS CA. 1885; SHORT HANDLEDCROCKwith rounded banded rim, rounded foot flange, strap handle and dark brown lead glaze, 5"d, 3 3/4"h, Condition: slight wear to edges; beaker/custard mold with slightly...
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3 SMALL PA REDWARE ITEMS CA. 1865-1890;ROUNDinkwell with canted rim, everted neck and brown lead glaze, 1 1/2"d, 1 1/4"h, Condition: 1/2" foot chip; 14 ribbed, round scalloped rim food mold with curved sides and...
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PA FISH PATTERN FOOD MOLDca. 1880; welldetailed PA fish pattern food mold, all over yellowish-brown lead glaze with a slight manganese application on the rim, notched rim, four finger pressed feet, a more sophisticated...
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PA REDWARE JELLY JAR BY CHRISTIAN LINKca.1880; PA redware slightly bulbous jelly jar with slightly canted rim, impressed on base "C. Link" (Christian Link, Stonetown, Berks Co., PA) and all over dark brown manganese...
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PA REDWARE DOME BANKca. 1880; PA redwaresquat slightly bulbous domed bank with a conical finial, 1" coin slot cut into the top of the dome, tooled flared foot flange and manganese lead glaze, 3"d, 3 1/4"h; Condition:...
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SIGNED & DATED SMALL PA REDWARE POTca.April 9, 1869 dated; small PA redware slightly bulbous pot, rolled rim, faintly impressed shoulder ring, reddish brown lead interior glaze, signed and dated on base "Tempest/...
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PA REDWARE JAR BY JOHN BELLca. 1875;PA redware slightly bulbous jar, tan brown lead glaze with slight olive tones and some fine iron spots, tooled rounded rim with everted neck and slightly raised neck ring,...
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PAIR OF PA REDWARE JELLY JARSca. 1885;pair of small redware PA jelly jars, slightly bulbous, rounded rims, tooled feet, dark brown lead glaze, southeastern PA origin, 3 3/4"d, 3 3/4"h; Condition: 5/8" rim flake...
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PA SLIPWARE PLATEca. 1850; PA drapedslipware plate, cream colored slip applied by a three quill cup on a reddish brown lead glaze, central bacon band design bracketed by a pair of corn plant motifs, coggled...
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ONE YELLOWWARE & TWO REDWARE FOOD MOLDSca.1880; yellowware oval recumbent rabbit mold, 4 1/4"x 6"x 9", Condition: 1 1/8" rim bruise, 5/8" interior stress mark; PA redware turkshead hollow bowl shaped mold with 15...
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IMPORTANT PINTAIL DRAKEAndrew A. Tull(1840-1915)
Philadelphia, PA, c. 1856
17 1/2 in. long
An exceptional Delaware River pintail drake, this example is a regional archetype quite distinct in form from other...
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JOHN MURPHY EASTON CHIPPENDALE TALLCASE CLOCKJohn Murphy Easton, Pa. Chippendale Walnut and Burl Walnut Tall Case Clock. Broken arch pediment with turned finials, six pointed floral rosettes, canted corner...
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THREE PENNSYLVANIA COLONIAL NOTES 163-165-166October 1775, a slightly tougher date: PA-164 18 Pence SN 20762 with three strong signatures of Abraham Usher, John Field and Charles Meredith, pinholes otherwise no damage;...
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PRESENTATION PA REDWARE PITCHER BY THOMASSTAHLca. 1938 dated; PA redware slightly bulbous pitcher with rounded rim, pinched spout, raised collar ring, tooled foot flange, molded strap handle, brown lead glaze with...
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PA REDWARE FISH SHAPED FOOD MOLDca.1875; PA redware fish shaped food mold attributed to Willoughby Smith, Womelsdorf, Berks Co., PA with interior yellowish-brown lead glaze with a slight touch of manganese...
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PA REDWARE BALUSTER FORM JAR & 2 LIDSca.1920 & 1875; PA redware baluster shaped jar, rounded rim, everted neck, tooled rounded foot, coggled bands on rim, neck and belly, manganese splashes on reddish-brown lead...
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SIGNED WILLOUGHBY SMITH REDWARE FISHSHAPED FOOD Mca. 1875; signed PA redware fish shaped food mold, impressed "Willoughby Smith/ Womelsdorf" (Berks Co., PA), interior yellowish brown lead glaze with manganese...
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PA REDWARE CREAMER BY THOMAS STAHLca.1937; PA redware slightly bulbous creamer, rounded rim, small pinched spout, raised neck ring, pair of incised shoulder rings, tooled foot flange, olive brown lead glaze with...
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SCARCE PA REDWARE CROCK BY DANIEL BAKERca.1870; scarce PA redware slightly bulbous crock, flattened tooled indented rim with projecting bottom edge, impressed "D.M. Baker Pottery/ Waynesboro, PA", dark reddish brown...
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2 PA REDWARE CROCKSca. 1875; slightlybulbous jelly jar with rolled rim, tooled foot flange, reddish brown lead glaze, Southeastern PA origin, 4 3/4"d, 5"h, Condition: glaze losses on rim and belly; baluster form...
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PA MANGANESE DECORATED REDWARE BOWLca.1880; PA slightly flared cylindrical redware bowl with rolled rim, faintly impressed shoulder ring, tooled foot flange, brushed vertical manganese stripes on reddish/brown...
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2 PA REDWARE CROCKSca. 1875-1885; handledslightly bulbous apple butter crock, all over medium brown lead glaze, thick rounded rim, everted neck, incised shoulder ring, rounded strap handle, 7 1/4"d, 8 1/4"h, Condition:...
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3 SMALL PA REDWARE VESSELSca. 1880-1920;slightly bulbous creamer with manganese sponging on yellowish-brown lead glaze, rounded rim, subtle impressed shoulder ring, tooled foot and rounded strap handle, 2 1/2"d,...
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2 PA REDWARE JELLY JARSca. 1880; slightlybulbous jar with rolled rim, everted neck, tooled rounded foot, iron speckled medium brown lead glaze, 4 1/4"d, 3 1/2"h, Condition: worn rim with glaze losses and also interior...
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PA REDWARE MUGca. 1890; PA redware cylindricalmug, incised rim ring, applied rounded strap handle, tooled rounded foot flange, faint manganese sponging on a tan/brown lead glaze, southeastern PA origin, 4 1/4"d, 4 1/4"h;...
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PA SQUAT OVOID REDWARE JUGca. 1850;PA ovoid redware jug, squat shape with orangey lead glaze, slightly flattened rounded rim, strap handle with pair of grooved ribs, tooled foot, southeastern PA origin, 7"d,...
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2 PA REDWARE CROCKSca. 1885; slightlybulbous handled apple butter crock, interior dark brown lead glaze, rounded rim, slightly everted neck, tooled neck rings, plain strap handle, 4 3/4"d, 4 3/4"h, Condition:...
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Morris Blackman, American, 1930-2022,Abstract Triptych, acrylic and wood knobs on masonite, signed "MLB '93-94", artists estate stamp on back, each 49-1/4" x 33-1/2", very good condition. Morris Blackman is...
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Morris Blackman, American, 1930-2022,Geometric Abstract Painting, oil on board, unsigned, artist's estate stamp on back, 40" x 60", framed 42-1/4" x 62-1/4", fair condition, moisture damage at bottom, slight...
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Morris Blackman, American, 1930-2022,Geometric Abstract Painting, oil on board, unsigned, artist's estate stamp on back, 40" x 60", framed 42-1/4" x 62-1/4", fair condition, moisture damage at bottom, slight...
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Morris Blackman, American, 1930-2022,Geometric Abstract Painting, oil on board, unsigned, artist's estate stamp on back, 40" x 60", framed 42-1/4" x 62-1/4", fair condition, moisture damage at bottom, slight...
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PA REDWARE COVERED SUGAR BOWLca. 1870;small PA manganese sponged redware covered sugar bowl, slight conical lid with button knob and interior flange, curve sided bowl, flattened rolled rim, applied crescent lugs...
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2 PA REDWARE JELLY JARSca. 1880; PAredware slightly bulbous jelly jars: one with rolled rim, faint incised collar ring and tooled foot, brown lead glaze, 4"d, 4"h, Condition: slight glaze losses on rim; other...
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PA REDWARE BANKca. late 19th century;PA redware bulbous bank, six graduated ringed conical top resting on a tooled shoulder ring, 1 5/8" horizontal coin slot, tooled slightly rounded foot, faint penciled base...
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17 vols. Pennsylvania and Related Genealogy:Alexander, John E. A Record of The Descendants of John Alexander. Philadelphia: A. Martien, 1878. 8vo, orig. cloth; light wear. Inscribed by author on endpaper. * Ambler,...
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14 vols. Pennsylvania & Related Genealogy:Maris, George L. and Anne M. The Maris Family in The United States. West Chester, Pa.: (F.S. Hickman), 1885. 4to, orig. cloth, new endpapers; some wear to covers and spine....
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