2 RINGO TN COIN SILVER SPOONSTwo Tennesseecoin silver spoons by Elijah M. Ringo (working Fayetteville, Lincoln County, 1824-1850, ref. "Tennessee Silversmiths" by Benjamin H. Caldwell Jr., page 146). 1st item: one...
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EARLY KNOX CO., TN DOCUMENT ARCHIVERELATING TO TN MILI...Grouping of early Knox County, Tennessee documents relating to the Militia, and Revolutionary War soldier signed deeds from Knox County, Governor Willie...
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FARMERS AND TRADERS GUIDE, PUMPKINTOWN,TN, 1839"The Farmers and Traders Guide, The Wholesale of Retail Value of Any Commodity from One Quarter of a Cent to Fifteen Dollars, with a variety of useful tables". By...
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3 VINTAGE GREAT SMOKY MTNS. PHOTOS,JIM THOMPSON1st image: Gelatin silver print of Great Smoky Mountain Park by Jim Thompson, Knoxville, TN (1881-1976). Numbered and signed lower right. Image: 7-1/2" H x 9-1/4"...
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EARLY MIDDLE TN OVOID JAR & OTHER, 2TOTALGrouping of 2 Middle TN jars including an early ovoid form. 1st item - Middle Tennessee stoneware ovoid jar with flattened rim edge, green/brown transition color. 11"...
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2 EAST TN M.P. HARMON STONEWARE JARS,1 UPSIDE DOWNTwo East Tennessee M. P. Harmon stoneware pottery jars, one with upside down coggle band. 1st item - Stoneware jar with upside down impressed "M P Harmon, Mohawk"...
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EAST TN POLICE TINTYPE AND CABINET CARDSGroupof 2 large cabinet card photos and 1 tintype image relating to Bristol, Tennessee police officer Charles Porch (served late 19th/early 20th century). One cabinet card depicts...
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RINGO TN COIN SILVER PUNCH LADLETennesseecoin silver soup or punch ladle with round bowl and fiddle handle, monogrammed Dunn and marked EMR in serrated rectangle on reverse (attrib. Elisha Ringo, born Kentucky, working...
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5 APPALACHIAN SPLIT OAK BASKETSGroupof Five (5) East TN/Appalachian/Cherokee Baskets. 1st-2nd items: Two East TN/Appalachian ribbed split oak buttocks baskets with nailed construction. 10 1/2" H x 14" W and...
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CIVIL WAR ARCHIVE OF JACOB K. LONAS,KNOXVILLECivil War Archive of Jacob Kimberlin Lonas (earlier spelling Lones), Sergeant/Captain, 4th TN Infantry which later became the 1st TN Cavalry. He was born on July...
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3 MIDDLE TN POTTERY ITEMS1st item: MiddleTN stoneware honey jar with strap handle, mottled tan to brown transition glaze and incised line around the shoulder. 11" H. Late 19th/Early 20th century. 5.8 lbs. 2nd item:...
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TN EPHEMERA AND PRINTS, 30 PCSAssortedTN Prints and Ephemera, 30 items total. 1st item: "Fourth Annual Report of the Public Schools of the City of Nashville, Tennessee" imprint, published by Smith, Camp, and Company,...
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TN IRON INDUSTRY POTTERS LEDGER ANDOTHER TN EPHEMERALedger related to an early Greene County Tennessee furnace and pottery, 1820s, plus a doctor's ledger and various ephemera. 1st item: "Potters Book for the...
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W. TN DEMILUNE TABLE AND STAND1st item:West TN stained walnut demilune banquet table end, with turned and spiral legs, 28 3/4" H x 48" W x 20 1/2" D. TN, early-mid 19th century. 2nd item: Southern walnut oval stand...
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LARGE 1910 TN APPALACHIAN EXPO. STILLLIFE BY MAYME FRE...Monumentally large East Tennessee still life oil on canvas titled, "1815" by Mayme A. Freeman (Knoxville, TN, b. 1884). This work was exhibited in the...
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MIDDLE TN POTTERY JAR, POSS. HEDGECOUGHLargeMiddle TN stoneware pottery jar with applied heart, diamond, flower and swag decoration, double strap handles, and ruffled rim. Attributed to the Hedgecough Pottery (Putnam...
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AMBROTYPE OF ARMED TN CSA SOLDIER, POSS.MAURY ARTILLER...Civil War-era ambrotype, sixth plate, depicting a seated Confederate soldier in uniform, holding a revolver in one hand and a bowie knife in the other. The...
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CIVIL WAR ARCHIVE, INCL. GEN. BATE ONDEATH OF POLK, CA...Confederate Civil War archive of twenty-two (22) items, pertaining to the Fulton brothers of Fayetteville, Tennessee, specifically Colonel John S. Fulton,...
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TN LUNSFORD BRAMLETT ARCHIVE, INCL.POLK WHITE HOUSE IN...Archive of six (6) documents pertaining to Lunsford Meredith Bramlett, Esq. (1785-1858), Tennessee judge, planter and politician, 8 items total. 1st-2nd...
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TN ARCHIVAL LOT, INCL. 4 BOOKS, 1 CDVALBUM, 2 ALSArchive of eight (8) items, most related to the Taylor Family of Tennessee, including four (4) Knoxville and Nashville imprints, one (1) carte-de-visite (CDV)...
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GREG RIDLEY, CIVIL RIGHTS ERA COPPEREAGLE PANELSGregory D. Ridley (American/Tennessee, 1925-2004) Federal Eagles, 1969, two repousse copper panels depicting near-mirror images based on the United States Eagle...
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23 PCS. ASSORTED COIN SILVER FLATWARE,INCL. TN, KY, VA...Twenty-three (23) pieces of coin silver flatware, primarily Tennessee makers. 1st-2nd items: One (1) fiddlehead teaspoon and one (1) fiddle tipt table/serving...
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6 JACKSON, TN COIN SILVER SPOONS, BYEVERMAN & STROCKSix (6) rare West Tennessee coin silver tablespoons stamped EVERMAN & STROCK / JACKSON TENN, incuse, for the previously unknown partnership of L.B. Everman...
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11 PCS. NASHVILLE, TN RELATED COIN SILVER,INCL. LADLES...Group of Nashville, Tennessee related coin silver flatware including 1 Campbell & Donigan Gravy Ladle, 1 John Campbell condiment ladle, 2 Thomas McCowat teaspoons,...
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EAST TN 14K GOLD PRIZE MEDAL, KING &CARTER FAMILIESTennessee prize medal, 14K (xrf tested), cross shaped with engraved inscription KINGS PRIZE MEDAL / JOHN G. KING TO D.W. CARTER, JR. DEC. 21, 1869. Engraved...
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11 ENGRAVED SCENIC VIEWS AND MAPS INC.UVA, GA FEMALE C...Group of eleven (11) antique prints and lithographic maps. Includes University of Virginia, Charlottesville by W. Goodacre, published London, 1831 by I.T....
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TN CIVIL WAR RELATED AUTOGRAPHS, EPHEMERA,11 ITEMSGroup of Tennessee Civil War related items including autographs of Generals T.B. Smith, CSA; Union Gen. Emery Upton; Col. James E. Bailey, Lt. R.C. Bone, and more....
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FORT FAMILY OF NC/TN ARCHIVE, 19 ITEMSINCLUDING SLAVE ...Archive of documents and letters related to the Fort Family of Tennessee, primarily Elias Fort (1730-1819) of Edgecombe, NC who came west on a Revolutionary...
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GROUP OF MIDDLE TN EPHEMERA INC. SLAVESALE, 1852 ALAMA...1st item: Slave receipt, recording $425 received from Daniel Montgomery for "Polly aged about 16 and George aged about 12 years," sold by John Fitzhugh,...
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10 PCS 19TH C. TN EPHEMERA, INCL. GOVERNORSIGNED1st item: 1806 letter sent from William Dunlop, Hackettstown, New Jersey to James V. Anderson, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania inquiring about the worth of goods including...
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GREG RIDLEY MIXED MEDIA PLAQUE, CHRISTGregoryD. Ridley (American/Tennessee, 1925-2004), "Christ," mixed media oval plaque with inset copper panel depicting the face of Christ, surrounded by thick applications of silver...
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(VIEW) NC, SC AND TN: 78 POSTCARDS FRISTQUARTER TO THIRD QUARTER, 20TH CENTURY(VIEW) NC, SC AND TN: 78 POSTCARDS, Frist Quarter to Third Quarter, 20th Century, Real photo: picking cotton (NC), Bayson City street...
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CIVIL WAR ERA, MORNING REPORTS AND REMARKSCivilWar era, morning reports and remarks of Companies A and B, 41st Regiment Ohio Volunteers, September 1861 to August 1863, entries include many marches through Tennessee, boarding...
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IDA RITTENBERG KOHLMEYER (AMERICAN/LOUISIANA)IdaRittenberg Kohlmeyer (American/Louisiana, 1912-1997), "Ships at Sea", 1956, oil on canvas, signed and dated lower right, signed and titled en verso, 15 in. x 33 in., framed,...
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Early 20th Century Generals Group ofAutographs Including James Harbord & Malin Craig Lot of 6 including: Malin Craig (2) Brigadier General Army Cuba Boxer Rebellion World War I and II ALS 1905 and TLS 1921;...
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Early 20th Century Generals Group ofAutographs Including Malin Craig Lot of 5 including: Malin Craig ALS 1922; Frederick Funston TLS 1907; Leonard Wood MOH TLS 1925; R.L. Bullard TLS 1920; and Hugh L. Scott...
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