SIX BOOKS, INCLUDING POEMS ON SEVERALOCCASIONS...Six books, including Poems on Several Occasions by Matthew Prior, London: J. Tonson and J. Barber, 1721; Letters Written by the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer...
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SELECTION OF BOOKS OF GENERAL INTERESTComprising nine titles, primarily literary, including J. Bradshaw, ed.; THE LETTERS OF PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, EARL OF CHESTERFIELD (NY: Scribner's, 1892) 3 vols., 8vo, cloth....
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2 SETS LEATHER BOOKS: BURNS & CHESTERFIELD2sets leather bound books: 12 volumes Complete Works of Robert Burns, Ayshire limited edition #8/50, Published by Gebbie Phila. 1896, few loose bindings; and 3 volumes Lord...
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98 LEATHERBOUND BOOKS, HISTORY, LITERATURE,PHILOSOPHY98 volumes total, including: 40 bound volumes of The Edinburgh Review , Edinburgh/London: D. Willison... T.N. Longman & O. Rees, 1803-1829, bound in three quarter...
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(10) VOL. 19TH C. LEATHER BINDINGS Includes:1) Poetical Works of Lord Byron. John Murray, 1873, illustrated; 2) Works of Robert Burns. Blackie & Son, 1868, illustrated, vol. II; 3) Works of Laurence Sterne. William....
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History, a large collection of books,mostly cloth bound, to include multiple vols on Admiral Nelson, Trevelyan, Illustrated English History, 4 vols., 1950; Bradshaw, Lord Chesterfield's Letters, 3 vols., 1913...
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Seward (William) Anecdotes of DistinguishedPersons, chiefly of the last two preceding Centuries, 4 vols., Cadell 1804, Cradock (J) Litany on Miscellaneous Memoirs, Nichols 1828, Hayley (W) The Life and Letters of William...
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Chesterfield, P.D.S., Earl of. Letters.Twelfth Edition, 4 vols., 1800. Engraved portrait - Hunter, T. Reflections…on the Letters…Chesterfield, 1776, 2 copies, and 3 others relating to the same. 8vo and 12mo.,...
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GROUP, 3 BOOKS W/ VARIOUS AUTHORSEditionDes Amateurs: Days of the Dandies- Beau Nash, Days of the Dandies (Vol. 2), and Beaur & Belles of England- Lord Chesterfield. Limited to 100 copies in England and America...
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2 vols. (Henry Laurens.) Chesterfield,Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of. Letters Written by The Late Right Honourable... to His Son Philip Stanhope, Esq. London: J. Dodsley, 1774. First edition. 4to, contemp....
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