3PC MIDDLE EASTERN THROW RUGS MiddleEast,20th CenturyIncludes two tan, red, blue, and navy blue geometric pattern over red field rugs with geometric boarders; and a runner of the same colors with botanical pattern...
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN TRIBAL RUGS MiddlEast,20th CenturyIncludes on orange, navy blue, and tan geometric patterned rug, and a brown, navy blue, and red geometric patterned prayer rug....
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MIDDLE EASTERN GEOMETRIC RUNNER MiddleEast,20th CenturyGreen, navy blue, orange, ivory, and red geometric patterns over red field surrounded by geometric floral borders....
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN BOTANICAL RUGS MiddleEast,20th CenturyIncludes two rugs with blue, red, and yellow botanical patterns over red field surrounded by floral borders....
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN RED RUGS Middle East,20thCenturyIncludes two rugs with ivory, navy blue, blue, and red central medallion over red botanical field surrounded by floral borders....
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3PC MIDDLE EASTERN BAG FACE RUGS & TENTBAND Middle East,20th CenturyIncludes a bag face with green, blue, pink, and ivory geometric patterns over navy blue field surrounded by geometric borders, one bag face with...
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN & CHINESE RUGS MiddleEast, China,20th CenturyIncludes a red and brown geometric patterned rug with tan field surrounded by geometric borders, and a Chinese rug with blue pictorial animal medallion...
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3PC MIDDLE EASTERN BAG FACE RUGS MiddleEast,20th CenturyIncludes one with red, navy blue, green and ivory, geometric patterns surrounded by geometric borders, one with blue, red, cream, geometric patterns surrounded...
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN BAG FACE RUGS MiddleEast,20th CenturyIncludes one with green, navy blue, ivory and red diamond shaped patterns over red field surrounded by geometric borders, and one with navy blue and ivory...
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3PC MIDDLE EASTERN GEOMETRIC RUGS MiddleEast,20th CenturyIncludes an Ushak rug with navy blue, yellow, and red central medallion over orange field surrounded by geometric borders, a runner with navy blue, blue,...
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MIDDLE EASTERN RED RUNNER Middle East,Early20th CenturyNavy blue, white, and red repeating medallions over red field surrounded by geometric borders....
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MIDDLE EASTERN BOTANICAL RUNNER MiddleEast,20th CenturyRed, yellow, tan, and blue floral medallion over red field surrounded by floral boarders....
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN BOTANICAL CARPETRUGS Middle East,20th CenturyIncludes a red, white, tan, and navy blue botanical pattern over red field surrounded by floral boarders, and a blue, orange, tan, brown, and...
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MIDDLE EASTERN GEOMETRIC CARPET RUGRUNNER Middle East,20th CenturyYellow, navy blue, blue, red, ivory, and green geometric pattern over red field surrounded by geometric boarders....
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MIDDLE EASTERN GREEN BOTANICAL CARPETRUG RUNNER Middle East,20th CenturyGreen, red, ivory, blue, pink, yellow, and navy blue botanical pattern over deep green field surrounded by floral boarders....
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MIDDLE EASTERN BOTANICAL CARPET RUGRUNNER Middle East,20th CenturyNavy blue, sage green, red, pink, and ivory diamond shaped medallions over botanical navy field surrounded by floral boarders....
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MIDDLE EASTERN RED BOTANICAL CARPETRUG RUNNER Middle East,20th CenturyRed, navy blue, ivory, tan, orange, botanical pattern over red field surrounded by red field surrounded by floral borders....
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MIDDLE EASTERN GEOMETRIC CARPET RUGRUNNER Middle East,20th CenturyPurple, pink, green, tan, and white geometric pattern over red field, surrounded by geometric borders....
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SIGNED MIDDLE EASTERN BOTANICAL CARPETRUG RUNNER Middle East,20th CenturyBlue, red, navy blue, orange, green, and tan central botanical medallion over cream field surrounded by floral borders....
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MIDDLE EASTERN GEOMETRIC PICTORIAL CARPETRUNNER Middle East,20th CenturyBrown, blue, red, light brown, and ivory geometric patterns over red field surrounded by geometric borders....
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3PC MIDDLE EASTERN BOTANICAL RUGS Caucuses,20thCenturyIncludes an orange and red Oushak rug, a small blue, green, and red botanical rug, and a blue, red, and tan botanical rug....
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN BOTANICAL RUGS MiddleEast,20th CenturyIncludes two rugs with navy blue, red, tan and cream botanical fields surrounded by floral boarders....
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN BAG FACE CARPET RUGSMiddle East20th CenturyIncludes a deep green, navy blue, ivory, brown, and red center medallion over geometric navy blue field surrounded by geometric boarders, and a rug...
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MIDDLE EASTERN ORIENTAL FLORAL RUG CARPETRUNNER Middle East,20th CenturyBlue and Ivory floral border over a red field within blue floral borders....
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3 SMALL MIDDLE EASTERN GEOMETRIC ENTRYCARPET RUGS Middle East,20th CenturyIncludes a red, blue, and navy blue checkered field surrounded by geometric borders, a blue and ivory geometric field over orange field...
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4PC MIDDLE EASTERN GEOMETRIC & FLORALRUGS Middle East,20th CenturyIncludes three rugs with geometric patterns over ivory field surrounded by geometric fields, and one rug with red floral patterns over ivory fields...
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4PC MIDDLE EASTERN GEOMETRIC FLORALRUGS Middle East,Early 20th CenturyIncludes a orange, blue and brown striped rug, one with a red blue, yellow, and red geometric pattern over blue friend surrounded by geometric...
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6PC GEOMETRIC & PICTORIAL MIDDLE EASTERNRUGS Middle East,Early 20th CenturyIncludes a rug with figural people over ivory, one with a tan, orange, and ivory central medallion over red field surrounded by geometric...
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN FLORAL RUGS MiddleEast,20th Century Includes two rugs with navy blue, ivory, burgundy, and green central medallions over red floral fields surrounded by botanical borders....
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MIDDLE EASTERN GEOMETRIC RUNNER MiddleEast,20th CenturyYellow, green, blue, golden yellow, navy blue, red, and ivory repeating geometric patterns over red field surrounded by geometric floral border....
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3PC MIDDLE EASTERN & CHINESE RUGS MiddleEast, China,20th CenturyIncludes one rug with blue, green, red, orange, and tan repeating patterns over red field surrounded by geometric borders, one rug with blue, red,...
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN RED & BLUE RUGS MiddleEast,20th CenturyIncludes a yellow, blue, and green botanical medallion over light blue field surrounded by botanical borders, and a blue, pink, yellow, and green central...
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MIDDLE EASTERN ORIENTAL PICTORIAL SILKRUNNER Middle East,20th CenturyPink, green, red, blue, orange, and cream floral cartouches surrounded by botanical borders....
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2PC MIDDLE EASTERN RUGS Middle East20thCenturyIncludes a small rug with orange, blue, pale green, teal, and black botanical pattern over red field surrounded by botanical borders, and a larger rug with white, light...
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2PC BALUCH MIDDLE EASTERN HANDMADE RUGSMiddle East,20th CenturyIncludes a navy blue, rust, white, brown, and red geometric pattern over tan field surrounded by geometric boarders, and a brown, blue, rust, and white...
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3PC MIDDLE EASTERN BAG FACE RUGS MiddleEast,20th CenturyIncludes a navy blue, yellow, red, and slate geometric pattern over red field surrounded by geometric borders, a yellow, red, white, green and blue geometric...
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