THAI WOOD CARVED BUDDHIST TEMPLE FIGURALORNAMENT Thai Wood Carved Buddhist Temple Ornament, depicting a male figure, possibly Garuda, with bird-legs and feathered wings, with traces of green, pink and white pigment....
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18/19TH C. THAI BUDDHA ARCHITECTURALFRAGMENT18th or 19th century Thai Buddha ceramic architectural fragment with the figures hands placed together in a praying pose and surrounded by flames. Keyword: Thailand...
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11 ASIAN, EGYPTIAN, AND SOUTH AMERICANFIGUREScomprising: three Indian bronze figures depicting Hindu deities, largest 6 in.; small stone buddha head on wood stand, 4-3/8 in.; carved and painted wood figure of...
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ANTIQUE THAI TEMPLE ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS,PAIR Pair of Thai architectural elements from a temple decorated with clear and amber glass, gilt paint upon a scrolling foliate design, and vignettes of deities and bodhisattvas...
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PAIR OF THAI CARVED WOOD ARCHITECTURALBRACKETS 38 X 17 1/2 IN. (96.52 X 44.45 CM.) BRACKETS, both carved with scrolling flame decoration, the lower section carved with a deva (celestial angel) with pointed headdress...
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THAI CARVED WOOD ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENT,HEIGHT: 42-1/2 INThai Carved Wood Architectural Element, Height: 42-1/2 in...
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ANTIQUE THAI CARVED WOOD ARCHITECTURALELEMENT Antique Thai carved wood architectural element polychrome and gilt painted, with lotus blossom below and Buddha figure above. 17.5" H x 10.75" W x 1.75" D. Provenance:...
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ANTIQUE THAI CARVED ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTAntique Thai carved architectural element, likely a window lintel, in the form of pyramidal scrolling foliage flanked by dragons with warrior heads beneath five tall finials....
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ANTIQUE THAI TEMPLE ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS,PAIR Pair of Thai architectural elements from a temple decorated with clear and amber glass, gilt paint upon a scrolling foliate design, and vignettes of deities and bodhisattvas...
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BRONZE THAI HEAD Royal Thai Portrait,hollowcast bronze, possibly architectural, sporting a crown, earrings and a necklace, mounted on a black painted wooden block, 11 3/4" head, 19" x 6 1/2" x 5" overall. Nick...
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Large antique Thai carved gilt woodarchitectural element with numerous glass jewels, as-is condition with cracks and splits, repaired and reinforced with later wood panels to verso; H 46 x W 35 1/2" x 1 1/2"...
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CHINESE CARVED AND LACQUERED WARRIORON HORSE 19th c., possibly Thai, gilt and red painted carved wood depicting an armored figure carrying axes in each hand, seated on a horse under a tree-form pagoda, mounted...
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3 THAI BRONZE BUDDHA ARCHITECTURAL FRAGMENTGROUP Thailand,18th-19th CenturyIncludes two miniature and one large bronze Buddha head from the neck up mounted on simple wooden bases....
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