(5) PENNSYLVANIA AREA STONEWARE CROCKSWITHadvertising. To include: Samuel Cooper No 7 Diamond, Pittsburg, shows 10" crack, 10" high by 6" diameter. A. Conrad & Co. New Geneva, PA storage jar. 9" high by 5" diameter....
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Two 19th C. Hamilton & Sons, GreensboroPA crocks. 1 gallon 9.5”H 1.5 gallon 10”H Condition: each with chip to rim CT Transfer Fee $20...
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5 GALLON JAMES HAMILTON GREENSBORO STONEWARECROCK5 gallon blue decorated 2 handled stoneware crock. Jas. Hamilton & Co., Greensboro, PA. 15 3/8"H x 9"-diameter at top. Losses to painted lettering, minor chips to handles,...
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6 GALLON COBALT DECORATED STONEWARECROCK BY JAS Hca. 1875; six gallon salt glazed cylindrical stoneware crock, brushed upper and lower cobalt bars, daubs on handle terminals, stenciled roses, legend and capacity...
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2 GALLON COBALT DECORATED STONEWARECROCK BY HAMILca. 1880; two gallon salt glazed slightly bulbous cream crock, two brushed cobalt horizontal bars on neck and foot with following stenciled cobalt design in...
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J. HAMILTON STONEWARE JARS AND J. SWANKJARsalt glaze 1-1/2 gallon wide mouth storage jar, and small canning jar, Albany slip glazed interiors, both with "JAS. HAMILTON GREENSBORO" cobalt decoration on them, canning...
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Three Cobalt Decorated Stoneware Jugs
comprising a Hamilton and Jones (Greensboro, Pennsylvania) two-gallon jug with brushed capacity mark, a W.E. Welding (Blantford, Ontario) one-gallon jug, and a foliate...
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HAMILTON & JONES TWO GALLON STORAGECROCK Greensboro, PA, 4th quarter 19th century, salt glazed stoneware with stencil and brushed cobalt decoration, capacity mark '2' near the base, Albany slip interior....
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA THREE-GALLON STONEWARECROCKWestern Pennsylvania three-gallon stoneware crock, 19th c. , with cobalt inscription Hamilton & Jones Greensboro PA , 13 1/4" h.
Good condition. No apparent...
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA SIX-GALLON STONEWARECROCKWestern Pennsylvania six-gallon stoneware crock, 19th c. , with cobalt inscription James Hamilton & Co. Greensboro Pa and stenciled floral decoration, 16 1/4" h.
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA FOUR-GALLON STONEWARECROCKWestern Pennsylvania four-gallon stoneware crock, 19th c. , with cobalt inscription T.F. Reppert Successor to Jas. Hamilton & Co. Greensboro Pa , 15" h. Provenance: Journell...
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA TWO-GALLON STONEWARECROCKWestern Pennsylvania two-gallon stoneware crock, 19th c. , with cobalt inscription Hamilton & Jones Greensboro PA , 12 1/4" h. Provenance: Journell Estate, Lincoln, Virginia.
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA TWO-GALLON STONEWAREJUGWestern Pennsylvania two-gallon stoneware jug, 19th c. , with cobalt grape bunch decoration, inscribed Jas. Hamilton & Co. Greensboro PA , 14" h. Provenance: Journell Estate,...
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA FOUR-GALLON STONEWARECROCKWestern Pennsylvania four-gallon stoneware crock, 19th c. , impressed Hamilton Greensboro, PA , with freehand cobalt decoration, 14" h.
Good condition....
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 16 GALLON STONEWARECROCKWestern Pennsylvania sixteen-gallon stoneware crock, 19th c., with cobalt inscription Hamilton & Jones Star Pottery Greensboro, PA , 24 1/4" h.
Crack running...
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA FIVE-GALLON STONEWARECROCKWestern Pennsylvania five-gallon stoneware crock, 19th c., with cobalt inscription Hamilton & Jones Agents, Greensboro, PA , 16" h.
Very good condition....
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WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA ONE GALLON STONEWAREPITCHERScarce Western Pennsylvania one gallon stoneware pitcher, 19th c. , inscribed Jas Hamilton & Co. Greensboro , with single tulip decoration and dashes flanking spout,...
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TWO PENNSYLVANIA TWO-GALLON PIECES OFSTONEWARETwo Western Pennsylvania two-gallon pieces of stoneware, 19th c., to include a jar with cobalt stenciled floral arch, 11" h.; and a Hamilton & Jones Greensboro Pa...
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Three Cobalt Decorated Stoneware Vessels
American,19th Century
comprising a three-gallon jar with stenciled capacity mark by Hamilton and Jones, Greensboro, Pennsylvania; a two-gallon crock with brushed capacity mark; and...
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3 GALLON COBALT DECORATED STONEWARECROCK BY JAMESca. 1875; three gallon salt glazed cylindrical stoneware crock, cobalt stenciled design "Jas. Hamilton & Co/ Greensboro/PA / 3" with flourishes and bracketed...
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A Ten-Gallon Hamilton & Jones StonewareCrock
Greensboro, Pennsylvania, 19th Century
Height 21 x diameter 11 1/2 inches....
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Three gallon stoneware crock "T.P. ReppartSucchssor to JAS Hamilton & Co. Greensboro, PA"
14"h x 8"dia top
Condition: Small hairline chip to ear, wear consistent with age....
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TWO STONEWARE CROCKS. Four gallon crockwith applied handles and cobalt decoration signed ''Hamilton & Jones Greensboro. PA''. 14 3/4'' h. Together with a three gallon crock having cobalt eagle decoration and signed...
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STONEWARE CROCK. Three gallon crockwith applied handles marked for ''Jones Hamilton & Co. Greensboro PA''. 11 1/2'' h. There is a rim chip and handle chip....
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Three Pieces Decorated Salt-Glazed StonewareAmerican, 19th century: crock with blue decoration possibly a bird, 7-1/2 in.; ovoid jug with stenciled floral decoration, marked "F.H. Cowden/Harrisburg", 11-1/4 in.; two-gallon...
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STONEWARE CROCK. Hamilton & Jones GreensboroPa. Two gallon crock with cobalt freehand and stenciled decoration. Fitted with lamp parts. Imperfections. 12''h. Stoneware crock has been converted into a lamp but...
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STONEWARE CROCK. Western Pennsylvania2nd quarter-19th century. Six gallon crock with brushed cobalt flowers around an impressed ''J. Hamilton Beaver 6'' (Pennsylvania). Large applied handles. 16 1/2''h. Hamilton...
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TWO PIECES OF HAMILTON & JONES STONEWARE.Greensboro Pennsylvania 19th century. Two-gallon stoneware crock with stencilled foliate decoration ''2'' and ''J A S Hamilton & Co / Greensboro / PA''. 11.75''h. and...
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Stoneware 3 Gallon Hamilton & JonesHandled Piece
Description Marked "Hamilton & Jones Greensboro, PA". Handpainted at top and bottom. No chips, cracks, or repairs.
Condition (Excellent). Size 14" T....
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Stoneware 3 Gallon Hamilton & JonesPiece.
Description Marked "Hamilton Greensboro, PA". Handpainted decoration at top. No chips, cracks, or repairs.
Condition (Excellent). Size 14" T....
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THREE STONEWARE CROCKS. Pennsylvanialate 19th century. Stenciled cobalt decorated Hamilton & Jones crock 10''h. Three gallon brown glaze Williams & Reppart crock with stenciled and brushed cobalt decoration...
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LARGE STONEWARE CROCK. Western Pennsylvania1851-1880. Ten-gallon tapered form with freehand and stenciled label with roses. ''Jas. Hamilton & Co. Greensboro Pa X''. Restoration. 19''h. Crocks this large usually...
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