A BRASS WINCH FISHING REEL with turnedbone handle and smooth brass foot, on an offset curved crank winding arm, triple pillar cage, circa 1840, size 1.5"; and a miniature brass trout wheel with bone handle, smooth...
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(21) VINTAGE FISHING REELS VARIOUS MAKERS(lotof 21) Vintage fishing reels some in original boxes including: (1) Shakespeare model EG, carting reel in original box; (1) Pflueger Summit casting reel in original box; Pflueger...
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INTERNATIONAL MUTOSCOPE REEL COMPANY5 CENT CAST IRON M...International Mutoscope Reel Company 5 Cent Cast Iron Mutoscope on Stand with Mutoscope Reel. New York, ca. 1920. This is a very nice early Mutoscope...
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CARDINI’S PORTABLE REEL REPAIR KIT.Cardini(Richard Valentine Pitchford). Cardini’s Portable Reel Repair Kit. Wooden cigar box filled with tools, thread, and spare parts to repair reels, including a tin of magician’s...
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A GROUP OF TWO VINTAGE ENGLISH TAPEMEASURES AND ONE FI... MEASURES AND ONE FISHING REEL, EARLY 20TH CENTURY, comprising one circular stitched leather wrapped tape measure with molded "HOCKLEY ??? ABBEY / JOHN...
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3 PC. DAIWA FISHING REELS & RODS: Comprising;1- Daiwa Sealine SLD20 reel mounted on a Quantum Cabo reel, 1- Daiwa Sealine 400H reel mounted on an Ocean Reef rod, 1- Daiwa 600H reel mounted on a wood handled Fish-N-Stuff...
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15PC. VINTAGE AND ANTIQUE FISHING REELLOT: Reels in this lot include Pflueger Capitol, Rocket #1375, Rocket #1365, Nobby Mark 1963, 1893, 1893L, two Julius Bom Hofe reels in leather pouches, Abu Garcia Ambassadur...
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NAGRA III ANALOG REEL TO REEL AUDIORECORDERVintage Kudelski Nagra III portable analog reel to reel audio field recorder. Serial #NP63 3481H. Recorder is untested however it does powers up and run. Battery compartment...
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TWO MEISSELBACH WOODEN FISHING REELSEARLY 20TH CENTURY REEL DIAMETERS 6” AND 6.5”. CASE HEIGHT 7”., Early 20th Century, In a leather case with embossed fishing fly decoration. Dimensions: Reel diameters...
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OTTO ZWARG 4-0 SALMON REEL MID-20THCENTURY DIAMETER 3.5”.OTTO ZWARG 4-0 SALMON REEL, Mid-20th Century, Seven-point red dot drag and full reel foot. Marked 400 and 2-0 near reel foot. Includes leather case....
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"THE THOMPSON REEL" FLY REEL"THE THOMPSONREEL" FLY REEL, 3 3/8" diameter reel, aluminum frame, brass seat, No. 2180566, manufactured by "Floyd T. Lovens Inc, San Jose Calif."...
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THOMPSON NO. 500 FLY REELTHOMPSON NO.500 FLY REEL, black finish, brass base, 2 7/8" spool, black plastic wind knob, reel stamped "Thompson Reel No. 500 Reels Inc San Francisco, Cal". Similar style to the Hardy...
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COLLECTION OF ASSORTED MOVIE REELS ANDEMPTY REEL TINSCollection of Assorted Movie Reels and Empty Reel Tins,,...
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AKAI 1710W REEL-TO-REEL TAPE RECORDER/PLAYERAkai1710W Reel-to-Reel Tape Recorder/Player,...
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TEAC REEL-TO-REEL TAPE PLAYERTeac Reel-to-ReelTape Player...
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SONY TC-5600 REEL-TO-REEL TAPECORDERSonyTC-5600 Reel-to-Reel Tapecorder...
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TEAC AUTO REVERSE AR-405 REEL-TO-REELRECORDERTeac Auto Reverse AR-405 Reel-to-Reel Recorder,...
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SONY TC-650 REEL-TO-REEL TAPE PLAYER/RECORDERSonyTC-650 Reel-to-Reel Tape Player/Recorder...
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O'BYRNE DEWITT ACCORDION, AN AKAI X-330REEL-TO-REEL AND A VIOLINO'Byrne DeWitt Accordion, an Akai X-330 Reel-to-Reel and a Violin...
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SONY 250 REEL-TO-REEL TAPE RECORDER/PLAYERSony250 Reel-to-Reel Tape Recorder/Player...
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GROUP OF VINTAGE FISHING TACKLEGroupof vintage fishing tackle, to include a L. F. Grammes & Sons, Allentown Pa., pyrograph hatchery box, a large group of tackle, mostly Pflueger, to include an empty Pal-O-Mine...
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9 FISHING ROD COLLECTION WITH ASSORTEDREELS: 1) Penn GTO 220 levelwing w/Slammer rod, 6' 6''; 2) Sears & Roebuck Gamefisher tr46 w/PennMariner Stand Up, model 530, 5' 6''; 3) Penn 6500ss spinning reel w/Penn Power...
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LG SAWYERS VIEW MASTER PROJECTOR & REELCOLLECTION United States,1950s Includes a standard Sawyer's View-Master electric projector with original box, a View-Master stereo viewer in box, thirty seven three reel packets,...
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TWO FISHING REELS: TRUE TEMPER OCEANCITY NO. 923 WITH BOX AND SEARS TROLLING REEL. Group of two fishing reels: True Temper Ocean City No. 923 large capacity level wind reel with its original box 6'' w. Sears...
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SHIMANO TIAGRA 50W LRS REEL & CUSTOMSTAR FISHING ROD: Rod and reel set to include 1) Shimano Tiagra 50W LRS reel. 2) Star Rods 6' 10'' 50 lbs line rod. Sold with Tiagra neoprene cover for reel.CONDITION: Shows...
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SHIMANO TIAGRA 50W LRS REEL & CUSTOMSTAR FISHING ROD: Rod and reel set to include 1) Shimano Tiagra 50W LRS reel. 2) Star Rods 6' 10'' 50 lbs line rod. Sold with Tiagra neoprene cover for reel.CONDITION: Shows...
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SHIMANO TIAGRA 30W LRS REEL & DOGFISHCUSTOM FISHING ROD: Rod and reel combination to include 1) Shimano Tiagra 30W LRS reel. 2) Dogfish Stik custom rod 6' 30 / 50 lbs line. Sold with Tiagra neoprene reel cover.CONDITION:...
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SHIMANO TIAGRA 30W LRS REEL & DOGFISHCUSTOM FISHING ROD: Rod and reel combination to include 1) Shimano Tiagra 30W LRS reel. 2) Dogfish Stik custom rod 6' 30 / 50 lbs line. Sold with Tiagra neoprene reel cover.CONDITION:...
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SHIMANO TIAGRA 12 REEL & PENN TUNA STICKFISHING ROD: Rod and reel combination to include 1) Shimano Tiagra 12 reel. 2) Penn ''Tuna Stick'' rod 5' 6'' 40-80 lbs line. Sold with Shimano neoprene reel cover.CONDITION:...
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SHIMANO TIAGRA 12 REEL & G. LOOMIS FISHINGROD: Rod and reel combination to include 1) Shimano Tiagra 12 reel. 2) G. Loomis Pelagic Series Trolling rod 6' 6'' 25-40lbs fast action. Sold with Shimano neoprene cover...
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PAIR SHIMANO TLD-20 REELS & G. LOOMISFISHING RODS: Pair of identical rods and reel combinations each to include 1) Shimano TLD-20 graphite body reels. 2) G. Loomis Pelagic Series Trolling rods 6' 6''. 25-40 lbs...
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(7) Fishing Reels Including PennTo includetwo Penn Super-Mariner Model 49M fishing reels in original boxes a Kachman stainless steel trolling reel in original box and four miscellaneous fishing reels all circa 20th...
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Two British Fishing Reels, Deep SeaRod and Reel one Hardex, No. 11, MKII, Hardy Brothers, England, good condition; one Allcock Stanley, good condition; 81 in. unmarked deep sea rod with reel made by Penn Fishing...
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KENTON HORSE DRAWN HOSE REEL An earlyelectroplated hose reel toy drawn by two horses small barrel reel rest on ornate open frame spoke wheels. 14'' l. Crack at hose reel support and repair overall (VG Cond.)...
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Collection of Hunting and Fishing RelatedItems, including a large American maple, turned hardwood and brass fishing reel, first quarter 20th century; a Pelleger, Ohio, turned wood, nickel and composition reel, 1978;...
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