The WWI MC AFC order, decorations andmedals of Wing Commander William Harold Nelson Shakespeare, pilot of the first trans European flight by a commercial aeroplane, 1919, The Most Excellent Order of the British...
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Silver coins - Crown 1935 (3), bronzecoronation medal 1911, several cap badges including Artists Rifles and four various badges...
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GROUP OF WWII GERMAN LUFTWAFFE MEDALSAND EPHEMERA Germany,A Luftwaffe soldbuch; a Luftwaffe officers cap badge; a war merit cross 2nd class with ribbon; a winter campaign medal and ribbon; an SA sports badge...
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Selection of Mostly Australian interestMilitary cap badges, to include 4/19 th Prince of Wales Light Horse, 12th 16th Hunter River Lancers, 1st Australian Armored Regiment, 10th Light Horse, 2/14 th Mounted Rifles...
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CHINDITS GROUP TO 13023918 J E FOX ROYALSIGNALS 1939/45 Star; Burma Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Entitlement slip; Dog Tags stamped ' 13023918 J E Fox C E'; Royal Corps of Signals cap badge; original Chinitds...
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A COLLECTION OF CAP BADGES, MAINLY GREATWAR ERA 1st (Royal) Dragoons 2nd Dragoon Guards (Queen's Bays) 3rd (The King's Own) Hussars 5th (Princess Charlotte of Wales's) Dragoon Guards 12th (Prince of Wales's Royal)...
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A COLLECTION OF MEDALS AND BADGES VictoryMedal to GS-35243 Pte H.H. Taylor R Fus; 1939 to 45 Star; Africa Star with 8th Army Clasp; Italy Star; Defence Medal; War Medal; Battle of Britain Commemorative Medal; miniature...
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WWII Canadian Pacific Coast MilitiaRangers (PCMR) Group, c.1942-45 comprising a cap with a cap badge, a lapel pin, a fabric swatch and two photographs, one inscribed 'Nanaimo, H. Baldwin'
various sizes, cap...
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COLLECTION OF MARINE CAP BADGESA frameddiorama showing a collection of twenty eight (28) marine cap badges. Each badge showing beautiful gold embroidery with examples from many lines and nations, including an early...
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CANADIAN MILITARIAA large collectionof primarily Canadian army cap badges, shoulder flashes and badges with catalogue of WWII Canadian cap badges....
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An extensive collection of Army Regimentalcap badges and pairs of smaller epaulet badges (some thought to be re-strikes) contained in modern stained as oak eight drawer dental cabinet 16ins wide x 18ins deep x 24ins...
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WWII NAZI PARTY STAMPS, BADGES, PINSFromthe estate of a U.S. Army WW2 veteran, five German pieces including a rubber stamp, a pre-Nazi Party wound badge (likely WWI), an eagle and swastika printer's block, an enameled...
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(12) BADGES, MEDALS, AWARDS, MOST WWIBELGIUM(lot of 12) Badges and Medals, Awards, mostly Belgium, WWI era: (1) Officer of the Order of the Crown with green wreath; (1) Knight of the Order of Leopold II; (1)...
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A WORLD WAR II FAMILY GROUP believedto have been awarded to J G S MacPhail (son of lot 144) comprising 1939-45 Star, Africa Star, British War Medal 1939 – 45, Defence Medal, Order of the Nile 5th Class (with...
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Cap Badge & 3 Collars for military cyclists.From WW-I circa 1914. England. Cap Badge from the 25th London Cyclists Battalion. 2 of the collars are from the City of London Cyclists and the other the ''T'' Cyclists Battalion....
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Military items. An R.A.F. officer'scap two military sashes a mounted cap badge and a swagger stick with the crest of the London Scottish....
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A 1921 Morgan dollar sundry coins banknotesand a quantity of cap badges...
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Quantity of Various Cap Badges to includeNorth Stafford South Lancashire Prince of Wales 19th Alexandra Hossars The Royal Highlanders RAF Badge etc (14)...
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Quantity of Various Cap Badges to includeKings Own Malta Regiment Egypt Gloucester Cameron Etc (15)...
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Group of WW2 Medals Cap Badges Buttonsand other Enamel Badges (approx 40)...
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GERMAN OFFICERS EMBROIDERED CAP BADGE& BATTLESHIP SERVICE BADGE Includes embroidered floral leaf design with anchor at center gold finish outer floral design medal with interior battleship relief with waves very...
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A collection of Second World War Medalsand Cap Badges (approx 12)...
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2 Framed Collections of Metal Army CapBadges...
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A collection of vintage Lifeguards CapBadges etc (6)...
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A pair of George V First World War medals''To 542502 P.N.R.D.R. Hancock Royal Engineers'' comprising - War Medal and Victory Medal a Royal Engineer's cap badge six Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalo silver gilt...
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English tabletop telescope by Tulley& Sons and Scottish military bugle late 19th century telescope marked on eyepiece: Tulley & Sons/Islington London on tripod base H13'' L15 1/4''; together with an Argyll and...
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COLLECTION OF US ARMY AIR TRANSPORTCOMMAND WINGS & PINS: Bronze wings to include Chief Pilot Captain First Officer Radio Engineer wing Flight Navigator wing Flight Engineer wing Cap badge 4 ATC Distinctive...
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First World War Medal Group and CapBadge for 6700. PTE.W.STEVENSON. A CYCLING CORPS (4)...
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A quantity of military buttons lapelbadges and cap badges....
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A large collection of first and secondworld war Military Cap Badges Buttons etc...
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A World War I trio to 10-15645 Pte WHowell Worcester Regiment comprising 1914-1915 Star British War Medal and Victory Medal a cap badge etc....
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A collection of various medals etc comprisingGerman Silver Mothers Medal German Iron Cross 1939-45 Star Italy Star Cheshire and Various Other Cap Badges etc (10)...
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A WWII Military Medal group to Sjt.T. Smith King's Shropshire Light Infantry comprising India Service medal with N.W.F. 1930-31 clasp 1939-45 Africa and Italy stars D.M. and W.M. and M.M. (N.Africa) framed...
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A group of assorted medals and badgesincluding the Liberian Order of the Star of Africa the Liberian Humane Order of African Emancipation and a WW2 Territorial Efficiency group. Estimate ?150-200 WW2 45 africa...
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A good Collection of Military Cap BadgesButtons etc ( approx 30 )...
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LARGE COLLECTION OF SPANISH AMERICANWAR AND LATER MILITARY INSIGNIAS: To many to list, some highlights are 24th & 25 black infantry cap badges, many other infantry cap badges, post WWI field clerk collar insignia,...
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