Theo Fabergé (British, 1922-2007),Three Eggs from the St. Petersburg Collection, 'Eternity', 'Rose Garden', and 'Ocean', 20th century including an 'Eternity' turned bubinga wood egg and two cut and enamlled...
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THEO FABERGE LIMITED EDITION WINTEREGG"The Winter Egg," a limited edition Theo Faberge art music box egg from the St. Petersburg Collection. The cobalt over clear cut glass egg opens to reveal a Birmingham...
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ALEXANDER III IMPERIAL RUSSIAN GOLD,DIAMOND AND SILVER-GILD CIGARETTE CASE, K. FABERGE MARKS, DATED 1892 3 ½" x 2 ?" x¾" Of rectangular form with rounded corner 84 zolotniki Russian silver cigarette box with...
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RUSSIAN FABERGE SILVER, DIAMOND & ENAMELCOIN PURSEExquisite Russian Faberge guilloche silver, gilt, and enameled coin purse with multiple inset, rose-cut diamonds. One side has the Russian imperial crowned eagle,...
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43. HARD STONE AND SILVER DRESS CANE-CA. 1900 -THE ELE...43. Hard Stone and Silver Dress Cane -Ca. 1900 -The elegant knob is fashioned of smoky colored topaz in a stretching and plain Milord shape, wider and...
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13. JEWELED GOLD AND ENAMEL DRESS CANE-CA 1900 -SLIGHT...13. Jeweled Gold and Enamel Dress Cane -Ca 1900 -Slightly tapering engine turned and translucent pale pink enameled silver knob embellished with two yellow...
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SILVER AND ENAMEL DRESS CANECa. 1900-Silverknob fashioned in an elegantly tapering, classic Milord shape, totally engine turned and canary yellow enameled, slightly flamed lemon wood shaft and a horn ferrule. The knob...
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SILVER ENAMEL AND HARDSTONE INDOOR CANECa.1900 -Long and tapering silver knob fashioned in a modified Milord shape ending in a cap turned with multiple rings including a raised trailing laurel leaf band and topped...
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HARD STONE FIGURAL CANE-Ca. 1900 -Largeamethyst handle wheel cut of an intense colored single stone to depict a squatting French Bulldog. -Slightly stylized and presented on an integral Milord shaped base, the...
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SET OF FOUR FABERGE CUT CRYSTAL CUPSRussian,20th century, of varying shape and cut design, cut to clear in colors: blue; red; yellow; and green; each approximately 3-3/8 x 3-5/8 in.; in fitted satin and velvet case
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IMPERIAL RUSSIAN 14K CIGARETTE CASE:14K yellow gold cigarette case marked 56 with rose cut diamond set thumb piece. Spurious H. Wigstrom and Faberge marks. Engraved Ann Hochberg. 2.5'' x 3.5''. Weight 167.5...
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FABERGE, CASED SET OF SIX ODESSA HOCKWINE STEMS Russia, late 20th century, cut to clear fan and diamond pattern in aqua, cobalt, emerald, amethyst, amber and ruby, each hand signed "Tatiana Faberge" and with...
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FABERGé, CASED SET OF FOUR CUT TO CLEARTUMBLERS 20th century, each in various shapes and cut to clear patterns in sky blue, amethyst, scarlet, and chartreuse hues, in the original upholstered case, all signed....
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FABERGé, SET OF SIX ODESSA FLOCK WINESTEMS Late 20th century, wheel cut and polished crystal in cut-clear patterns including amber, amethyst, ice blue, emerald, cobalt and ruby, each signed, with presentation...
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CARVED CHALCEDONY MODEL OF A PIG ORWILD BOAR, HAN WILD BOAR, hand crafted in the manner of Carl Faberge, imported and retailed by Wartski, 14 Grafton St. location, London, after 1976, the pig with rose-cut...
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CARVED RHODONITE MODEL OF AN ELEPHANT,HAND CRAFTE hand crafted in the manner of Carl Faberge, imported and retailed by Wartski, 138 Regent St. location, London, after 1973, the elephant with rose-cut diamond eyes,...
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SILVER GILT DIAMOND-SET ROCK CRYSTALVINAIGRETTE Silver gilt rose-cut diamond-Set carved rock crystal vinaigrette in the form of a frog, the body of clear quartz rock crystal, the naturalistic silver-gilt head...
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14K GOLD AND DIAMOND CIGARETTE CASESpurious Faberg? mark; 56 gold standard mark. Rectangular; ribbed body hinged cover; applied cyrillic HA surmounted by crown representing the Imperial monogram of Czar Nicholas...
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A Russian birchwood Faberge box withcut corners for a 9 x 7 cm cigarette case....
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A Cased Set of Six Faberge Cut GlassNapkin Rings set in a fitted velvet and silk lined case together with a House of Faberge porcelain teapot. Height of teapot 9 inches....
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Faberge style diamond-set gold egg 20thcentury bearing spurious Russian mark of Karl Faberge workmaster Michael Perchin St. Petersburg ovoid gold body overall enameled in translucent red over guilloche moire ground...
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Fabergé Caviar Server, Napkin Rings20th century: set of six round cut glass napkin rings, multi-colored rims, 1-1/8 x 1-3/4 in., in cushioned and fitted blue velvet box; cobalt cut-to-clear caviar server with...
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TWO CASED SETS FABERGE PERFUME & CUTCRYSTAL one satin lined case with Faberge Imperial Collection Parfum 1 ozs. a blue cut glass ovoid pedestal jar 8.5''H plus a Limoges porcelain plate decorated with Imperial...
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