CHINESE CARVED JADE GROUPING. Includesa carved jade standing figure of a Guanyin on a fitted carved wood base and further mounted on what was once a lamp base. Accompanied by a gilt metal hinged box mounted on...
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CHINESE CARVED JADE FIGURAL GROUPINGChines carved jade figural grouping depicting a water buffalo with child upon its back. On beautifully fitted carved wood base. From a Long Island, NY estate. Dimensions:...
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CHINESE CARVED JADE STANDING FIGURE.Total approx. weight is 40.1 grams (gross). From a Great Neck, NY estate. Dimensions: figure measures approx. 2.56" high. Condition: Good, with light surface scratches and...
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CHINESE CARVED JADE RUYI WITH (5) FIGURALPENDANTS Chinese carved ruyi pendant with central pierced depiction of a chrysanthemum. Pendant suspends (5) carved jade figures. From a Queens, NY estate. Dimensions: ruyi...
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COLLECTION OF CHINESE CARVING INCLUDINGJADE. Includes a carved amethyst figure of a standing Buddha; a carved coral pendant displaying flowers; a carved Carnelian plaque of flowers; (5) carved jade pendants; (4)...
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CHINESE CARVED JADE FIGURE OF A DEMON.Total approx. weight is 53.9 grams (gross). From a Flushing, NY estate. Dimensions: demon measures approx. 2.75" high. Condition: Good, with light surface scratches and minor...
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CHINESE CARVED WHITE JADE FIGURE OFA ROBED LADY. Chinese carved white jade figure of a standing robed lady holding a branch in one hand, and a basket in the alternate hand. With a goat seated at her feet. Carving...
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CHINESE CARVED CELADON JADE PLAQUE OFTREES. Chinese carved jade plaque displaying trees in a rocky mountainside to one side, and a figure and bird set beneath trees to the alternate side. Total approx. weight...
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CHINESE MING DYNASTY CARVED JADE FIGUREOF A Boy with a Cat. With a carved wood base. Total approx. weight of the figure is 1673 grams (gross). From a Great Neck, NY estate. Dimensions: figure measures approx. 3.25"...
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CHINESE CARVED JADE FIGURE OF A STANDINGQUANYIN. Chinese carved jade standing figure of a Quanyin carrying a lotus flower. Carved jade is set atop a fitted carved wood stand. Was later mounted on an Asian inspired...
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CHINESE CARVED CELADON JADE FIGURE WITHFLOWERS. Chinese carved celadon jade robed figure holding a large urn with flowers. Jade displays russet skin in several areas. Total approx. weight is 47.3 grams (gross)....
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CHINESE CELADON JADE SNUFF BOTTLE WITHRUSSET Skin. Chinese carved jade snuff bottle with russet skin displaying a tiger to one side, and a seated figure to the alternate side. Total approx. weight of the snuff...
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CHINESE GREEN JADE FIGURE CARVINGDESCRIPTION:An antique chinese light green jade carving depicting a wise man warrior atop a foo dog lion.
ORIGIN: China.
DIMENSIONS: H: 2 1/2" W: 2 1/2".
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CHINESE JADE PENDANT, FIGURE AND TOGGLE1stitem: Necklace comprised of a thin flat square grey/white jade pendant with light brown russet inclusions, strung together with a black cord and small white jade beads. 20"L....
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GROUP ASIAN DECORATIVE ITEMS, 7 PCS.1stitem: Chinese carved jade disc with central bird design and beaded edge border. Light celadon color with russet and black inclusions. 2 1/4" H. 20th century. 2nd item: Chinese...
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5 CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES INC. WHITE JADEFive(5) Chinese carved snuff bottles, including hardstone and white jade. 1st item: Hardstone, likely cameo agate, snuff bottle having deep relief carved decoration including...
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7 CARVED JADE FIGURALS, INCL. FRUIT& BIRDSSeven (7) Chinese carved celadon green jade pieces, including one (1) depicting conjoined peaches; one (1) Buddha's hand fruit; one (1) persimmon or gourd pendant with...
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depicted seated cross-legged in dhyanasana atop a lotus blossom, hands...
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A SMALL CHINESE CARVED GREEN JADE ORHARDSTONE CENSERtripod censer with foo dog mask handles suspending articulated rings, carved domed cover with three articulated rings, raised on three foo dog feet, 1-3/4...
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CHINESE CARVED BLACK AGATE VASEmottledblack and dark grey with white streaks, of squared tapered form, carved archaic beast with meandering body on each side, 5-3/8 x 2 in.; with carved hardwood stand
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CHINESE CARVED GREEN JADE OR HARDSTONECENSER WITH STAN...late 19th/early 20th century, tripod censer with lingzhi handles suspending articulated rings, carved domed cover with tall three -lingzhi head knop set...
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CHINESE CARVED SPINACH JADE OR HARDSTONETABLE SCREENpanel of mottled green jade, carved scene with phoenix and qilin in a landscape, gilt decorated peonies and songbirds on the reverse, 10-3/4 x 7-1/8 in.; resting...
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CHINESE CARVED GREEN JADE OR HARDSTONECOVERED VASEsquared flattened form with foo dog handles suspending articulated rings, carved with taotie mask and lotus blossom on either side, the cover with articulated...
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TWO CHINESE CARVED JADE OR HARDSTONEFIGUREScomprising: pale green example, figural group with man and large fish with budding branches, 1-1/2 x 2-3/4 x 2-3/4 in.; light to dark gray example, lotus pod and leaves...
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CHINESE CARVED JADE BOK CHOY FIGUREON STANDpale green with whitish inclusions, carved in the form of a head of bok choy with serrated leaves, on conforming wood stand, 8 x 12 x 3-1/4 in.
Provenance: Private...
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LARGE CHINESE JADE CARVED LUOHAN FIGUREON STAND A Chinese jade carved luohan figure on wooden stand. the luohan figure dramatically stands on a wave holding auspicious objects. Carved on all sides, the lighter...
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CHINESE JADE CARVED LUOHAN FIGURE, QINGDYNASTY A Chinese jade carved luohan figure, dating from the Qing dynasty. the Luohan, in bare feet, carries a large lotus flower on his back and props one foot up, with a...
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CHINESE JADE CARVED SNUFF BOTTLE W/FIGURE,QING D. A Chinese yellow jade carved snuff bottle with figure. Late Qing Dynasty, A thick snuff bottle with distinctive sides with carved ring handle decoration in...
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CHINESE JADE CARVED FIGURE HOLDING VASE,QINGD. A Chinese carved jade figure, from Qing Dynasty, in robes and holding a vase with flower over his right shoulder. standing on a wooden base Statue: H. 2 1/2" (6.4 cm) Link...
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CHINESE CARVED LIGHT CELADON/WHITE JADEFIGURE GROUPS LENGTHS 3". FIGURE GROUPS, 1) Cicada on a leaf. 2) Double gourd with vines. Dimensions: Lengths 3"....
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A Chinese Carved Jade Figure Light greycarved jade with natural burnt orange color with small dark specks figure wrapped or encased in a cloak the top is pierced unsigned....
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A Chinese Carved Jade Archaic StyleDragon The dragon figure in light green/yellow jade with natural brown/black spots pierced holes at open mouth unsigned....
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Chinese carved jade figure of boy lateQing Dynasty standing young boy with beast. H1 5/8'' W2'' Provenance: South Carolina private collection. Good original condition nature light color variations....
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Chinese Qing Carved Jade Figural GroupFinelycarved to depict a seated Quan Yin with children all holding Ruyi scepters with lotus backdrop the stone a light celedon with find polish raised on carved openwork hardwood...
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A Chinese Jade and Metal Opium SmokingPipe Carved jade of light grayish green color and white metal mountings decorated with a lion head & phoenix bird on the sides; monkey figural on the spout. Seal mark on the...
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