THREE CHINESE JADE CARVINGS (3) Comprising;a pale celadon jade carving of a recumbent cat, 4cm wide; a celadon jade pendant carved with Shoulao, a deer and a bat, 6cm high; a celadon pendant carved with flower panels,...
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A Chinese Pale Celadon Jade Carvingof Birds
Mid-late 20th Century
depicting a smaller bird resting on a larger pheasant, all supported on rockwork, further set in a fitted hardwood stand.
Height 10 1/2 in.,...
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LARGE CHINESE PALE JADE DRAGON BELTHOOK W/ STANDA wonderfully carved belt hook in the form of a dragon, this is a wonderful example of Chinese pale celadon jade carving. With custom wooden stand.
SKU: 03197
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PAIR OF CHINESE JADE AND GOLD EARRINGSPairof handmade earrings made up of Chinese pale celadon jade carvings with gold fittings. Weight: 3.8 g.
SKU: 04208
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A CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE COURT HATFINIAL DECORATION... FINIAL DECORATION, ATTRIBUTED TO THE YUAN/MING DYNASTIES (1271-144), the overall arched dome form carved with open petal and closed lotus flowers and...
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Five Chinese Jade Carvings
QING DYNASTY(1644-1912)
comprising a pale celadon jade carving of double peaches, a pale celadon jade carving of gourds, a celadon and russet jade carving of lingzhi, a mottled celadon...
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Five Chinese Pale Celadon Jade Carvedand Reticulated Circular Pendants
depicting flowers and sinuous dragons.
Average width 2 in., 5 cm....
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Six Chinese Pale Celadon Jade CarvedBeans
each of elongated form, carved to show the fruit born on incised leaves.
Length of longest 2 1/4 in., 5.6 cm.
Property from a Private Chicago Estate...
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Seven Chinese Pale Celadon Jade CarvedPlaques
each of rectangular form, pierced to the top with incised scroll borders surrounding various figures, landscapes, and auspicious characters.
Height of tallest 2 1/4...
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Seven Chinese Pale Celadon Jade CarvedPlaques
comprising six exampled incised with various figural and and botanical designs opposite inscriptions, and one smooth example surmounted by a carved chilong.
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Four Chinese Pale Celadon Jade Carvings
comprisingtwo figures of horses, one standing and one recumbent, one seal carved in low relief with a bat, and one figure of a beanpod.
Length of largest 2 5/8 in., 6.6 cm....
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Four Chinese Pale Celadon Jade Carvingsof Beasts
each depicted with four legs tuck under, comprising two mythical beast, one dog, and one ram.
Length of largest 2 1/4 in., 5.7 cm....
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CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE PENDANT 2.5"X 1.5".CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE PENDANT Carved with a fisherman on a footbridge on one face and calligraphy on the other. 2.5" x 1.5". Dimensions: 2.5" x 1.5"....
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CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE CARVED PENDANT2.5" X 1.75". One face depicts a sage seated by a river. Other face with calligraphy. Border with two dragons and a fiery pearl. 2.5" x 1.75". Dimensions: 2.5" x 1.75"....
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CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE PENDANT 2.5"X 1.25".CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE PENDANT Carved with a sage and monkey under a tree on one face and calligraphy on the other. 2.5" x 1.25". Dimensions: 2.5" x 1.25"....
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PAIR OF CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE 'SHOUCHARACTER AND MONKEY' PLAQUES CIRCA 1900Pair of Chinese Pale Celadon Jade 'Shou Character and Monkey' Plaques, Circa 1900 Each mounted on carved and pierced hongmu panels...
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CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE LIBATION CUPChinesePale Celadon Jade Libation Cup, Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), reticulated entwined prunus branch handles, bowl-form body carved with branches and calligraphy, h. 1 1/4 in., w....
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CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE CUPChinesePale Celadon Jade Cup, scroll handles, carved with taotie decoration, h. 2 1/4 in., w. 4 1/4 in., d. 3 1/4 in...
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CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE BELT HOOKChinesePale Celadon Jade Belt Hook, s-curved body carved as a dragon turned toward a qilong on its back, underside with beetle knob and painted accession numbers "1979.30.8", l.5...
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CHINESE PALE CELADON JADE INKSTONEChinesePale Celadon Jade Inkstone, slightly mottled pale stone carved with free-form or pond-form aperture with lotus blossom forming one side and with incised rolling waves beneath,...
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An 18th/19th Century Chinese pale celadonjade carving, monkey with young, 4.5cm high...
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A 19th Century Chinese pale celadonjade carving, carp swimming in lotus, 9cm wide/Lot contains an element of pre-1947 ivory or other organic material which may be subject to export restrictions...
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A Chinese pale celadon jade carving,boy with a basket, 5cm wide...
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A 20th Century Chinese pale celadonjade carving, golden carp, 7.75cm long...
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A Chinese pale celadon jade carvingof a duck biting lingzhi seated on a lotus leaf the stone with russet inclusions 2.5ins Estimate ?300-400 There are natural inclusions in the stone but basically in good condition....
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A Chinese pale celadon jade carvingof a bitter melon and leafy tendrils 1.75in. together with a pale green bowenite plaque carved as an eternal knot 2.25in. Estimate ?200-300 Descriptions provided in both printed...
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A Chinese pale celadon jade carvingof bitter melons and a bat approx. 2.75in. and a Chinese chalcedony carving of a lady holding a sprig of lingzhi 2.5in. Estimate ?180-220 Descriptions provided in both printed...
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Four Chinese pale celadon jade carvingsin the form of a cat with a mouse approx. 1.75ins a man approx 2.25ins. a lion-dog biting 'lingzhi' approx. 2ins. and honey suckle and millet approx. 2.5ins Estimate ?200-300...
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A Chinese pale celadon jade carvingof two women holding a sprig 2.5ins Estimate ?200-300 Two small russet inclusions. Descriptions provided in both printed and on-line catalogue formats do not include condition...
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A Chinese pale celadon jade carvingof a horse in the Ming style the stone with russet inclusions 3.75ins (95mm) overall x 3ins (76mm) high...
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A Chinese pale celadon jade carvingof a lion dog and cub each biting lingzhi fungus 3.25in. Estimate ?180-220 8.4cm long. Minor inclusions in the stone good condition. Shipping within the UK we recommend Royal...
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A Chinese pale celadon jade carvingof a bitter melon 18th / 19th century later converted to a snuff bottle carved with leaves and tendrils the stone with brown and dark green inclusions twig shaped stopper...
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A Chinese pale celadon jade carvingof a lion dog in Sung Dynasty style grasping an elongated leaf in its mouth the stone with black and brown inclusions 6in. Estimate ?300-500 15.3cm. FURTHER IMAGES ALREADY...
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Two Chinese pale celadon jade carvings19th century the first an oval plaque fretted and carved with a phoenix and flowers within a border of circles 2.1in. and a pagoda shaped mount pierced and fretted with scrolls...
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