A FRENCH BRONZE MOUNTED CHINESE PORCELAINCENSERA French gilt bronze mounted Chinese porcelain censerheight 16in (40.5cm); width 13in (33cm); depth 10in (25.5cm) Provenance:Sold The John Nelson Collection, Part III,...
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FIVE INTERNATIONAL MIXED MEDIA ACCESSORIESFiveInternational mixed media accessories19th centuryComprising a Chinese Export lacquer tea caddy, a Continental table box, a pair of French gilt bronze floral bouquet mounts...
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CHINESE ORMOLU-MOUNTED FAMILLE ROSELAMPS, PAIR Pair of Chinese famille rose porcelain vase lamps with French Louis XV style ormolu mounts, each baluster form vase paint decorated with Classical scenes between...
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FRENCH BRONZE MOUNTED CHINESE BUDDHAINKSTAND French gilt bronze mounted Inkstand, late 19th to early 20th century, having porcelain flower heads, porcelain inkwells, and seated Chinese porcelain Buddha on a...
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19TH C. CHINESE ROSE MANDARIN ORMOLUMOUNTED BOWL Chinese Export Rose Mandarin palette porcelain centerpiece bowl, 19th century, decorated with enameled scenes of court life, and in French gilt bronze ormolu...
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19TH C. CHINESE FAMILLE ROSE ORMOLUMOUNTED BOWL Chinese Export Famille Rose oval porcelain centerpiece bowl, 19th century, having enamel floral decoration, and French gilt bronze ormolu mounts in the Louis...
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GILT BRONZE VASES & MINIATURE PORTRAITGroupingof European accessories. 1st item - A small green frosted glass vase with finely cast gilt bronze overlay of classical designs, containing foliate leaves wrapped with ribbons...
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3 LAMPS, CHINESE AND FRENCHPair of ChineseRepublic period Famille Rose porcelain vases, mounted as lamps, decorated with scenes of court officials and ladies holding fans. Embossed brass circular bases and collar...
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FRENCH CHINOISERIE ENAMEL JARDINIEREW/ BRONZE MOUNTSFrench 'Chinoiserie' bronze-mounted cloisonne enamel jardiniere, in the manner of Ferdinand Barbedienne. The ovoid bowl having a blue enameled ground with...
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A PAIR OF SEVRES NEO-GREC STYLE GILTBRONZE MOUNTED SAN... BRONZE MOUNTED SANG DE BOEUF PORCELAIN VASES, FRENCH, CIRCA 1890, the ox blood glazed bottle neck vases with globular bodies painted in trompe l'oeil,...
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PR, SAMSON CHINESE EXPORT STYLE TWO-LIGHTSCONCES Edme Samson et Cie (French, 1845-1969), 19th century. Pair of two-light Chinese export style porcelain wall sconces with a prunus blossom tree pattern and gilt bronze...
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LARGE ORMOLU-MOUNTED CHINESE SANG DEBOEUF VASEOrmolu-mounted Chinese porcelain vase, dark sang-de-boeuf (oxblood) glazed exterior, turquoise glazed interior, French bronze dore mounts, rim with laurel leaf border,...
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A Pair of French Gilt Bronze MountedChinese Porcelain Coupes
Porcelain 18th Century, Mounts 19th Century
Height 9 1/2 inches....
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FRENCH GILT BRONZE-MOUNTED PORCELAINBOWLFrench Gilt Bronze-Mounted Porcelain Bowl in the Chinese Export Style, possibly Samson, decorated in famille rose enamels with flower and branch sprays, acanthus scroll...
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FRENCH CHINESE EXPORT FAMILLE ROSE PORCELAINBOWLAntique French Gilt Bronze Mounted Chinese Export Famille Rose Porcelain Bowl , the porcelain 18th c., decorated in Mandarin Palette with figural scenes and sepia and...
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FRENCH CHINESE EXPORT IMARI PORCELAINCENTERBOWLLarge French Gilt Bronze-Mounted Chinese Export Imari Porcelain Centerbowl , probably 19th c., porcelain with continuous landscape with mountains, bamboo, trees,...
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2 C. FRATIN ANIMAL SEALS & 1 UNICORNFIGURE Group of three gilt bronze animal figures mounted on black bases comprising, two Christopher (Christophe) Fratin (French 1801-1864), desk seals "Bear On A Tree II"...
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A Pair of Chinese Export Porcelain VasesMounted as Lamps
18th/19th Century
with French gilt bronze mounts.
Height overall 21 inches....
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Pair French Ormolu Mounted Chinese VaseLamps 14''x6''. Pair of famille rose export porcelain vases with gilt bronze ormolu french mounts. Electrified with hole drilled in base side. 19th century, Qing dynasty....
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A FRENCH GILT BRONZE MOUNTED CHINESESANG DE BOEUF PORCELAIN URN A French gilt bronze mounted Chinese sang de boeuf porcelain urn, mounts 19th century, porcelain late 18th/early 19th century, the shouldered vessel...
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PR. FRENCH GILT BRONZE MOUNTED AGATEURNSPair of 19th C. French gilt bronze mounted agate urns, well detailed, exhibits Far East design influences from the Aesthetic Chinese Movement. Measures 23.5"H x 12.5"W...
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AFTER GEORGE MAXIM, GILT BRONZE SCULPTUREAfter George Maxim (French, 1885-1940), "En Lecture", seated figure of a Chinese scholar reading, gilt bronze, mounted on onyx base, with metal placard identifying artist,...
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FRENCH BRONZE MOUNTED EARLY CHINESEJAR 17th - 18th c. Chinese Kangxi Period Gilt Decorated Cobalt Blue Porcelain Jar, with late 19th c. French gilded bronze classical design mounts, gilded dragon motif jar...
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A Pair of French Gilt Bronze MountedChinese Porcelain Covered Vases
20th Century
apparently unmarked.
Height 20 1/2 inches....
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Fine Chinese wucai covered jar withFrench gilt bronze mounts porcelain transitional period, mounts 18th century The domed cover is surmounted with a blue glazed finial over a gilt bronze leaf and banded...
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Pair of Chinese Famille Rose PorcelainTea Bowls and Covers, ca. 1850, with applied high-relief decoration of squirrels among fruiting grapevines, presented in good French gilt-bronze mounts in the Louis XV style...
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Ormolu Mounted Chinese Export PorcelainMandarin Rose Punch Bowl 18th century the gilt bronze mounts French 19th century 9.8" (height) 25cm (height)...
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A Chinese Canton decorated famille roseporcelain vase with French gilt bronze mounts late 19th century mounted as a lamp the inverted baluster body painted with ladies and children in interiors with flower borders...
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Good pair of Japanese Imari porcelainand French gilt bronze mounted candelabra 19th century The domed covers mounted with one central stiff and five arched candlearms, over a baluster jar mounted with ring...
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A Chinese Famille Rose Porcelain CoveredLantern with French Gilt Bronze Mounts 19th c. the porcelain of globular hexagonal form pierced to each side with an openwork scroll panel decorated with shaped floral and...
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Pr. Chinese Porcelain Vases With BronzeMountsFinely painted to depict insects both fitted with French-style gilt bronze mounts with elephant head handles hung with loose rings both bear and iron red seal mark and...
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Elegant Chinese Famille Rose PorcelainCovered Storage Jar, fourth quarter 19th century, decorated with a continuous design of a mother and children in a garden setting, now mounted in French gilt-bronze as a...
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Good Pair of Chinese Yen-Yen Vases inFrench Ormolu Mounts, 19th century, each decorated in rouge-de-fer and encre-de-chine enamels with frolicking dogs of Foo on white grounds and a twenty-eight-character inscription,...
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