A GROUP OF SILVER AGE CHARLTON AND SKYWALDMONSTER COMICSA group of Silver Age Charlton and Skywald monster comics, Comprising Beyond the Grave (Charlton) #1, #2, #4, #5, #6; Creepy Things (Charlton) #1, #2, #4, #6...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE COMICSA groupof Silver Age comics, Comprising Blue Beetle (Charlton) #1, #4, #5; Captain Marvel (MF Enterprises) #1, #2, #3; Thunderbolt (Charlton) #1, #52, #54, #56, #58, #59, #60; Magnus,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE GOLD KEY SPACEFAMILY ROBINSON COMICSA group of Silver Age Gold Key Space Family Robinson comics, Comprising #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17,...
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A GROUP OF 1960S SILVER AGE DELL TELEVISIONCOMICSA group of 1960s Silver Age Dell Television comics, Comprising Beverly Hillbillies #1; Captain Nice #1; F-Troop #1; Happy Days #1; Honey West #1; Petticoat; Junction...
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A GROUP OF GOLDEN SILVER AGE DELL FOURCOLOR WESTERN COMICSA group of Golden Silver Age Dell Four Color Western comics, The comics with photo covers comprising Four Color #153 (Roy Rogers), Four Color #575 (Annie...
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A GROUP OF GOLDEN SILVER AGE WESTERNCOMICSA group of Golden Silver Age Western comics, The comics with photo covers comprising Big Valley #6 (Dell, 1969), Cisco Kid #37 (Dell, 1957), Cowboy in Africa #1 (Gold...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE MARVEL TALES TOASTONISH COMICSA group of Silver Age Marvel Tales to Astonish comics, Comprising #72, #73, #79, #84, #89, #91, #92, and #101 (Vol. 1) 8 pieces...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE MARVEL SILVERSURFER COMICSA group of Silver Age Marvel Silver Surfer comics, Comprising #2, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, and #18 15 pieces...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE MARVEL CAPTAINMARVEL COMICSA group of Silver Age Marvel Captain Marvel comics, Comprising issues: #1, #2, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #20, #21, #23, #27,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE MARVEL SUB-MARINERCOMICSA group of Silver Age Marvel Sub-mariner comics, Comprising #3, #4, #5, #6, #8, #10, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #22, #23, #25, #27, #31, #32, #34, #35, #36, #39, #43,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE MARVEL JOURNEYINTO MYSTERY THOR COMICSA group of Silver Age Marvel Journey into Mystery Thor comics, Comprising #112 (Hulk/Thor Battle Cover), #131, #132, #133, #134, #137, #139, #145,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE MARVEL FANTASTICFOUR COMICSA group of Silver Age Marvel Fantastic Four comics, Comprising #27 (first Dr. Strange crossover), #29, #30 (first Diablo), #55, #64, #67, #68, #72, #73, #74, #76,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE MARVEL X-MEN COMICSAgroup of Silver Age Marvel X-Men comics, Comprising #17, #24, #26, #28, #29, #32, #34, #39, #41, #43, #49 (Steranko), #50 (Steranko), #51, #55, #58, #68, #69, #70, #71, #72,...
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A GROUP OF DC SEA DEVILS AND SHOWCASECOMICSA group of Silver Age DC Sea Devils and Showcase comics, Comprising #1, #7, #8, #9, #12, #15, #18, #20, #26, #27, #30, #31, #32, #33, #35; Showcase #27 (first Sea Devils),...
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A GROUP OF SILVER BRONZE AGE DC ACTIONCOMICSA group of Silver Bronze Age DC Action Comics, Comprising issues #224, #239, #241, #249, #255, #250, #259, #274, #281, #282, #283, #284, #287, #288, #289, #290, #291,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER BRONZE AGE DC SUPERMANCOMICSA group of Silver Bronze Age DC Superman comics, Comprising issues #127 (first Titano), #139, #142, #144, #149, #151, #152, #153, #155, #159, #161, #163, #164, #165,...
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A PAIR OF SILVER AGE DC CREEPER COMICSApair of Silver Age DC Creeper comics, Comprising Beware the Creeper #1 and Showcase #73 (first appearances of the Creeper) 2 pieces...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC BRAVE AND THEBOLD COMICSA group of Silver Age DC Brave and the Bold comics, Comprising Hawkman #35, #36, #42, #43, #51, and Metamorpho #57 6 pieces...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC BRAVE AND THEBOLD COMICSA group of Silver Age DC Brave and the Bold comics, Comprising Cave Carson #31, #32, #33, #40, and #41 5 pieces...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC BRAVE AND THEBOLD COMICSA group of Silver Age DC Brave and the Bold comics, Comprising #14, #19, and #22 3 pieces...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC SPECTRE ANDSHOWCASE COMICSA group of Silver Age DC Spectre and Showcase comics, Comprising a Spectre full run #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 and Showcase #60 11 pieces...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC HAWKMAN COMICSAgroup of Silver Age DC Hawkman comics, Comprising #1, #7, #10, #13, #16, #17, #19, #22, #24, and #25 10 pieces...
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A GROUP OF SILVER BRONZE AGE DC G.I.COMBAT COMICSA group of Silver Bronze Age DC G.I. Combat comics, Comprising #89, #123, #124, #144, #145, #146, #147, #148, #149, #150, #151, #152, #153, #161, #162, #190,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC ANTHRO ANDSHOWCASE COMICSA group of Silver Age DC Anthro and Showcase comics, Comprising Anthro full run #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and Showcase: #74 (first Appearance of Anthro) 7 pieces...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC HOUSE OF SECRETSCOMICSA group of Silver Age DC House of Secrets comics, Comprising #2, #7, #8, #9, #12, #18, #38, #41, #46, #68, #70, #74, #75, #76, #77, #78, #79, #80, #82, #83, #84, #85,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC ATOM COMICSAgroup of Silver Age DC Atom comics, Comprising #19 (second Zatanna), #32, #35, #37, #38, #41, #42, #43, #45 and Showcase #36 (third Atom) 10 pieces...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC BATMAN COMICSAgroup of Silver Age DC Batman comics, Comprising #166, #176, #180, #182, #185, #187, #193, #198, #208, #213, #218, #221, #223, #228, #233, #235, #236, #237, #238, #239, #240,...
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A GROUP OF DC SILVER AGE SUPERBOY COMICSAgroup of DC Silver Age Superboy comics, Comprising issues #117 (Vol. 1), #85, #87, #95, #100 (first Ultraboy), #120, #133, #134, #135, #136, #138, #141, #142, #144, #145,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC CHALLENGERSOF THE UNKNOWN COMICSA group of Silver Age DC Challengers of the Unknown comics, Comprising issues #3 (Prototype of Fantastic Four), #5, #7, #9, #24, #27, #28, #29, #30,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC ADVENTURE COMICSAgroup of Silver Age DC Adventure Comics, Comprising issues #254, #257, #265, #274, #282 (Intro to Starboy) , #283 (first General Zod) , #289, #292, and #293 (first Superpets)...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC RIP HUNTER,TIME MASTER AND SHOWCASE COMICSA group of Silver Age DC Rip Hunter, Time Master and Showcase comics, Comprising a Rip Hunter, Time Master full run: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC STRANGE ADVENTURESCOMICSA group of Silver Age DC Strange Adventures comics, Comprising #128, #131, #152, #155, #156, #159, #163, #167, #180 (first Animal Man), #181, #186, #188, #189, #190,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC MYSTERY INSPACE COMICSA group of Silver Age DC Mystery in Space comics, Comprising #15, #54, #56, #57, #60, #61, #66, #70, #72, #74, #79, #80, #81, #82, #83, #84, #85, #86, #87, #92,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC DOOM PATROLCOMICSA group of Silver Age DC Doom Patrol comics, Comprising #87, #89, #91, #93, #96, #98, #99 (1st Beast Boy), #102, #103, #104, #105, #106, #110, #111, #112, #113, #114,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC METAL MEN #1-56AND SHOWCASE COMICSA group of Silver Age DC Metal Men and Showcase comics, Comprising Metal Men full run #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15,...
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A GROUP OF SILVER AGE DC AQUAMAN COMICSAgroup of Silver Age DC Aquaman comics, Comprising #4, #7, #8, #11 (first Mera), #13, #16, #19, #24, #28, #30, #35 (first Black Manta), #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41, #42,...
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