Pr Renaissance Revival Carved WalnutLadies and Gentleman's Open Armchairs, crest with musical instruments, carved leaf decoration around back of chair, ram heads at ends of arms over acanthus decoration, over...
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RENAISSANCE REVIVAL FRUITWOOD OPEN ARMCHAIRRenaissance Revival fruitwood open armchair, of curule form, the back with carved 'grotesque' mask and slatted sides. 33? H x 24? W x 18? D....
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Carved walnut Renaissance revival AmericanVictorian open armchair, frest & arms with carved ladies bust, upholstered back, seat and arms, c 1970s, 42"h x 50"w x 24"d...
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American Rococo Revival Mahogany Armchair,ca. 1900, the back with a floral-carved crest with open arms, raised on cabriole legs, h. 40-1/2\"....
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PAIR OF RENAISSANCE REVIVAL OPEN ARMCHAIRSWITH CUSTOM ...Pair of Renaissance Revival Open Armchairs with custom upholstered seat, back and arm over Greek key, inlaid frame on turned legs, with brass supported wood...
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Dimensions:44.25 H x 22.75 W x 25.5 D
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FRENCH RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVED WALNUTARMCHAIRFrench Renaissance Revival armchair, 19th c., richly carved walnut frame with open work top rail, supporting padded seat and back upholstered in a floral patterned...
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(2) SPANISH RENAISSANCE REVIVAL CARVEDARMCHAIRS(pair) Spanish Renaissance Revival open armchairs, early 20th c., arched and colonnaded back with carved portrait medallion of a knight, arm supports modeled as winged...
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LATE 19TH CENTURY 63cm wide, 99cm high, 52cm deep...
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JACOBEAN REVIVAL CARVED WOOD ARMCHAIRJacobean Revival open frame armchair with carved figural arm rests, barley twist legs, and tapestry upholstered seat and back. 36" H x 24" W x 21" D. Seat 19" H....
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Pair of American Rococo Revival RosewoodArmchairs, one an open armchair and the other with closed arms, third quarter 19th century, each with a corset-form back, a shell- and floral-carved crest, serpentine seat...
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American Rococo Revival Rosewood Armchair,third quarter 19th century, the back with a cabochon-centered cartouche, joined to open arms, with serpentine seat and cabriole legs, now upholstered in floral brocade on...
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American Rococo Revival Laminated RosewoodArmchair, mid-19th century, attributed to J. H. Belter, New York, in the "Ribbon" pattern, the concave laminated back with an arched crest rail over a corset-form upholstered...
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*A Renaissance Revival Style CarvedOpen Armchair having an upholstered back and seat within carved arms with lion form terminals raised on turned legs joined by stretchers. Height 38 inches....
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American Renaissance Revival Marquetry-InlaidRosewood Armchair, third quarter 19th century, the crest centered by an ovoid inlaid foliate panel amidst carved palmettes, bellflowers and volutes, with open arms, bowed...
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A Jacobean Revival Open Armchair havingan upholstered seat below the open arms raised on four legs joined by a trapezoidal stretcher. Height 35 1/2 inches....
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American Rococo Revival Laminated RosewoodArmchair, mid-19th century, attributed to J. H. Belter, New York, in the "Ribbon" pattern, the shaped concave back joined to open arms, with serpentine seat and cabriole...
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Walnut gothic revival open armchair,old surface with rich dark color, turned finials and handle grips, pierced seat and clover pierced rails, British, late 19th/early 20th century, 44-1/2 x 24-1/2 x 21-1/4....
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Rare Pair of American Rococo RevivalLaminated Rosewood Armchairs, mid-19th century, attributed to J. H. Belter, New York, in the "Rosalie" pattern, the concave laminated back with a floral and fruit pattern,...
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American Gothic Revival Walnut Armchair,mid-19th century, the back with an oval upholstered cushion beneath an arched quatrefoil crest capped by a finial, supported by bobbin-turned stiles, each capped by a stepped...
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A Pair of Renaissance Revival CarvedOpen Armchairs each having a trefoil crest over the backs carved with leaves and pierced tracery the upholstered seats enclosed by shaped arms with carved terminals raised...
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American Rococo Revival Walnut Armchair,third quarter 19th century, the dished back with a shell-, floral- and scroll-carved crest, joined to open arms terminating in scroll ends, raised on cabriole legs with cabochon-carved...
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* A Renaissance Revival Open Armchairhaving a carved panel back over the plank trapezoidal seat raised on turned legs joined by stretchers. Height 40 1/2 inches....
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American Rococo Revival Rosewood Armchair,third quarter 19th century, the back with an upholstered cushion in a shaped and molded frame with a cabochon-mounted cartouche crest, joined to open arms on shaped supports,...
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Rare Pair of American Rococo RevivalLaminated Rosewood Armchairs, mid-19th century, attributed to J. H. Belter, New York, in the "Rosalie" pattern, the concave laminated back with a floral- and fruit-carved...
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Gothic Revival open armchair, elaboratepierced back, turned arms, spiral-turned legs, black paint, red velvet upholstery, probably New York, 19th century, 53 x 23-1/2 x 22 in. Later black paint, cracks and minor...
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A Pair of Renaissance Revival Open Armchairswith needlepoint upholstered back arms and seat having straight legs joined by stretchers. Height 37 1/2 inches....
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Transitional American Renaissance intoRococo Revival Burled Walnut and Walnut Armchair, third quarter 19th century, the medallion back centered by a carved crest with allegorical classical mask, the back joined...
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Pair of Rococo Revival-Style MahoganyArmchairs, each with a medallion back joined to open arms, serpentine seat and cabriole legs, each upholstered with Aubusson-style upholstery in musical themes, h. 40"....
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Two Renaissance Revival Open Armchairshaving an upholstered back and seat within the turned carved frame the arms ending in figural masks. Height 35 1/2 inches....
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Pair of American Rococo Revival WalnutArmchairs, late 19th century, each with a finger-roll-carved corset-form back, joined to open arms, with serpentine seat and cabriole legs, now in cream upholstery, h. 38-1/4"....
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Important Pair of American Gothic RevivalOak Armchairs, mid-19th century, probably New Orleans, each with a tall back with boldly carved crockets over a pierced field centered by a trefoil, flanked by cusp-carved...
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Fine Pair of Colonial Revival MahoganyArmchairs, in the Chippendale taste, retaining the paper label "this piece was hand made in the workshop of Charak Furniture Company, Boston, Mass. It is numbered 1960 made...
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American Renaissance Revival BurledWalnut and Walnut Armchair, third quarter 19th century, School of Jelliff/Schrenkeisen, the carved crest centered by a Columbia masque, the back with burlwood panels on the...
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American Rococo Revival UpholsteredCarved Mahogany Open Armchair, third quarter 19th century, of the "Sleepy Hollow" type, the sides of the crest rail leaf-carved and flanking a central finger-molded section,...
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