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A Japanese Cloisonne Scenic Vase...
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A Japanese Cloisonne Scenic Vase Apprx. 12"H x 9"D at the shoulder the vase has a black interior and silver rims at the top and bottom. The exterior is...
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GROUPING OF THREE JAPANESE CLOISONNEVASESGrouping of three Japanese cloisonne vases with floral and scenic decoration. Tallest appx 10" with minor ding and hairlines to one panel. Good condition....
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LARGE CRANE MOTIF BALUSTER FORM CLOISONNEVASE: Stunning, large vase highly decorated in polychrome cloisonne enamels. The scenic decoration features cranes among blossoming cherry boughs, profuse mountain peonies...
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ASIAN DECORATIVE ARTS 5PC. GROUP: CLOISONNéDRAGON BOWL, GIRAFFE FIGURE, ROUND BOX, EGG, AND 3 3/4"H X 6 1/8"DIAM. (WITH STAND)Asian Decorative Arts 5pc. group: cloisonné dragon bowl, giraffe figure, round box, egg,...
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A CHINESE CLOISONNE VASE WITH LANDSCAPEEarly to mid 20th century, urn shaped vase with moon shaped body over a rectangular foot, neck is a flared rectangular shape flanked with faux mythical beast handles with...
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ERNEST ALBERT IMPRESSIONIST STILL LIFEPAINTING New York, Connecticut,1857-1946 Depicts a cloisonne vase decorated with birds and flowers over plumb beside a bottle vase and a vase with applied snake. Albert received...
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A Japanese Cloisonne Scenic Vase Apprx.12"H x 9"D at the shoulder the vase has a black interior and silver rims at the top and bottom. The exterior is finely enameled in wireless ground light robins egg blue with...
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A Large Cloisonne & Musen Shippo ScenicVase Mark of Ando Jubei Meiji Period Circa 1900 of baluster form in marked silver mounts decorated in polychrome enamel engaging the musen shippo technique and cloisonne work...
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A Pair of Scenic Cloisonne Vases WithHo-Ho Birds Both with wire work and polychrome enamels both having scenes of flyingho-o phoenix with mountains in the background within archaic style borders the versos with...
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A Japanese Cloisonne Vase Late MeijiPeriod A baluster shaped vase with two panels the front having a scenic waterfall with pine tree and flying crane the back panel with chrysanthemum and butterfly in fine silver...
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THREE PIECES OF CLOISONNE. Vase 20''h.and jardinière with applied mask handles 10 1/2''h. Both have cranes in scenic landscapes. And a shallow bowl with flowering branches 4''h. 15''d. Good condition...
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