FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE WALNUT COMMODEFrenchLouis XV style walnut commode, early 19th c., rectangular case with canted corner posts, fitted with four drawers, drawer fronts with parquetry inlay, over shaped apron, rising...
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE-TOP BOMBECOMMODEFrench Louis XV style bombe commode, early 20th c., having marble top above two drawers, accented by parquetry and floral marquetry, gilt metal hardware and elements...
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE MARQUETRY BOMBECOMMODEFrench Louis XV style bombe commode with patinated metal mounts, early 20th c., the marble top with molded edge, over the case with geometric parquetry banding throughout...
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY COMMODE,20TH C.French Louis XV style commode, 20th c., the shaped marble top over six drawers with parquetry inlay, having gilt metal ormolu ornamentation, rising on cabriole legs,...
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY COMMODE,20TH C.French Louis XV style commode, 20thc., shaped marble top over three serpentine drawers, ornate parquetry to the front and sides, scrolling gilt metal accents to the...
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PAIR OF LOUIS XV-STYLE PARQUETRY PETITESCOMMODESPair of Louis XV-Style Parquetry Petites Commodes, each oval, with marquetry-inlaid top and pierced metal gallery Dimensions: Each: 31 x 24 1/2 x 16 1/4 in. (78.7...
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LOUIS XV-STYLE PARQUETRY COMMODELouisXV-Style Parquetry Commode, late 19th/early 20th century; with breche d'alep marble top Dimensions: 35 x 48 1/2 x 21 in. (88.9 x 123.2 x 53.3 cm.) Condition: veneer loss...
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LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY DEMILUNE COMMODE19th/20th c., breche d'alep marble top over two drawers, approx. 29.75"h x 27"w x 14"d...
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE-TOP PARQUETRYCOMMODEFrench Louis XV style mahogany commode en tombeau, 20th c., marble top with molded edge, over three parquetry-accented drawers, gilt metal case mounts and pulls, rising...
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LOUIS XV-STYLE PARQUETRY INLAID TWO-DRAWERCOMMODE Two-drawer commode or chest in the Louis XV taste, having a green marble top, geometric parquetry inlay, bronze mounts, and rising on cabriole legs. Unmarked....
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PAIR, LOUIS XV-STYLE PARQUETRY BOMBECOMMODES Pair of bombe form commodes or chests in the Louis XV Rococo taste, Italian or French, 20th century, each having mixed wood geometric parquetry inlay, two-drawers,...
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE MARBLE-TOP BOMBECOMMODEFrench Louis XV style bombe commode, early 20th c., having shaped marble top, over matched veneer parquetry case, fitted with three drawers, shaped apron, accented...
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FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE BREAKFRONT COMMODEFrenchLouis XV style breakfront commode, early 20th c., banded top, parquetry case fitted with three drawers, rising on transitional cabriole legs, ending in sabots, separations...
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LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY BURLWOOD ANDFRUITWOOD MARBLE TOP COMMODE, 36 X 45 X 25 IN. (91.44 X 114.30 X 63.50 CM.)Louis XV Style Parquetry Burlwood and Fruitwood Marble Top Commode,, Dimensions: 36 x 45 x 25 in....
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LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY INLAID MAHOGANY,BRASS MOUNTED AND MARBLE TOP BOMBE COMMODE, 34 X 44 X 21 IN. (86.36 X 111.76 X 53.34 CM.)Louis XV Style Parquetry Inlaid Mahogany, Brass Mounted and Marble Top Bombe Commode,,...
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LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY WOOD FLORALPAINTED MARBLE TOP COMMODE, H: 36, W: 53-1/4, D: 24 INLouis XV Style Parquetry Wood Floral Painted Marble Top Commode, H: 36, W: 53-1/4, D: 24 in...
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LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY WOOD MARBLETOP COMMODE, H: 31-3/4, W: 35-1/2, D: 17-1/2 INLouis XV Style Parquetry Wood Marble Top Commode, H: 31-3/4, W: 35-1/2, D: 17-1/2 in...
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LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY TWO DRAWERCOMMODE Louis XV / XVI transitional style parquetry two-drawer commode, 19th century, with canted rectangular brown Emperador marble tops above a two drawer commode, the top...
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(2) FRENCH LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRYBOMBE COMMODES(pair) French Louis XV style marble-top bombe commodes, 20th c., parquetry case, fitted with three drawers, varied figural hardware, rising on cabriole legs,...
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LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY COMMODES, PAIRLouis XV style giltmetal-mounted mahogany parquetry veneered commodes, a pair (2), with shaped breche d'abricot marble tops above conforming bomber two drawer chests, the...
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A Louis XV Style Parquetry Bombe Commodewith Bronze Mounts and Marble Top
Height 35 3/4 x width 54 x depth 24 inches.
Property from the Estate of Jules and Gwen Knapp, Stuart, FL...
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French Louis XV-Style Commode StandsFrench 19th century. A pair of parquetry inlaid Louis XV-style mahogany commode stands each having a brass gallery and marble top above three drawers raised on splayed legs...
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A Louis XV Style Parquetry and GiltMetal Mounted Commode having a shaped marble top over the conforming case set with two drawers and a shaped apron raised on cabriole legs ending in sabots. Height 30 inches....
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*A Pair of Louis XV Style ParquetryDiminutive Commodes each having a rouge serpentine marble top over the conforming case fitted with two drawers raised on cabriole legs ending in sabots. Height 30 1/4 x width...
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Louis XV Style Marquetry Commode secondhalf 20th century, walnut veneers with burlwood, parquetry and mixed metals inlay, 32 x 40 x 19-1/4 in.,...
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Louis XV Style Petite Commode Egyptian,20th century, mahogany, cabinet door with faux leather-bound book front over single drawer and single door, parquetry veneers and bronze mounts, 29-1/2 x 16 x 12 in.,...
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Louis XV style parquetry-inlaid marbletopcommode early 20th century shaped breche d'alp marble top above conforming case fitted with three bronze-mounted drawers above shaped skirt and bronze-mounted shaped legs...
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A Louis XV Style Parquetry and GiltMetal Mounted Commode having a serpentine marble top over the bombe form case fitted with three drawers raised on splayed legs. Height 35 x width 42 1/2 x depth 20 inches....
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A Louis XV style serpentine commodethe pink marble top above two parquetry veneered drawers on cabriole legs with gilt metal mounts 94cm (37") wide...
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Louis XV marble top commode the shapedand molded white marble top on a serpentine shaped two-drawer base with parquetry inlay of various woods simulating cubes and outlined by green wood strapwork with gilt bronze...
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An Antique Louis XV-Style ParquetryPetite Commode early 20th c. rectangular galleried top over two doors side handles cabriole legs height 27 in. width 17 in. depth 11 in....
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LOUIS XV STYLE PARQUETRY COMMODE withshaped rectangular top above three long drawers above a scroll apron and cabriole feet - h:36 w:46.50 d:26.25 in....
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Louis XV marble-top commode, mahogany,rosewood and other mixed hardwoods with oak and pine secondary, probably original variegated pink to gray marble top, three parquetry inlaid dovetailed drawers, probably original...
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A Louis XV Style Parquetry Commode withMarble Top The parquetry veneered two-drawer commode has a bombe front cast brass foliate mounts highly polished gray marble top with ogee edge apprx. 51"W x 20-1/4"D x 31-1/2"H....
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A Louis XV Style Parquetry Commode havinga serpentine top over the conforming bombe case fitted with two drawers ending in splayed legs. Height 29 x width 25 x depth 16 inches....
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