NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILTWOOD CONSOLETABLE & MIRRORSpanish Neoclassical style giltwood console table and mirror, 20th c., arched frame with ribbon and beaded molding, centering segmented mirror plate, ending...
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32 x 42 x 21 in.
In generally good condition. Minor nicks to the marble tops. Scattered losses, scuffs,...
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AN ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL GILTWOOD CONSOLEAnItalian Neoclassical giltwood console late 18th/early 19th century height 32 1/4in (82cm); width 31 3/4in (80.5cm); depth 10 1/4in (26cm)Provenance: Property from a Private...
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RUSSIAN NEOCLASSICAL GILTWOOD AND MARBLECONSOLE 18th/19th c., the rectangular marble top inset in giltwood frame with elaborately carved frieze, raised on squared fluted curule trestle legs topped with axe-heads,...
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ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL GILTWOOD CONSOLE,19TH C. Italian Neoclassical Revival gilt wood console, likely 19th century, with rectangular nero antico marble top and molded edges above an apron, the legs lushly carved...
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19TH C. NEOCLASSICAL STYLE MARBLE &GILT DEMILUNE Continental, 19th century. Giltwood marble top demilune console table in the Louis XVI neoclassical taste, having a foliate decorated body, floral swags, guilloche...
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18TH C. CONTINENTAL NEOCLASSICAL GILTWOODCONSOLE Continental, 18th century. Neoclassical parcel silvered giltwood console table, having a grey marble top, acanthus decorated frieze hung with garlands of fruit, patera...
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FINE ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL PIETRA DURAGILT TABLEItalian console table, 20th c., inlaid marble pietra dura top, giltwood and composition frame with pierced apron, eagles in relief at the corners, swags of floral...
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19TH C. ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL FIGURALPIER TABLE Italian, 18th/19th century. Carved giltwood neoclassical pier or console table, having a marble top, mirrored back, and caryatid-form supports modeled as draped...
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MONUMENTAL ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL GILTCONSOLE TABLEItalian console table, 20th c., with rectangular marble top, heavily carved giltwood and composition frame, with scrolled foliate motifs, cross stretcher surmounted...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE MARBLE TOP GILTWOODCONSOLE Possibly Italian, giltwood console table in the Louis XVI Neoclassical taste, having an Emperador marble top, fluted apron with floral panel, and rising on taper fluted...
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NEOCLASSICAL GILTWOOD DEMILUNE CONSOLETABLE TABLE, labeled Colby's, the molded demilune top above conforming ogee frieze applied with leaf-tip carved tapering fluted legs - h:36w:55d:18.50in....
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NEOCLASSICAL-STYLE GILTWOOD CONSOLETABLE20th century; the black granite top over a pierced lattice frieze centered by a ram's head, on fluted legs with hoof feet; 35 1/2 inches wide; 16 inches deep; 34 inches...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILTWOOD AND MARBLETOP CONSOLE TABLE WITH MIRROR PROBABLY CONTINENTAL, EARLY 20TH CENTURYNeoclassical Style Giltwood and Marble Top Console Table with Mirror, Probably Continental, Early 20th...
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FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL-STYLE GILTWOOD CONSOLEFrenchNeoclassical-Style Giltwood Console, rouge marble top, fluted floral-blocked frieze, fluted tapered legs, h. 32 in., w. 60 in., d. 12 1/2 in. Provenance: Collection of Alexandra...
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ANTIQUE ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL-STYLE CARVEDGILTWOOAntique Italian Neoclassical-Style Carved Giltwood Demilune Console, floral polychrome top, bellflower fluted frieze, cabriole legs surmounted by rams' heads, hoof...
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ITALIAN CARVED GILTWOOD CONSOLE TABLEItalianNeoclassical Carved Giltwood Console Table, 19th c., marble top, anthemion frieze, rosette blocked corners, foliate fluted legs, toupie feet, h. 37 in., w. 60 1/2 in., d....
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FRENCH CARVED GILTWOOD CONSOLE TABLEFrenchNeoclassical-Style Carved Giltwood Console Table, 19th c., marble top, blind carved frieze, foliate swags, tapered stretchered legs, h. 32 in., w. 33 1/2 in., d. 18 1/2 in....
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LARGE NEOCLASSICAL-STYLE CARVED GILTWOODCONSOLE TABLEwith marble top Dimensions: 35 3/4 x 85 x 21 1/2 in. (90.8 x 215.9 x 54.6 cm.) Condition:...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILTWOOD CONSOLETABLE Giltwood console table in the Neoclassical taste, having a brown marble top, foliate carving, single drawer, and rising on tapering fluted and twisted legs with toupie...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE GILTWOOD CONSOLEAND MIRROR Continental giltwood breakfront console in the Neoclassical taste, having a white marble top, and rising on tapering fluted legs, together with a giltwood oval...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE MARBLE-TOP GILTWOODCONSOLENeoclassical style marble-top giltwood console table, 20th c., pierced lattice apron with floral swags, rising on tapering square legs, approx 35.5"h, 62.5"w, 16.5"d...
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NEOCLASSICAL STYLE PIETRA DURA GILTWOODCONSOLE Console table in the Neoclassical taste, possibly Italian, having a tessellated marble and mixed stone pietra dura top on a parcel gilt wooden base with pierced scrolled...
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A Neoclassical Style Giltwood MarbleTop Console Table
20th Century
Height 36 x width 41 1/4 x depth 18 1/4 inches....
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Pair Italian Neoclassical marbletoppainted and giltwood console tables early 19th century rectangular brown and white marble top above conforming frieze with applied gesso carving on square tapering legs. H35...
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Stylish Italian Carved Giltwood MonopodalConsole Table, second quarter 20th century, of demi-lune form in the neoclassical style, h. 36", w. 24", d. 8-1/2"....
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Italian Neoclassical giltwood consoletable possibly 18th century The rectangular mottled red marble top over a frieze with floral swags centered by a floral medallion raised on palmette banded fluted tapering...
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Pair of Swedish Neoclassical-Style Giltwoodand Marble-Top Consoles, each having a rectilinear Paloma marble top supported by a frieze with an egg-and-dart molding over a geometric fretwork panel, and raised on a reeded...
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*A Pair of Neoclassical Giltwood ConsoleTables each having a demilune white marble top over the conforming ram mask and festoon decorated frame raised on monoped and twist carved tapering legs. Height 35 3/4 x width...
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A Neoclassical Giltwood Console Tablehaving a rectangular marble top over the conforming frame carved with festoon and cherub mask decoration raised on double legs joined by stretchers. Height 34 inches x width...
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Scandinavian Provincial Carved, Polychromedand Parcel-Gilt Wooden Looking Glass, second quarter 19th century, in the neoclassical taste, the carved and parcel-gilt cresting modeled as a pair of addorsed console scrolls...
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SWEDISH NEOCLASSICAL CARVED GILTWOODCONSOLE TABLE The rectangular top above a fish-scale frieze with leaf-tip upper edge on angular fluted foliate legs with entrelac collars and joined by a faux porphyry and...
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FINE ITALIAN NEOCLASSICAL GILTWOOD CONSOLEWith a bronze-mounted verde antico veneered marble top over the neoclassical decorated frieze raised on circular stop-fluted legs. 36 in. x 5 ft. 1 1/2 in. x 31 1/4 in. Provenance:...
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A Neoclassical Style Giltwood ConsoleTable having a bow front white marble top over the conforming frieze with tied laurel wreath decoration raised on twin supports and hung with swags joined by a single stretcher...
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Pair Chinoiserie and giltwood consoletables rectangular top elaborately painted with Oriental designs over apron carved with Neoclassical themes upon round tapering legs with gilded tops and feet. H30 1/4'' W36''...
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