5 ITEMS PERTAINING TO CSA PRIVATE J.M.WILSON, INCL. 2 ...Five (5) items pertaining to Confederate soldier James Madison Wilson, Private, 1st Regiment Tennessee Cavalry (Carter's), Company K, of Giles County, TN....
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2 TN PORTRAIT MINIATURES: MARY DUDLEY& JAMES HILLPair of miniature watercolor portraits, oval, depicting subjects identified en verso as Mary Matilda Dudley Hill Boling or Bolling (b. 1806-d. ? ), wearing an...
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RARE 1807 NC GOV. NATHANIEL ALEXANDERSIGNED CERTIFICAT...Scarce Nathaniel Alexander (1756-1808) signed document as Governor of North Carolina, establishing William ("Will") White as secretary of state, May 8,...
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16 BRASSTOWN NC WOOD CARVINGS, MOSTLYANIMALSGrouping of sixteen (16) Brasstown, North Carolina wood carvings of assorted animals by various artists associated with the John C. Campbell Folk School located in...
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DON BALKE (B. 1933) "HUMMINGBIRDS"DonBalke (North Carolina, B. 1933) "Hummingbirds" Signed lower right. Original Watercolor painting on Illustration Board.
Provenance: Collection of James A. Helzer (1946-2008),...
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DON BALKE (B. 1933) "RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD"DonBalke (North Carolina, B. 1933) "Rufous and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds" Signed lower right. Original Watercolor painting on Illustration Board.
Provenance: Collection of...
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DON BALKE (B. 1933) "GREEN-WINGED TEAL"DonBalke (North Carolina, B. 1933) "Green-winged Teal" Signed lower left. Original Watercolor painting on Illustration Board.
Provenance: Collection of James A. Helzer (1946-2008),...
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RARE AND IMPORTANT MONUMENTAL "JCM"STAMPED 10 GALLON T...(Catawba Valley, Lincoln County, NC, circa 1840) olive green alkaline glaze over very large rounded ovoid form, green glassy runs down sides of jug from...
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A Rare North or South Carolina “ColoredRepublicing Club” Stoneware Cooler
Dated July 7, 1892
in Southern alkaline glaze, with distinctive doubled collared rim, tooled body, two lug handles set low on the body...
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A PAIR OF IDENTIFIED NORTH CAROLINAPORTRAITS, PERMILLAS ARTEN LEE AND HAUTENCE THORNTON LEE Oil on canvas, the portrait of Mrs. Lee signed "Martha Adams / Jan. 1945," the portrait of Mr. Lee signed "M. Adams...
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A 19TH CENTURY SCHOOLGIRL THEOREM BYAN IDENTIFIED NORTH CAROLINIAN, LUCY MARIA HUBBARD Ink and watercolor on paper, the image depicting a young woman with grapes, inscribed to lower margin "Painted by / Lucy...
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THOMAS HUNT (CONTEMPORARY NC) SheepBrain, ink and watercolor illustration, unsigned, identified on exhibition label verso (as a student), now has a successful business in Orange County, North Carolina. In black...
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130+ AMERICAN & EUROPEAN STEREOSCOPICPHOTOGRAPHS United States,19th CenturyCollection of 130+ stereoscopic photographs with viewer including several disaster photographs, image of two African American children,...
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African Missionary's Artifacts and Photographspertainingto the Congo mission undertaken by Methodist minister J. T. Mangum of North Carolina personal assistant to Bishop Walter Russell Lambuth. The expedition sailed from Antwerp...
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Two works by Leinbach: portrait of awoman identified as "Betty" on label verso, oil on canvas board, 20th century, 6 x 9 in.; landscape, pastel on fiber board, 11-1/2 x 7-1/4 in., warp to fiber board,...
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American folk art portrait, child seatedin a landscape holding flowers, label on back edge of frame identifies sitter as "Louise Prestou or Preston circa 1810 N.Y.C. married into Maylilleg(?) family of South...
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Walton, New York lithograph, bird's-eyeview drawn and published by L.R. Burleigh (1853-1923), Troy, New York, 1887, key in title margin identifies 33 businesses, churches, and other points of interest, 19-1/8 x...
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Altamont, New York lithograph, bird's-eyeview drawn and published by L.R. Burleigh (1853-1923), Troy, New York, circa 1889, key in title margin identifies 16 businesses, churches, and points of interest, 19-1/8 x...
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Mechanicsville, New York lithograph,bird's-eye view drawn and published by L.R. Burleigh (1853-1923), Troy, New York, circa 1890, Beck & Pauli, lithographers, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, key in title margin identifies...
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Silver Creek, New York lithograph, bird's-eyeview published by Burleigh Lithograph Co., Troy, New York, 1892, key in title margin identifies 54 businesses, churches, and other points of interest, 21-1/4 x 32-1/4 in....
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Saratoga Springs, New York lithograph,bird's-eye view drawn and published by L.R. Burleigh (1853-1923), Troy, New York, 1888, inset showing Saratoga Racetrack, key in title margin identifies 75 businesses,...
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Important carved sailor's box, topcarved with three banners "God Bless Our Home. N God We Trust", "Remember Me", "A gift of M Buroughs to my frendz. Porae.Barbel.", "Writeing.box",...
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Lansingburgh, New York lithograph, bird's-eyeview drawn and published by L.R. Burleigh (1853-1923), Troy, New York, 1891, key in title margin identifies 65 businesses, churches, and other points of interest, 20-1/8 x...
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Mount Morris, New York lithograph, bird's-eyeview published by Burleigh Lithograph Co., Troy, New York, 1883, key in title margin identifies 60 businesses, churches, and other points of interest, unframed, 19-1/8 x 27-7/8...
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Danbury, Connecticut lithograph, bird's-eyeview drawn and published by L.R. Burleigh (1853-1923), Troy, New York, circa 1884, Beck & Pauli, lithographers, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, key in title margin identifies 59...
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Green Cove Springs, Florida lithograph"Green Cove Springs, County Seat of Clay County, Florida", bird's-eye view by Norris, Wellije, and Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1885, Beck & Pauli, lithographers, Milwaukee,...
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Saratoga Springs, New York lithograph,bird's-eye view drawn and published by L.R. Burleigh (1853-1923), Troy, New York, 1888, inset showing Saratoga racetrack, key in title margin identifies 75 businesses, churches,...
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Lansingburgh, New York lithograph, bird's-eyeview drawn and published by L.R. Burleigh (1853-1923), Troy, New York, 1891, key in the title margin identifies 65 businesses, churches, other points of interest, 20-3/4 x...
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Danbury, Connecticut lithograph, bird's-eyeview drawn and published by L.R. Burleigh (1853-1923), Troy, New York, circa 1884, Beck & Pauli, lithographers, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, key in title margin identifies 59 businesses,...
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Silver Creek, New York lithograph, bird's-eyeview published by the Burleigh Lithograph Co., Troy, New York, 1892, key in title margin identifies 54 businesses, churches, other points of interest, 21-1/8 x 32-1/4 in....
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Drawing, Benjamin F. Long (Asheville,North Carolina, born 1945), portrait identified as "Barbara Christie-Miller", signed lower left and inscribed "BL LVVVII/Clarendon Park, Salisbury, Wilts.", charcoal, wash...
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Mount Morris, New York lithograph, bird's-eyeview published by the Burleigh Lithograph Co., Troy, New York, 1883, key in title margin identifies 60 businesses, churches, other points of interest, 22-1/4 x 34 in. (page)....
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Set of 12 Royal Doulton bird plates:each with hand painted sandpipers, grouse, pheasants, ducks, woodcocks, plover, quail, snipe and others (birds identified on backs), scalloped borders with gilt highlights,...
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Collection of Twelve Fossils and RelatedBooks, including specimens, a Miocene-era Carcharodon megalodon (Giant Shark) tooth from North Carolina, an Hadrosaur egg, dia. 5", three trilobite examples, l. 2-1/4" to...
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Colonial maps of Carolina by Speed andMoll Moll H. CAROLINA BY H. MOLL GEOGRAPHER. London: 1729. Showing locations of the Indian tribes early trading routes and islands identified by name for the first time on...
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110 vintage photos, Native Americans:mostly southwestern tribes, some Seminole, including one of Howard Tiger, first Seminole Marine Corps volunteer, most identified, with imprints of Office of Indian Affairs,...
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