CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED BRUSH HOLDER,GUANGXUP. A Chinese grisaille glazed brush holder. dated to Guangxu Period, A rectangular shape with indented corners, two narrow sides are adorned with lines of Chinese poetry and...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED VASE,ROC PERIODA Chinese Qianjiang glazed vase, dating from the Republic period. depicting a scholar holding a basket of flower in his hand followed by a young servant behind, four vertical...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED WATER COUPE,ROC PEROD A Chinese Qianjiang glazed water coupe, dating from the Republic period. Two figures are featured walking among nature, with black glaze predominant. The opposite...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED PANEL W/ LANDSCAPE,ROC P A Chinese Qianiang glazed plaque with figures in a landscape. Two small figures in the lower area carry belongings on a stick perched on their shoulders over a bridge....
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED COVERED JAR,19/20THC. A Chinese, 19/20th C,Qianjiang glazed jar with cover, illustrated on one side and cover with floral and bird, the other side decorated with Chinese character, Two small...
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2 CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED GOURD VASE,ROC PD. A pair of Chinese qianjiang glazed gourd vases, dating from the Republic period. Each vase features a bird on a branch with colorful pink flowers, the branch extending...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED COVERED JAR,ROC PERIOD A Chinese Qianjiang glazed covered warming jar with bowl, dating from the Republic period. The jar has two Both the bowl and jar have a red square character stamp...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED TEAPOT W/ BIRD,ROCPERIOD A Chinese Qianjiang glazed teapot with birds and flowers. Delicate thin pointed spout and handle, with thin slightly rounder lit with natural finial. A short and wide...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED TEAPOT BY "WANGYUNQUAN" An exquisite Chinese Qianjiang glazed teapot by "Wang Yun Quan". Finely detailed design on small teapot, with landscape and a boat on one side, and lines of Chinese...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED PLAQUE W/ BIRD& FLOWER Chinese Qianjiang glazed porcelain plaque with birds and flowers. This plaque features an elegant scene with two birds in flight by a pink blossoming tree. In upper...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED VASE W/ FIGURE,ROCPERIOD A Chinese qianjian glazed vase with figures, dating from the Republic period. Over glaze enamel with theme of figures and an ox with trees on on this sizeable vase....
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED PORCELAIN PLAQUE,ROC P. A Chinese Qianjiang glazed porcelain plaque, dating from the Republic period. The plaque features an elderly man holding a staff with two young boys, in nature. A vase...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED COVERED BOX,19/20TH C. A Chinese Qianjiang glazed covered box, 19/20th Century. Round in shape, with a clamshell fit around edges this painted box features two men talking in nature,...
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LARGE CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED VASE,19TH C. Chinese ,19th C,painted largely with blossom peony flowering plants with birds perched on twig. With Chinese inscriptions to the opposite side of the vase and neck....
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED BRUSHHPOT,ROC PERIOD A Chinese, Republic period, qianjiang glazed brushpot of a landscape with trees in the foreground and mountains in the distance. Red stamp to the lower right of...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED BOWL & BRUSHPOTChinese, porcelain brushpot, the cylindrical form painted with mountain landscape, with pine trees, rockwork and pavilion on a plain white ground bowl painted with mountain...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED PORCELAIN PLAQUE,ROC P. Chinese ,ROC Periomd rectangular porcelain plaque decorated with adult and child figures, beneath a tall tree with Chinese inscriptions and red seal mark to the side...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED TEAPOT OF MONK,ROC P. A Chinese, ROC Period, porcelain teapot, the body is intricately painted to one side with an monk figure with Chinese inscription with seal mark, the reverse painted...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED PORCELAIN PLAQUE,20THC. Chinese ,20th C,Qianjiang glazed porcelain plaque, painted with flower plants and bamboo trees issuing from rock work, with birds perched on twigs on a white ground, with...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED TEAPOT, BYWANG XIAOTING Chinese ,1957s, teapot decorated with mountaineous scenery with river, boat, trees and rock work on one side, with Chinese inscription to the other side, encircled...
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2 CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED BRUSHPOT,ROC PERIOD Chinese ,ROC Period ,a pair of brushpot, painted with landscape scene, of mountains, rockwork, trees, river and men on boat, with Chinese characters to the other...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED WARMING POT,ROC PERIOD Chinese ,Republic period, painted with outdoor scene of mountains, lake, trees and rockwork around the body and cover, with Chinese inscriptions, handles, finial...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZE WASHER, ROCPERIOD Chinese ,Republic period, a square form white glazed washer with three compartments, one in rectangular form, the other in two square forms, mouth rim in gilt. Body...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED VASE ,WANGYE TING Chinese ,ROC Period, qianjiang enmaled vase decorated with scene of village , script and signed by "Wang Yeting"
H: 6 3/4" (17 cm)
Condition: major restoration...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED TEAPOT, WANGXIAO TING Chinese ,20th C, signed by "Wang Xiao Ting" qianjiang glazed teapot and cover, decorated with enameled mountainous landscape with two large trees and a river with...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED FIGURAL PLAQUE,ROCPERIOD A Chinese Quanjiang glazed figural plaque, dating from the Republic period. Finely painted scene of a beauty on right on a balcony looking down on two men by a horse....
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED HAT STAND,ROC PERIOD A Chinese qianljiang glazed hat stand, dating from the Republic period. The stand features a bright pink flower design with a bird. Chinese characters written above...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED HAT STAND,ROC PERIOD A Chinese qianljiang glazed hat stand, dating from the Republic period. The stand features a bright pink flower design with a bird. Chinese characters written above...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED FIGURE SQUAREVASE,19TH C A Chinese Qianjiang glazed vase with figures.dated to 19th C. Female figures painted in vivid, fine color on two sides of the tall vase, with lines of Chinese...
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SMALL CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED VASE,20TH C. Chinese ,20th C, of baluster form, enameled with shaped panels enclosing two figures in courtyard settings with Chinese characters on the other side, further applied...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZE HAT STAND W/BIRD, 19TH C. Chinese ,19th C,Of cylindrical section with six evenly spaced quadrilobed cutout, painted with the bajixiang and bold lotuses between a ruyi band encircling...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZE TUREEN AND COVER,19TH C. Chinese ,19th C. the tureen has four gilt handles and is decorated with lotus and peony sprays between a scrolling band of flower heads and garlands to the rim and...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED JAR W/ BIRDChinese ,19th C,the jar painted with blossoming flowers and bird, with Chinese characters on the other side
H: (17.5cm) D: (8cm)
Condition: The jar is in overall good condition,...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED HIGH FOOT STEMBOWL the deep rounded sides rising from a high spreading foot to an everted rim, the foot stand is decorated with breaking waves with foliage scrolls encircled on top while...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZED SQUARE VASE,ROC PERIOD Chinese ,Republic period, pair of square sided, wide shouldered, flared mouth, Chinese, porcelain vases with Foo-dog head lug handles at either side painted with...
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CHINESE QIANJIANG GLAZE HOTPOT W/ LANDSCAPEChinese ,Republic period, Painted with outdoor scene of mountainous and figural views around the body and cover, with Chinese inscriptions, handles and rims decorated in gilt...
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