A GEORGE III GILTWOOD MIRROR, LATE 18THCENTURYA George III giltwood mirrorlate 18th centuryheight 41in (104cm); width 30 1/2in (77.5cm)...
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AN UNUSUAL GEORGE III GILTWOOD MIRRORAnunusual George III giltwood mirrorlate 18th centuryheight 27in (69cm); width 21 1/2in (55cm) Provenance:The Collection of Fritz & Lucy Jewett, San Francisco, California....
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A GEORGE III GILTWOOD MIRRORA GeorgeIII giltwood mirrorin the manner of Robert Adamcirca 1775height 75 1/2in (192cm); width 43 1/2in (110.5cm) Provenance:The Collection of Fritz & Lucy Jewett, San Francisco,...
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A PAIR OF GEORGE III GILTWOOD MIRRORSApair of George III giltwood mirrorspossibly Irishcirca 1760height 49in (124.5cm); width 32 1/2in (82.5cm) Provenance: Property from Private Beverly Hills Collection, curated...
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GEORGE III GILTWOOD JASPERWARE MOUNTEDMIRROR George III Gilt Wood Jasperware Mounted Mirror, circa 1780 or later, with Prince of Wales feathers atop a gilded cartouche centering a Wedgwood blue jasperware oval...
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PAIR OF GEORGE III GILTWOOD LOOKINGGLASSESPair of George III giltwood looking glasses, ca. 1765 , 35 1/2" x 19".
NO in-house shipping for this lot.
Piece broken off of one mirror – not present....
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NICE GEORGE III GILTWOOD MIRROR 18thc., English, the rectangular mirror plate framed in openwork giltwood floral scrolls, with canted corners and acanthus and c-scroll crest and drop, 30"h x 16"w...
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GEORGE III GILTWOOD FAUX MALACHITE TOPPIER TABLE George III giltwood pier table in the manner of William Kent (English 1685-1748), 18th century, having a faux malachite patterned plaster top, Vitruvian scroll...
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GEORGE III GILTWOOD PIER MIRRORGeorgeIII Giltwood Pier Mirror, 18th C., rope twist interior border and foliate border surmounted by carved top bottom fitted with 2 candle holders
Dimensions: 40...
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GEORGE III GILTWOOD OVER-MANTEL MIRRORGeorgeIII Giltwood Over-Mantel Mirror, height: 31 in.; length: 52 in. Provenance: Stair & Company, New York, 1987; The Collection of a Weston, Massachusetts Family. Condition:...
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ENGLISH GEORGE III GILTWOOD OVERMANTELMIRROREnglish George III giltwood over mantel mirror, 19th c., having molded cornice with protruding bulb accents, carved frieze panel depicting the Triumph of Mars Returning...
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GEORGE III GILTWOOD, GESSO AND ROSEWOOD'EAGLE' PIER TABLE CIRCA 1800George III Giltwood, Gesso and Rosewood 'Eagle' Pier Table, Circa 1800 Underside affixed with metal label S. Dawes & Sons/ Antique/ Dealers/...
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GEORGE III GILTWOOD MIRROR, LATE 18THC.George III giltwood mirror, late 18th c. , with an urn and bellflower chain crest, 57" h. Provenance: A New York estate....
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PAIR OF GEORGE III GILTWOOD MIRRORS,LATE 18TH C.Pair of George III giltwood mirrors, late 18th c. , each with an urn and bellflower chain crest, 41 1/2" h. Provenance: A New York estate....
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PAIR OF GEORGE III GILTWOOD MIRRORS,CA. 1765Pair of George III giltwood mirrors, ca. 1765 , each with an eagle crest and elaborate rococo design, 39" h.
Glass replaced. Several repaired breaks...
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PAIR OF GEORGE III GILTWOOD PIER MIRRORS,EARLY 19TH CENTURY EARLY 19TH CENTURY, both with rectangular mirror plate surmounted by foliate filled urn flanked by bellflower swags, and resting atop cornucopia form feet...
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GEORGE III GILTWOOD JASPERWARE MOUNTEDMIRROR George III gilt wood jasperware mounted mirror, circa 1780 or later, with Prince of Wales feathers atop a gilded cartouche centering a Wedgwood blue jasperware oval...
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(2) GEORGE III GILTWOOD GIRANDOLE MIRRORS(pair)English George III giltwood girandole mirrors, 18th/ 19th c., having architectural frame, encasing flat mirror plate, ornamented with foliates throughout, issuing two scrolled...
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ENGLISH GEORGE III GILTWOOD OVAL MIRROREnglishGeorge III giltwood oval mirror, late 18thc., having ribbon crest with central floral medallion, over molded cushion frame with scrolled foliates and floral motifs, encasing...
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3EQFGEORGE III CHINESE CHIPPENDALE GILTWOODMIRROREnglish George III giltwood mirror, late 18th c., in the Chinese Chippendale taste, having scrolled crest flanked by Ho Ho birds, over shaped frame with scrolled foliate...
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LARGE GEORGE III GILTWOOD OVERMANTELMIRRORMonumental George III style Chinese Chippendale giltwood overmantel mirror, late 18thc., having fanned foliate crest, over shaped frame with scrolled foliate molding...
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18TH CENTURY together with a GEORGE III GILTWOOD OPEN ARMCHAIR, 61cm wide, 92cm high, 44cm deep(2)67cm wide, 91cm high, 55cm deep...
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EARLY19TH CENTURY the rectangular mirror plate in a giltwood frame with an acanthus leaf moulded frieze centred by a raised tablet with a flower filled basket, flanked by reeded...
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A George III Giltwood Mirror
Circa 1760
Height65 x width 33 inches.
Property from a Private Collection, Chicago, Illinois...
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A Pair of George III Giltwood EagleSconces
Late 18th Century with alteration
Height 35 3/4 width 14 1/4 depth 9 1/2 inches....
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A George III Giltwood Mirror
Circa 1800
Height70 x width 50 inches....
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A George III Giltwood Mirror
Late 18th/Early19th Century
Height 53 1/2 x width 26 1/2 inches....
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A George III Giltwood Overmantel Mirror
Late18th Century
Height 46 1/2 x width 66 x depth 7 inches....
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A Pair of George III Giltwood GirandoleMirrors
Late 18th Century
Height 26 x width 16 x depth 8 3/4 inches.
Property from a Private Collection...
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A George III Giltwood Mirror
18th Century
Height49 x width 33 1/2 inches....
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A Pair of George III Giltwood Mirrors
Late18th/Early 19th Century
Height of each 51 x width 26 inches....
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Late George III giltwood girandole mirrorearly 19th century The circular mirrorplate surmounted by carved and gilt rockwork and a hippogriff, flanked by stylized dolphins. H: 35, W: 23 in. PROVENANCE:...
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GEORGE III GILTWOOD OVER MANTEL MIRROREnglish early 19th century centering a large rectangular mirror panel between two columns of three smaller rectangular mirror panels. Overall dimensions: 48.5''H x 66.5''W....
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George III Giltwood Mirror, early 19thcentury, the rounded rectangular mercury plate surmounted by a foliate shield crest and surrounded by a pierced scrolling foliate frame, h. 50", w. 31"....
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FINE PAIR OF GEORGE III GILTWOOD MIRRORSEach with a rectangular mirror plate surmounted by a pierced foliate cartouche within C-scrolls continuing to the trailing foliate sides and terminating in a pierced foliate...
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GEORGE III GILTWOOD OVER MANTEL MIRROREnglish early 19th century centering a large rectangular mirror panel between two columns of three smaller rectangular mirror panels. Overall dimensions: 48.5''H x 66.5''W....
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