A QUARTERSAWN OAK VITRINE, 80 A Quartersawnoak vitrine, 80.5"h x 46.5"w x 17"d...
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A FRENCH MARBLE TOP CORNER VITRINE CIRCA1900 A French marble top corner vitrine circa 1900, the two glazed doors opening to the three fixed shelves above the marble top surmounting the panelled quartersawn oak case...
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2 LOUIS XV STYLE VITRINE TABLES W/ BRONZEMOUNTSTwo (2) Louis XV style mahogany vitrine tables, each having a shaped rectangular hinged top above a conforming case, glass sides and shaped skirt, with cabriole legs...
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PAIR OF MAHOGANY WALL MOUNT VITRINESFergusonBrothers Mahogany Wall Mount Vitrine The Ferguson Brothers Manufacturing Company was a family-owned business that began in the late 19th century and made furniture in Hoboken,...
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3 PIECE LOT OF FRENCH FURNITURE 3 piecelot of French furniture including giltwood vitrine and a pair of Louis XVI style fauteuils; vitrine 52"H 25"W 14.5"D; Condition: vitrine is missing glass side panel and...
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A FRENCH LOUIS XV-STYLE VERNIS MARTINVITRINE CABINETA French Louis XV-style vernis Martin vitrine cabinet, Late 19th/early 20th Century Two scenes signed illegibly The parquetry and gilt bronze-mounted vitrine...
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A FRANçOIS LINKE PARQUETRY VITRINE,INDEX NUMBER 905A François Linke parquetry vitrine, index number 905, 1900, Paris Signed: F. Linke; Lockplate stamped: Ct Linke [Clement Linke] / Serrurerie / Paris The...
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A FRENCH EMPIRE-STYLE VITRINE CABINETAFrench Empire-style vitrine cabinet, Fourth-Quarter 19th Century Verso stamped for Haentges Freres, Paris The vitrine with a single-door glazed cabinet with mirrored interior...
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A FRENCH PROVINCIAL VITRINE CABINETAFrench provincial vitrine cabinet, Late 18th/Early 19th Century With remnants of two paper export labels: Orrouy-Glaines The carved wood cabinet with a glazed, double-door...
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EMILE GALLé, (1846-1904, FRENCH), AVITRINE CABINET, CIRCA 1885-1904; NANCY, FRANCE, INLAID SIGNATURE: GALLé, 61.25" H X 28.5" W X 17.7Emile Gallé, (1846-1904, French) A vitrine cabinet, circa 1885-1904;...
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EMILE GALLé, (1846-1904, FRENCH), AVITRINE CABINET, CIRCA 1885-1904; NANCY, FRANCE, INLAID SIGNATURE: GALLé NANCY, 76" H X 36" W X 21"Emile Gallé, (1846-1904, French) A vitrine cabinet, circa 1885-1904;...
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GEORGE III STYLE SATINWOOD-INLAID DININGSUITEAfter 1950, comprising an oval dining table with five leaves, six side chairs, two armchairs, a pair of knife boxes, a vitrine, a single-drawer server and a buffet, and...
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ENGLISH TABLE VITRINE & 10 BOEHM PORCELAINFLOWERSthe mahogany vitrine signed "Gordon Russell/Made in England", with hinged, glazed top, velvet-lined interior and two keys; the assorted flowers each with Boehm mark;...
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BURLWOOD AND GILT METAL VITRINE TABLELouisXVI-Style Burlwood and Gilt Metal Vitrine Table , lift off vitrine with tufted interior, shaped legs, two stretcher shelves, sabots , h. 33 in., w. 22 1/2 in., d. 17 1/2 in...
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LOUIS XV STYLE VITRINELouis XV stylevitrine. 20th century. Gold tone wood, three glass shelves, painted floral motif. Key with tassel is included. Chips and fleabites to glass on edges of shelves. Wear and marks...
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LOUIS XV STYLE VITRINELouis XV stylevitrine. 20th century. Goldtone wood, three glass shelves, painted floral motif. Key with tassel is included. Chips and fleabites to glass on edges of shelves. Wear and marks...
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19TH CENTURY ENGLISH ROUNDED VITRINEEnglishrounded vitrine or curio cabinet. 19th century. Walnut frame, urn final, three glass shelves. Original key is included. Brass ring door pulls stamped "PATENT 3558 E. POLLARD...
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VENETIAN STYLE FLORAL ETCHED BEVEL GLASSHANGING VITRINE AND CLASSICAL STYLE CHERRY VITRINE, LARGER: 35 X 19 3/4 X 8 1/2 IN. (88.9 X 50.2 X 21.6 CM.)Venetian Style Floral Etched Bevel Glass Hanging Vitrine and Classical...
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VENETIAN STYLE FLORAL ETCHED BEVEL GLASSHANGING VITRINE AND CLASSICAL STYLE CHERRY VITRINE, LARGER: 35 X 19 3/4 X 8 1/2 IN. (88.9 X 50.2 X 21.6 CM.)Venetian Style Floral Etched Bevel Glass Hanging Vitrine and Classical...
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Two sewing baskets and a collectionof ivory, mother of pearl, and bone sewing implements 19th/20th century Together with a mahogany and glass table top vitrine (29). One glass panel is broken...
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Fine Adam style satinwood vitrine, paintedcloverleaf top set with shaped glass vitrine, tapered legs with ribbon and wreath painted lower shelf, British, late 19th century, 32-1/2 x 25-1/4 x 25-1/4 in. Generally good...
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Unusual Continental Giltwood Vitrine,early 20th century, the circular-form vitrine fitted with a single beveled and glazed door opening to a mirrored and shelved interior, raised on a palmetto-carved stand on...
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Louis XV-style Mahogany Vitrine Frenchearly 20th century a vitrine with brass gallery rail on top. painted floral and musical instrument motifs having a single glass door and bowed glass sides over feet with gilded...
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Louis XV-style Vernis Martin VitrineFrench 20th century a painted wood Vernis Martin-style vitrine with floral and musical instrument motifs having a single glass door and glass sides; ht. 52 wd. 30 dp. 15 in....
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19th Century Continental Vitrine.Anearly 19th century heart shaped vitrine. Fruitwood with ebony string inlay. From a Bronxville NY location. Dimensions: 22'' wide x 24'' deep x 28.75'' high. Condition: Scuffs...
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French Giltwood Vitrine French 20thcentury a giltwood vitrine with four glass shelves and single bottom drawer; ht. 65 in....
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Vernis Martin-style Vitrine Continentala Louis XV-style polychromed and ormolu-mounted vitrine the case fitted with a single cupboard door with three lower Vernis Martin-style polychromed panels raised on cabriole...
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OCTAGONAL VICTORIAN OAK VITRINE: Octagonshaped vitrine with glass top and oval beveled glass on side panels. 4 drop down doors on every other side panel. Pedestal base on round stand. 24'' wide 24'' deep 28 1/2''...
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Venetian rococo style vitrine, rocaillecarved crest flanked by carved busts of ladies, vitrine interior with mirrored back and bottom, bottom of door with oil on panel courting scene, 20th century construction,...
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A Louis XV Vitrine The superstructureapprox. 23"W x 32"H x 8"D with glass panels in sides and door, and the vitrine unit below measuring approx. 23"W x 31"H x 16-3/4"D. The vitrine has a mirror surface inside,...
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CONTEMPORARY BRUSHED BRASS VITRINE CABINETON STEEL STAND The vitrine with two doors opening to mirror-backed interior the stand on square legs; 6 ft. 4 3/4 in. x 4 ft. 3 in. x 14 in....
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VITRINE. Gold vitrine with curved frontand sides single glass shelf and foliate carved cabriole legs. 38 1/4'' h....
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VICTORIAN INLAID CORNER VITRINE: Elaboratevitrine with double glass doors and velvet lined interior. Above with a shelf, backed with double beveled mirror, topped with open cut gallery and finials. Lower open shelf...
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Robert Mitchell Louis XV Style VitrineCincinnati late 19th-early 20th century. A Robert Mitchell Louis XV-style polychromed and ormolu mounted vitrine the case fitted with a single glazed cupboard door with three...
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VITRINE. Round mahogany vitrine havinga glazed lift lid top green clothed display area and flared legs joined by a stretcher. 30 3/4'' h....
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SIX GOTHIC STYLE CARVED ALABASTER FIGURESSET INTO A VENETIAN ROCOCO STYLE MINIATURE VITRINE The figures with traces of polychrome on gilt or marbleized brackets comprising a Madonna and Child two female martyr saints...
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