Royal Worcester ornamental ewer, ofHighland cattle, signed John Stinton, dated 1913, approx 27cm H...
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Royal Worcester fluted vase, 'HighlandCattle' by John Stinton, 1912, of squat form with long neck, painted both sides, #1661, approx 23.5 cm H...
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Royal Worcester Highland Cattle CreamJug, Harry Stinton, 1925 height 4 in — 10.1 cm...
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Set of Six Royal Worcester 'HighlandCattle' Coffee Cups and Saucers, Harry Stinton, 1912-13 with six enameled silver spoons, contained in a fitted case saucers diameter 3.9 in — 9.8 cm...
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A Royal Worcester plate, by John Stinton(1854-1936), and two vases, the plate dated 1931, painted with Dovedale, signed J Stinton, 26.3cm, one vase painted by Harry Davis with Highland sheep, 14.5cm, the other with...
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(12) ROYAL WORCESTER STINTON CABINETPLATESTwelve well painted cabinet plates with scenes of highland cattle, signed H. Stinton. Gilt rim. Circa late 19th to early 20th century. Excellent condition with no chips,...
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ROYAL WORCESTER JOHN STANTON HIGHLANDCATTLE URNS(lot of 2) English Royal Worcester parcel gilt porcelain potpourri urns, c.1906, domed lid with pointed finial, over pierced dolphin scroll neck, dual handles with...
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A Royal Worcester "Highland Cattle"Porcelain Vase by John Stinton
Late 19th/Early 20th Century
signed John Stinton, with partial puce factory mark and shape number 1024 to underside.
Height 14 3/4 inches....
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A Royal Worcester vase painted Highlandcattle, signed H Stinton, shape G552, 11cm high...
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Three Royal Worcester circular boxesand covers, the largest painted highland cattle, 6.5cm diameter...
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Two Royal Worcester vases, each withpierced gilt handles, one painted cattle in a Highland landscape, signed H Stinton, G995, the other painted pheasants in a woodland landscape, signed Jas Stinton, G995, 15cm...
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Royal Worcester covered urn decoratedwith Highland cattle, signed P. Platt 14.5"h; together with a stag by Wien 7.5"l; a ceramic rabbit, ducks, etc., signed Italy....
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Royal Worcester Highland Cattle PotpourriVase and Cover John Stinton 1907 12.2" (height) 31cm (height) signed John Stinton printed marks including Rd.No.142778 and shape number 1428 in puce...
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