SOUTH PERSIAN RUG: 4’1” X 6’7”EARLY 20TH CENTURYSOUTH PERSIAN RUG: 4'1" X 6'7", Early 20th Century, Navy blue field is densely populated with three red, green, ivory, gold and brown linear flowering...
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SOUTH PERSIAN RUG: 4’0” X 5’8”FIRST HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURYSOUTH PERSIAN RUG: 4'0" X 5'8", First Half of the 20th Century, Red field with typical geometric linked ivory medallions and stylized branches...
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SOUTH PERSIAN RUG: 4’6” X 7’9”EARLY 20TH CENTURYSOUTH PERSIAN RUG: 4'6" X 7'9", Early 20th Century, Three dark blue and pale green geometric medallions with yellow and ivory outlines and a neat array...
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A SOUTH PERSIAN RUG The brown fieldwith a large single flowerhead, shaped outer surround all with floral sprays; ivory palmette and leaf vine border, 1950s, 195 x 170cm...
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3 PERSIAN AND CAUCASIAN WOOL ITEMS1stitem: South Persia small area rug, wool on wool, blue field and secondary colors of rust, orange, beige, brown and medium blue. 23 1/2" x 21 1/4", early 20th century. 2nd...
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VINTAGE SOUTH PERSIAN RUG, 4'10" X 6'11"VintageSouth Persian area rug, three diamonds in field, colors of blue, ivory, green, gold, rust and brown. 4'10" L x 6'11" W, c. 1930. Provenance: Collection purchased from K. A....
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SOUTH PERSIAN VILLAGE CAMEL HAIR FRINGESHIRAZ RUG Middle East,20th CenturyRed, navy blue, brown, and tan geometric pattern over red field surrounded by geometric boarders....
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SOUTH PERSIAN RUG: 4’10” X 6’10”LAST QUARTER OF THE 20TH CENTURYSOUTH PERSIAN RUG: 4'10" X 6'10", Last Quarter of the 20th Century, Dark red field is traversed by diagonal rows of traditional geometric...
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SOUTH WEST PERSIAN CARPET RUG PersiaLate19th to Early 20th CenturyRepeating floral geometric pattern over brown field, surrounded by red and ivory geometric borders....
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Persian rug, multi-colored field withthree geometric medallions, pronounced abrash, 3 ft. 11 in. x 8 ft. Pile varies from none to low, several areas lacking pile, several small repairs (largest 1 x 2 in.), scattered...
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Finely woven silk Persian rug, centralstar medallion with vines and flowers on black field, multiple borders on brown ground, signature panel at one end in minor border, modern, possibly a Qum, 784 ksi., 3 ft....
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