TURN-TEPLITZ AMPHORA POTTERY VASE, CA.1900 Turn-Teplitz Amphora Austrian Ceramic Pottery Vase, circa 1900, of tapering cylindrical form with conforming sinuous flowering vine handles and a lobed flare lip, glazed...
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TURN TEPLITZ AMPHORA ART NOUVEAU POTTERYBOWL Turn Teplitz Amphora Austrian Art Nouveau pottery bowl with reticulated and parcel gilt relief floral rim and matte blue glaze, impressed "Amphora" mark and numbered...
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AMPHORA RST&K FLORA POTTERY VASE Amphorapottery vase, circa 1900, overall with gilt accented flora decoration, base with Turn Teplitz Bohemia RSt&K (for Riessner, Stellmacher and Kessel) mark. 5.5? H x 6.25? diameter....
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TEPLITZ ? GLAZED POTTERY PELICAN VASE.Marked on the base. From a Hollis, Queens, NY estate . Dimensions: 17"H Condition: Drilled as a lamp, light stains....
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TURN-TEPLITZ AMPHORA POTTERY VASE, CA.1900 Turn-Teplitz Amphora Art Nouveau ceramic pottery cylindrical waisted vase with floriform lip and applied sinuous vine form handles, glazed in mottled iridescent gold...
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TURN-TEPLITZ KESSEL AMPHORA POTTERYVASE AS LAMP BASE 12 ½" x 7 ?" vase Of bluster form pottery amphora vase, as a lamp base, raised on bronzed patinated metals circular pedestal, depicting Classical youth...
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PAUL DACHSEL (AUSTRIAN, B. 1880) 6 ¼"Hx 5 ?" Art Nouveau Turn-Teplitz pottery vase with double handles and unique rim, hand-painted poppy with spiderweb, picked out in gilt. Marked to the underside....
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STELLMACHER TEPLITZ AUSTRIAN ART NOUVEAUAMPHORA POTTER...Alfred Stellmacher, Turn-Teplitz, (Bohemia) Austria (Czech Republic). Art Nouveau Amphora pottery two-handled vase with a mottled glaze and decorated with...
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ART NOUVEAU AMPHORA POTTERY FIGURALBASINAmphora Porcelain Factory, Turn-Teplitz, (Bohemia) Austria (Czech Republic). Art Nouveau Amphora pottery basin decorated with a female figure in a flowing dress carrying...
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RIESSNER, STELLMACHER & KESSEL TURNTEPLITZ VASERiessner, Stellmacher & Kessel Amphora (Turn-Teplitz, Bohemia). Pottery vase with birds, on gilt painted branches. Marked on underside Amphora RStK and 02046....
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MUCHA STYLE PAINTED AUSTRIAN AMPHORAVASE: Circa 1900, Turn-Teplitz for Reissner, Stellmacher, & Kessel. Impressed ''Amphora'' in an oval. Portrait vase in the ''Summer Queen'' motif, painted in the style of...
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Box Teplitz Amphora Pottery- AS IS...
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TURN-TEPLITZ AMPHORA POTTERY VASE, CA.1900 Turn-Teplitz Amphora Austrian ceramic pottery vase, circa 1900, of tapering cylindrical form with conforming sinuous flowering vine handles and a lobed flare lip, glazed...
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A Teplitz Pottery Figural Group
Late19th/Early 20th Century
stamped Turn-Teplitz Bohemia RStK/ Made in Austria, further impressed 1105 and 3 to the underside.
Height 23 inches....
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RSTK AMPHORA POTTERY VASERiessner, Stellmacher,and Kessel; circa 1900; red printed mark "Turn-Teplitz-Bohemia / RsTK / Made in Austria"; the gilt, pierced rim extending to gilt handles joined to a cobalt-ground bulging...
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PAUL DACHSEL KUNSTKERAMIK ART POTTERYRETICULATED PITCHER RETICULATED PITCHER, Turn-Teplitz, circa 1907, puce printed PD monogram mark, of elongated tall tapering cylindrical form, the multi-loop handle pierced...
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AMPHORA ART POTTERY VASE Bohemian Three-HandlePottery Vase by Amphora Porcelain Works (Turn-Teplitz), ca. 1900, with naturalistic floral form shape and glazed in green, mauve, blue, gold and taupe , stamped "Amphora"...
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AMPHORA EDDA POTTERY VASE GRAPESAmphoraTurn Teplitz Austrian pottery vase. Applied grapes, crabapples and leaves. Incised Amphora mark and Austria 8618 56, with raised Edda marks, on the underside. 11"H. Crazing...
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PAUL DACHSEL TURN TEPLITZ POTTERY VASEGRAPE MOTIFPaul Dachsel grape and leaf motif two handled pottery vase, purple Turn Teplitz PD Made in Austria mark to the underside. 6 5/8"H. Roughness to leaf on inside of...
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AMPHORA ART NOUVEAU GRES BIJOU POTTERYVASE Riessner, Stellmacher, and Kessel for Turn Teplitz Amphora Art Nouveau "Gres Bijou" vase of baluster form, the sides decorated with gilt cobwebs, glass cabochons, and...
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AMPHORA POTTERY SCULPTURE OF ARAB PLAYINGBAGPIPE SEATED ON A CAMEL 12 ¼" x 8" x 3" Nicely sculpted poetic grouping depicting an Arab playing a bagpipe while sitting on a camel, on rocky pedestal, painted in polychrome...
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A Teplitz Pottery Bust
Early 20th Century
impressed4193 and with painted marks in iron red to the underside.
Height 14 inches....
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A Teplitz Pottery Bust
Height17 1/4 inches....
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Turn-Teplitz Amphora pottery bowl early 20th century Molded with an Art Nouveau style figure against a bed of water lilies, printed and impressed marks. L: 19 1/2 in. ,000 - two fingers of...
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Austro-Bohemian Polychromed and Parcel-GiltPottery Vase, first quarter 20th century, in "Autumn Leaves and Pinecones" decor, in the Turn-Teplitz style, h. 14"....
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AMPHORA ART NOUVEAU POTTERY COMPORT:Iridescent glaze on the dancing three Graces. Impressed with ''Amphora'' under the crown mark and numbers 1318. Partial retailers paper label * & E Perol Paris. Reissner &...
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OVERSIZE AMPHORA IRIDESCENT GLAZE POTTERYVASE: Reissner & Kessel Turn Teplitz. Basket weave form with applied cherry decoration. 19'' tall 9'' dia. at the widest. Crown mark with Amphora and Austria.CONDITION: Please...
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R.St.K. Teplitz Amphoria Pottery Vasewonderful slip decorated floral & vine signed 5 1/2'' excellent....
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