A GROUP OF SOUTHWESTERN-STYLE JEWELRYAgroup of Southwestern-style jewelry, Eight works: Ava Marie Coriz (1948-2011; Santo Domingo/Kewa Pueblo) A sterling silver inlaid Pueblo 'hand' pendant, late 20th/21st century...
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NATIVE AMERICAN SIX-STRAND FETISH NECKLACENativeAmerican six-strand fetish necklace, likely Zuni, heishi shell strands spaced with turquoise, shell, various stones, and mother-of-pearl animals, longest neck drop: approx...
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JEWELRY. (3) FETISH NECKLACES INC. KAMASSEE?Includes an attr. Rosita Kamassee double strand fetish necklace - with hang tag inscribed, "Rosita Kamassee Zuni"; an attr. Leonard and Lavina Kaskalla double strand fetish...
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ZUNI NATIVE AMERICAN FETISH MULTI-STRANDNECKLACE Vintage Zuni Native American three strand fetish necklace with stones including turquoise, jasper, coral, and mother-of-pearl, hand-carved into animals including...
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Navajo, Zuni, and Pueblo Necklaces
thirdquarter 20th century
lot of 6, includes:
a single-strand necklace and matching screw-back earrings; both strung with graduated stamped silver beads; not marked
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Zuni Fetish Necklaces
second half 20thcentury
lot of 4, all strung with various stones and animals; includes:
a single-strand necklace
length 32 inches, weight 27.5 dwt.
three-strand necklace
length 27-1/2...
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Zuni Fetish Necklaces
third quarter20th century
lot of 4, includes:
a double-strand necklace strung with coral beads and a variety of animals and figured carved in an assortment of stones; not marked
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Andrew Dewa
(Zuni, d. 2001)
Silver andMosaic Inlay Sunface AND Katsina Necklaces
lot of 2, includes:
a silver chain necklace featuring a katsina-shaped pendant / pin, inlaid with turquoise, shell, jet, coral,...
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ZUNI FETISH NECKLACE BY LAVINA TSIKEWAKASKALLATwo Strand Zuni Fetish Necklace by Lavina Tsikewa Kaskalla. Each animal on this necklace was intricately hand carved by Zuni Native, Lavina Kaskalla. The animals featured...
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ANTIQUE 19-STRAND ZUNI BEAD NECKLACE19th/20th c., American Southwest, dark indigo beads with wound hemp backing approx. 36" (circumference)...
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JD MASSIE ZUNI INLAID SUNFACE NECKLACE& EARRINGS(lot) Native American Zuni silver jewelry, including: (1) necklace, sun face brooch now fixed as a pendant, inlaid with turquoise, shell, and jet, signed J. D....
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ZUNI MULTI-STONE INLAY THUNDERBIRD NECKLACENativeAmerican silver (content unknown) necklace, Zuni thunderbird pendant brooch, multi-stone inlay with turquoise, red coral, mother of pearl, and jet, on an assembled bench bead...
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WILSON & CAROLYN NIIHA ZUNI INLAY PENDANTBROOCHNative American sterling silver flower pendant brooch, Wilson and Carolyn Niiha (Zuni, 20th c.), multi-stone inlay with turquoise, red coral, jet, and mother of pearl...
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MARISA SELECION ZUNI BUTTERFLY PENDANTNECKLACE(lot) Native American silver (content unknown) jewelry, including: (1) pendant necklace, butterfly pendant brooch inlaid with turquoise and jet, signed Marisa Selecion,...
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NATIVE AMERICAN ZUNI FIVE STRAND FETISHNECKLACENative American five-strand fetish necklace, likely Zuni, heishi shell strands joined by silver end beads (content unknown), spaced with over eighty carved animals...
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ASHBARRY GASPER ZUNI INLAID SUN FACENECKLACENative American silver (content unknown) and multi-stone inlay squash blossom necklace, stamped A. Gasper (Ashbarry Gasper, Zuni Pueblo, 20th c.), double strand of...
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2) ZUNI SUNFACE SQUASH BLOSSOM NECKLACE& EARRINGS(lot of 2) Native American silver (content unknown) jewelry, likely Zuni, multi-stone inlay with turquoise, red coral, and shell, Sunface design, including: (1)...
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(2) CECILIA IULE ZUNI SILVER & TURQUOISENECKLACE(lot of 2) Native American silver (content unknown) jewelry, including: (1) necklace, silver belt buckle now fashioned as a pendant with bezel-set turquoise, signed...
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Dilbert Gasper
(Zuni, 20th/21st century)
Single-strandCarved Butterfly Necklace, 2008
strung with turquoise nuggets and carved jet butterflies set with turquoise accents; signed DILBERT GASPER ZUNI and dated on bottom of largest...
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Andres Quandelacy
(Zuni, 20th/21st century)
Double-StrandFetish Necklace, PLUS
lot of 2, includes:
a double-strand necklace featuring bears, rams, and other animals carved from various stone materials; signed A. QUANDELACY on...
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TWO SOUTHWEST ZUNI CARVED STONE FETISHNECKLACESTwo Southwest Zuni carved stone fetish necklaces, Late 20th/Early 21st Century Two works: A necklace with fifteen carved stone fetish figures on thin turquoise...
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A ZUNI TWO-STRAND KNIFEWING NECKLACEAZuni two-strand knifewing necklace, Apparently unsigned, possibly the work of Frank Vacit The two-strand bead necklace issuing twelve stone-inlaid birds centering a large...
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THREE NATIVE AMERICAN STYLE NECKLACES,INCLUDING A including an 18-1/2 inch necklace strung with various size round lapis lazuli beads coming together with a silver clasp; 23-3/4 inch triple strand silver Zuni...
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GROUP OF ZUNI INDIAN BUTTERFLY JEWELRYGroupof Zuni Indian butterfly jewelry by Rosita Wallace, to include a double strand necklace of silver beads and butterflies inlaid with turquoise, onyx, mother of pearl, and spiny...
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A ZUNI PUEBLO NECKLACEA Zuni Pueblonecklace, Late 20th century Stamped: FK [likely Farrel Kalestewa, b.1953, Zuni Pueblo] A necklace of five long silver tabs with figural motifs in chipped stone inlay suspended...
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ZUNI/DINé [NAVAJO], SILVER + TURQUOISEJEWELRY LOT, CA. 1930 - 1960Diné [Navajo]/ Zuni, Silver + Turquoise Jewelry Lot, ca. 1930 - 1960, 1. Diné [Navajo] , Silver + Turquoise Choker on a Hand-Fabricated Chain...
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ZUNI NATIVE AMERICAN FETISH NECKLACEVintage Native American Zuni three strand fetish necklace with stones including turquoise, jasper, coral, and mother-of-pearl, hand-carved into animals including birds, wolves,...
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CARLTON JAMON ZUNI SILVER HEARTLINEBEAR NECKLACENative American sterling silver necklace, Carlton Jamon, Zuni, New Mexico, heartline bear stations and pendant, on a bench and tube bead strand, hook closure,...
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A LEEKYA-STYLE ZUNI CARVED TURQUOISENECKLACEA Leekya-style Zuni carved turquoise necklace, Early/mid-20th century A Zuni-style carved turquoise leaf form pendant suspended by a double strand of faceted turquoise...
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A WELL CARVED THREE STRAND ZUNI FETISHNECKLACE Native American Zuni fetish necklace, featuring silver cone terminals with three strands of heishi beads and 49 well carved fetishes, including birds, fish, bears,...
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Zuni Fetish Necklaces
late 20th century
lotof 3, includes:
a double-strand necklace strung with heishi and turquoise carved animals; not marked
necklace length 28-1/2 inches, weight 23.0 dwt.
a single-strand necklace...
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Zuni Fetish Necklaces
second half 20thcentury
lot of 3, includes:
a double-strand necklace; not marked
length25-3/4 inches, weight 36.3 dwt.
a single-strand necklace; not marked
length 28 inches, weight 30.4...
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NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN TURQUOISE CARVEDBIRD FETISH ZUNI NECKLACE: Zuni fetish necklace is all turquoise including the heishi beads. Among the animals are turtles, birds, foxes, beavers, sheep and other animals....
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MULTI PC INDIAN & MEXICAN JEWELRY: 1)Turquoise & Silver cuff bracelet signed WW or MM. Measures 5'' plus 1.5'' opening; Weight 111.4 grams; 2) 19'' alternating turquoise and silver bead necklace, Weight 12.0...
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COLLECTION NATIVE AMERICAN MEXICAN ANDOTHER STERLING SILVER JEWELRY. Native American pieces including pair Navajo button earrings with coral; Navajo belt buckle; Navajo squash blossom necklace (as is); Zuni eagle...
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Zuni Fetish Plus Zuni Jewelry lot of8 including a cuff with a needlepoint cluster on top inner length 5.5 in. x width 1.4 in.; PLUS another needlepoint bracelet with rows set on open shank inner length 5.25...
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