AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED WOOD FEMALE FIGURE,BAULEAn African Tribal carved wood female figureBaule, Western Guinea, Akan RegionOn wood stand.height 18 1/4in (46.5cm); width 3 1/2in (9cm); depth 4 3/4in (12cm) Provenance:Property...
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LUBA FIGURAL HAND-CARVED WOOD AXE LubaPeople of Democratic Republic of Congo, African, Hand-Carved Wooden Axe, the staff decorated with an incised geometric design and a nude female ancestor figure surmounted...
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AFRICAN MUMUYE IAGALAGANA FIGURE WOODSCULPTURE African Mumuye Female Figure Carved Wood Dola Sculpture, Nigeria, standing elongated figure with crest on head, mounted on wood base. Sculpture: 27.5" H 5" W x 3.5"...
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WEST AFRICAN CARVED WOOD FIGURAL GROUPSCULPTURE West African tribal carved wood sculpture, possibly the Dogon peoples (Mali), depicting man and woman churning. 23" H x 11.75" L x 6.5" W. Checking to wood. Provenance:...
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AFRICAN BAULE CARVED WOOD ANCESTOR FIGUREAfrican Baule (C?te d'Ivoire) carved wood ancestor figure, depicted seated on bench and with applied textile loin cloth. 16" H x 4" W x 5" D. Minor losses including to left...
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AFRICAN DOGON CARVED WOOD GRANARY DOOR,MALI African Dogon People (Mali, West Africa) wood granary door intricately carved in three panels, sectioned with repeating figural and animal motifs within geometric borders...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED WOOD FERTILITYFIGURE African tribal carved wood fertility figure, early 20th century, possibly West or South African. Cracks, wear. 12.5" H x 3.25 " diameter...
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LARGE AFRICAN ANCESTRAL CARVED WOODFIGURELarge African ancestral carved wood figure, having dark pigment throughout, carved ears, nose and mouth, hollowed out eyes, bent arms and knees, rising on ebonized hexagonal...
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AFRICAN/OCEANIC CARVED WOOD FIGURALMASK, L: 33 IN. (83.8 CM.)African/Oceanic Carved Wood Figural Mask,, Dimensions: L: 33 in. (83.8 cm.)...
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AFRICAN HAND CARVED WOOD & BONE FIGURALPIPEDESCRIPTION: An antique african hand carved wood and bone figural pipe. It has a wooden body with a carved bone head and is further adorned with metal wire accents.
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AFRICAN CHIKUNDA WOOD FIGURE, ETHIOPIA(GONA), HT. 52"African Chikunda Carved Wood Male Figure with Cane, Ethiopia (Gona). Small head-form finial pin inset at top. Provenance: Milos Atherstone African Art, New...
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TWO AFRICAN CARVED WOOD POWER FIGURESTwoAfrican Power Figures. Including: a Songye Power Figure. Carved wood, with cowrie shell, metal,leather, and beaded decoration. Provenance: Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York,...
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CARVED WOOD AFRICAN PARTIAL FERTILITYFIGURE African, 20th century. Carved wood female fertility figure. Apparently unmarked. Approx. h. 28.25", w. 6.25", d. 5.25". Provenance: From the Estate of Jack Warner...
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(3) WEST AFRICAN FIGURAL CARVED MASKS& BUST(lot of 3) West African wood carving and masks, including: (1) Baule lacquered mask, approx 13.5"l, 8"w; (1) mask, surmounted by a bird figure, approx 15.75"l, 6.5"w;...
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(3) LARGE WEST AFRICAN FIGURAL WOODCARVINGS(lot of 3) Large West African figural carvings, including: (1) double-sided face with metal accents, approx 32"h, 8"w; (1) standing figure with long neck, on unassociated...
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(2) LARGE WEST AFRICAN FIGIRAL CARVEDMASK & STAFF(lot of 2) West African figural carved wood items, including: (1) large ceremonial mask with openwork crest, approx 51"h, 11.75"w; (1) figural staff/ walking stick,...
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WEST AFRICAN, BAMBARA CARVED WOOD FIGURALSTAFF West African, Mali, 20th century. Bambara / Bamana "Solima Bere" female figural carved wooden staff. Accompanied by custom stand. Unmarked. Provenance: The Private...
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AFRICAN, SENUFO CARVED WOOD SEATED FIGURALSTAFF West African, Cote d'Ivoire and Mali, 20th century. Tall carved wood Senufo female figural staff on custom stand. Note: Usually used at hoeing / farming contests,...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED & PIGMENTED WOODBOXAfrican carved wood box, with applied black pigment, lift-top lid surmounted by two male figures with pipes, demi-figures at side panels, incised carving with geometric...
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AFRICAN FIGURAL CARVED WOOD BOXAfricancarved wood box, 20th c., decorated with relief carved geometric patterns, fitted with figural lid and handles, intact with splits to wood, approx 17.75"h, 25"w, 5"d, 10lbs...
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(8) FRENCH OYSTER PLATES & MURANO GLASSGARNITURES(lot of 8) Tableware and decorative items, comprising: (3) Italian Murano gold flecked art glass, with hand painted design, including: (one) candlestick, (two) ewers,...
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AFRICAN CARVED WOOD COVERED VESSEL ORBOXAfrican Carved Wood Covered Vessel or Box, possibly Kuba, domed cover with nude male finial, oval body with figural handles, geometric relief decoration throughout, rope...
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THREE AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED WOOD FIGURES:TALL MO tall mother and child figure, Senufo peoples, Ivory Coast, 58"H; medium female figure, Bamana peoples, southern Mali, 45.75"H; small male figure, Luba peoples, southeastern...
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FOUR AFRICAN FIGURAL TRIBAL WOOD CARVINGS:28.5" 28.5" Ashanti seated maternity figure from Ghana; 23.5" Ashanti colonial figure from Ghana; 20"H Widukum skin-covered male figure from Nigeria; 30.5"H Mumuye standing...
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FOUR AFRICAN FIGURAL HEMBA WOOD CARVINGS,HEMBA (O Hemba (or eastern Luba) peoples, DRC, including: 30"H standing male figure; 20.25"H standing male figure; 11.5"H Janus (Kabeja) couple; 11.25"H standing male figure....
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TWO AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED WOOD FLOORFIGURES: 47" FIGURES: 47"H seated female Gwan figure, the Bamana people of Mali; 44.5"H squatting male D'mba or Nimba figure, Baga people, Guinea....
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AFRICAN/OCEANIC CARVED WOOD FIGURALMASK, H: 26 IN. (66 CM.)African/Oceanic Carved Wood Figural Mask,, Dimensions: H: 26 in. (66 cm.)...
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AFRICAN/OCEANIC CARVED WOOD FIGURE OFA RAM, 9 X 26 1/2 X 8 IN. (22.9 X 67.3 X 20.3 CM.)African/Oceanic Carved Wood Figure of a Ram,, Dimensions: 9 x 26 1/2 x 8 in. (22.9 x 67.3 x 20.3 cm.)...
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AFRICAN/OCEANIC CARVED WOOD AND BEADDECORATED FIGURAL BACK STORAGE CONTAINER, 15 X 15 1/2 X 7 IN. (38.1 X 39.4 X 17.8 CM.)African/Oceanic Carved Wood and Bead Decorated Figural Back Storage Container,, Dimensions:...
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AFRICAN/OCEANIC CARVED WOOD FIGURE OFA MAN ON HORSEBACK, H: 16 1/2 IN. (41.9 CM.)African/Oceanic Carved Wood Figure of a Man on Horseback,, Dimensions: H: 16 1/2 in. (41.9 cm.)...
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AFRICAN/OCEANIC CARVED WOOD AND METALFIGURAL TOOL ON CUSTOM STAND, H: 15 1/4 IN. (38.7 CM.)African/Oceanic Carved Wood and Metal Figural Tool on Custom Stand,, Dimensions: H: 15 1/4 in. (38.7 cm.)...
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AFRICAN/OCEANIC CARVED WOOD FIGURE OFA STANDING WOMAN, H OVERALL: 13 1/4 IN. (33.7 CM.)African/Oceanic Carved Wood Figure of a Standing Woman,, Dimensions: H Overall: 13 1/4 in. (33.7 cm.)...
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CONGOLESE, AFRICAN/OCEANIC CARVED WOODFERTILITY FIGURE OF A STANDING WOMAN, H: 8 1/2 IN. (21.6 CM.)Congolese, African/Oceanic Carved Wood Fertility Figure of a Standing Woman,, Dimensions: H: 8 1/2 in. (21.6 cm.)...
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AFRICAN. CARVED WOODEN FIGURAL GROUP,CARVED WOOD (African, 20th century). Carved wood, unsigned, depicting a tower of figures, 23 1/2 in. H., 6 in. W., 8 1/2 in. D....
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AFRICAN LUBA CARVED WOOD FEMALE FIGURESCULPTURE African, Baluba people of the Democratic Republic of Congo, hand-carved wood reliquary staff statue in the form of a nude woman holding a vessel, her hair in three...
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THREE AFRICAN FIGURAL CARVINGS 20THCENTURYTHREE AFRICAN FIGURAL CARVINGS, 20th Century, 1) Wooden carving of a woman with wood and glass beads around her waist. Said to be from Ghana in the manner of "Akan"....
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