Small Bobo Bwa Sorcerer Mask, BurkinaFaso, West Africa, 20th century carved wood with natural pigment height 14.5 in — 36.8 cm...
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Large Bobo Bwa Sorcerer Mask, BurkinaFaso, West Africa, mid to late 20th century carved wood with natural pigment height 23.75 in — 60.3 cm...
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Large Bobo Nyanga Antelope Helmet Mask,Burkina Faso, West Africa, 20th century carved wood with natural pigments, includes stand length 19.75 in — 50.2 cm...
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LARGE AFRICAN BOBO BUTTERFLY MASK, 80"WLargeAfrican mask, Bobo People, Burkina Faso, believed to be early 20th c., carved wood in black and white finish with centered face and protruding beak, the back with a face-shaped...
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AFRICAN CARVED WOOD ZOOMORPHIC BOBOSTYLE MASKAfrican carved wood zoomorphic bobo style tribal mask, painted ground, long pointed ears, carved eyes, open mouth, approx 22.25"h, 13.25"w, 6.5"d, 6lbs total...
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AFRICAN CARVED WOOD BOBO MASK, UPPERVOLTA REGIONBobo mask, Upper Volta Region, the carved wood mask featuring two faces, polychromed on both sides with black and white terra cotta paint, restoration to one protruding...
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Bobo Bwa Bird Mask, Burkina Faso, WestAfrica, late 20th century carved wood with natural pigments height 22 in — 55.9 cm...
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Bobo Bwa Mask, Burkina Faso, West Africa,late 20th century carved wood with natural pigments height 19 in — 48.3 cm...
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Bobo Bwa Antelope Mask, Burkina Faso,West Africa, 20th century carved wood with natural pigments height 23 in — 58.4 cm...
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Bobo Bwa Mask, Burkina Faso, West Africa,late 20th century carved and painted wood height 24.5 in — 62.2 cm...
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Bobo Ram Mask, Burkina Faso, West Africa,late 20th century carved wood with natural pigments height 15 in — 38.1 cm...
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Bobo Mask, Burkina Faso, West Africa,early to mid 20th century carved wood with some remaining pigment, includes stand 22 x 9 x 11 in — 55.9 x 22.9 x 27.9 cm...
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Bobo Bwa Antelope Mask, Burkina Faso,West Africa, 20th century carved wood height 24.5 in — 62.2 cm...
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Bobo Antelope Mask, Burkina Faso, WestAfrica, late 20th century carved wood with natural pigment height 24 in — 61 cm...
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AFRICAN BOBO BAT PLANK MASK, BURKINAFASO, 80"African Bobo Bat Plank Mask, Burkina Faso. Carved and paint decorated wood. On metal stand. Provenance: Collection of Allan Stone, New York. Size: 14" x 80" x 6"...
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BOBO PEOPLES, BWA PLANK OWL MASK 20thc. Mali/Burkina Faso, polychrome painted carved wood, the tall horizontal multi-section headdress decorated with zoomorphic and geometric designs, 62"h x 12"w x 12"d...
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BOBO PEOPLES, LARGE PLANK MASK, EX-MUSEUM20th c., Burkina Faso, carved and painted wood, the central mask figured as a cat, centered in a horizontally oriented plank decorated with geometric patterns and relief carved...
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GROUP (5) AFRICAN STYLE FIGURAL HEDDLEPULLEYS Baule and Bobo Peoples, carved wood, one painted, three on wooden stands, 7"h (smallest), 10"h (largest)...
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BOBO PEOPLES, MASK WITH SUPERSTRUCTUREBurkina Faso, polychrome painted carved wood, the mask with typical Bobo facial features and geometric patterns, supporting a standing female figure with bird between her...
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BOBO PEOPLES, WOOD DANCE MASK, EX-MICHELANSTETT Burkina Faso, polychrome painted carved wood totemic mask of combined animal and bird-head form, with protruding snout and eyes, surmounted by stacked hourglass flanges...
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AFRICAN TRIBAL CARVED WOOD BOBO PLANKMASKAfrican tribal carved wood plank mask, Bobo Peoples, Burkina Faso, Mali, polychrome figural head over two rings, surmounting animal face with slit eyes and elongated nose,...
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EARLY/MID-20TH CENTURY BOBO MASK, UPPERVOLTA REGION, IVORY COAST 53 X 10 1/2 IN. (134.62 X 26.67 CM.) VOLTA REGION, IVORY COAST, black and white checkered mask, carved wooden pigment Dimensions: 53 x 10 1/2 in....
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THREE CARVED WOOD AFRICAN MASKS Includinga Kuba style elongated man's face; a Bobo Fing antelope helmet; and an unidentified helmet-form mask....
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AFRICAN CARVED WOOD BOBO WOOD CARVINGS,THE BOBO P the Bobo people of Burkina Faso: 25"L helmet mask (Bolo) and 12"H dark wood helmet....
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AFRICAN MASK Carved and painted wood,Bobo Hornbill, Upper Volta. 48" x 11" x 6 1/2"....
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BOBO, BURKINA FASO CARVED WOOD AND POLYCHROMEDECORATED BIRD TYPE SPIRIT MASK, H: 33 IN. (83.8 CM.)Bobo, Burkina Faso Carved Wood and Polychrome Decorated Bird Type Spirit Mask,, Dimensions: H: 33 in. (83.8 cm.)...
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BOBO BIRD MASK FROM BURKINA FASOMaskwith red, blue, black stripes, triangular top, beak and very round protruding eyes in red/black/white. We do not believe this mask is from the same region as the other Papua...
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WEST AFRICA HELMET MASK, BOBO TRIBE42 ½" overall on stand Carved wood and raffia chief's mask, with metal stand. Domed styled helmet, elongated nose, weathered surface....
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WEST AFRICAN BLACKSMITH'S MASK BOBOTRIBE. Together with a carved wood mortar and pestle spice grinder an African carved wood fertility figure an African carved wood male figure and two carved wood doll heads...
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An African Carved Wood Nweka Mask BoboBurkina Faso elongated visage with triangular notches surmounted by an openwork plank pierced with geometric motifs red and blue pigment height 54 in.; accompanied by a copy...
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