F. BARBEDIENNE, LARGE BRONZE BACCHUSBUST Ferdinand Barbedienne (French,1810-1892), Antinous as Dioniso, signed along back, stamped with Achille Collas Reduction Mechanique seal on side, 23"h x 13"w x 14"d...
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FRENCH EMPIRE COLLAS GILT BRONZE MANTELCLOCK French Empire gilt bronze mantel clock, first quarter 19th century, the fluted shield-form case with beaded details and surmounted with armillary sphere finial, round...
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FRENCH EMPIRE COLLAS GILT BRONZE MANTELCLOCK French Empire gilt bronze mantel clock, first quarter 19th century, the fluted shield-form case with beaded details and surmounted with armillary sphere finial, round...
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FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL BRONZE AMAZON, F.BARBEDIENNEFrench Neoclassical patinated bronze sculpture, late 19th c., Statue of an Amazon, after the antique marble statue in the Vatican Museums, Rome, signed in cast...
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BRONZE, DAVID & GOLIATH, BARBEDIENNEFOUNDRY MARKBronze sculpture on marble base, "David Vainqueur de Goliath," after the original work by Marius Jean Antonin Mercie (France 1845-1916), bearing the foundry marks...
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SMALL BRONZE FEMALE BUST AFTER A. COLLAS,BARBEDIENNEAfter Achille Collas (French, 1794-1859) small presentation bronze bust depicting a young woman with hair pulled back and adorned with flowers, her dress draping...
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F. BARBEDIENNE FRENCH NEOCLASSICAL BRONZEVENUSFrench Neoclassical patinated bronze sculpture, "Venus Accroupie" (Kneeling/ Crouching Venus), late 19th c., signed in cast F. Barbedienne Fondeur (Ferdinand Barbedienne,...
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AFTER CORTOT MARATHON SOLDIER BARBEDIENNEBRONZEClassical style bronze sculpture, "Le Soldat Marathon," after the original now housed in the Louvre Museum sculpted by Jean-Pierre Cortot (French, 1787-1843), stamped...
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AN ANTIQUE FRENCH BRONZE MODEL OF VENUSDE MILO, CAST BY FERDINAND BARBEDIENNE Late 19th century, patinated cast bronze, inscribed mark of "F. Barbedienne Fondeur," with raised Achille Collas medallion foundry stamp...
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A FRENCH PATINATED BRONZE MODEL AFTERPAUL DUBOIS' “LE COURAGE MILITAIRE”A French patinated bronze model after Paul Dubois' "Le Courage Militaire", Fourth-quarter 19th Century Signed: P. Dubois / F. Barbedienne...
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FERDINAND BARBEDIENNE BRONZE FIGUREOF DIANA OF GABII Late 19th century, patinated and gilt bronze, after the antique attributed to Praxiteles, depicting Diana adjusting her gown drapery, the square terrace...
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AFTER ACHILLE COLLAS AND FERDINAND BARBEDIENNEPATINATED METAL BUST OF A MUSE, POSSIBLY EUTERPE, H 9 1/2 IN. (24.1 CM.)After Achille Collas and Ferdinand Barbedienne Patinated Metal Bust of a Muse, Possibly Euterpe,, Dimensions:...
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BARBEDIENNE BRONZE "THREE GRACES" GLASSTOP TABLE French "Three Graces" patinated bronze sculpture, 20th century, after Germain Pilon (French 1525-1590), now adapted as an occasional table with circular glass top,...
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COLLAS BARBEDIENNE "SPINARIO" GILT BRONZESTATUE Achille Collas (French, 1795-1859) for Ferdinand Barbedienne (French, 1810-1892) Foundry Grand Tour "Spinario" gilt bronze statue sculpture after the antique depicting...
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