A LOUIS PHILIPPE MAHOGANY COMMODEA LouisPhilippe bronze mounted mahogany commodemid 19th centuryWith black fossil marble top.height 34 3/4in (88cm); width 51in (130cm); depth 24in (61cm)...
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A LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE FIGURAL LYREFORM MANTEL CLOCKA Louis Philippe parcel gilt and patinated bronze figural lyre form mantel clocksecond quarter 19th centuryThe circular dial with enamel Roman chapter ring...
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A PAIR OF LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE SIXLIGHT CANDELABRAA pair of Louis Philippe gilt and patinated bronze six light candelabrasecond quarter 19th centuryheight 24 1/2in (62cm); diameter 10in (25.5cm)...
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A LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE MOUNTED WALNUTCOMMODEA Louis Philippe bronze mounted walnut commodesecond half 19th centuryWith grey fossil marble top.height 36 1/4i (92cm); width 49 1/2in (126cm); depth 23 1/2in (60cm)...
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LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE MOUNTED PAINTEDCABINET. Nice color and size with nice marble and bronze mounts. From a New Jersey collection. Dimensions: 37" h x 19" x 62" Condition: Good....
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NICE LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE, ROCK CRYSTALLAMP 19th c. and adapted, of column form with round tapering rock crystal shaft, gilt bronze leafy capital on stepped egg-and-dart molded base, wired with double cluster socket,...
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GOOD PAIR LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE CANDLESTICKS19th c., France, dark patinated and gilt cast bronze, in the Renaissance Revival style, with channeled stem terminating in satyr masks, raised on three-winged cherub feet,...
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LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE SIX-LIGHT CANDELABRUM,MID 19TH CENTURY, 26.5"H Louis Philippe bronze six-light candelabrum, mid 19th century, 26.5"h...
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AFTER PHILIPPE WOLFERS BRONZE AND STAINEDGLASS LAMPDESCRIPTION: An Art Deco Bronze lamp after Phillipe Wolfers depicts a female nude with peacock whose elaborate tail is the slag glass globe for the lamp; brown patina....
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TWO F. PHILIPPE BRONZES, TO INCLUDEA ART NOUVEAU BUST ...Two F. Philippe Bronzes, to include a Art Nouveau bust of a woman, height 9 inches; along with a bronze vase in the form of a corn, height 8 3/4 inches.
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A PAIR OF LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE CANDLESTICKS19th century; trefoil base, with conforming gilt-bronze acanthus on lion's paw feet, supporting columnar standard, with urn-form nozzle, 12 3/8 in. H....
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PAIR LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE CORNUCOPIAVASES 19th c., French, nicely cast bronze mounted cut glass spill vases, on black marble and scrolled gilt bronze stepped base, unmarked, 10"h x 7.5"l x 5"w...
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PAIR LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE, MARBLE GARNITUREURNS 19th c., France, gilt decorated carved and incised black marble decorated with floral scrolls, cast gilt bronze urn handles, foot, and portrait relief masks of neoclassical...
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PAIR LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE MARBLE CANDELABRALAMPS 19th c., and adapted, France, the gilt bronze turned baluster stem supporting a dark patinated cast figure above a trefoil plate topped with three candle cups, surmounted...
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PR OF LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE FIGURALCANDELABRA Pair of fine quality Louis Philippe dore mounted bronze figural 5 light candelabra, France, circa 1830; 25.5"H...
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2 PC. LOT OF DECORATIVE BRONZE ITEMS2 piece lot of decorative bronze items consisting of a Louis Philippe bronze circular mirror, along with a bronze eagle on stand; 7"Dia. mirror, 9.5"H 11"W eagle...
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BRONZE AND SIENNA MARBLE CANDELABRAPairof Louis Philippe Bronze and Sienna Marble Six-Light Candelabra, c. 1840, columnar standard, scroll and anthemion base, h. 26 in., dia 10 in . Provenance: The Friedle-Garrison...
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LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE FOUR-LIGHT FIGURALTORCHERELouis Philippe Bronze Four-Light Figural Torchere, 19th c, winged putto figure holding cornucopia, issuing foliate candle arms, tall plinth base, h. 34 3/4 in., w....
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BRONZE-MOUNTED MAHOGANY CENTER TABLELouisPhilippe Bronze-Mounted Mahogany Center Table , 19th c., dished gray marble top, hexagonal standard, tripartite scroll base, paw feet , h. 29 in., dia. 40 in...
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LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE OF A BOAR HUNT,CA. 1840 French Louis Philippe period bronze of a renaissance boar hunt, depicting a courtier of Fontainebleau in the period of Francis I mounted and with dogs attacking a...
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LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE MOUNTED EBONIZEDJARDINIERE, MID-19TH CENTURY 30 1/4 X 31 1/2 X 20 1/2 IN. (76.8 X 80 X 52.1 CM.) JARDINIERE, MID-19TH CENTURY, the serpentine rectangular ormolu molded top with pierced gallery...
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NICE LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE AND MARBLECENTERPIECE 19th c., France, of high quality manufacture, possibly Victor Paillard or comparable maker, carved antico rosso marble footed urn, mounted with heavy gilt and...
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LOUIS PHILIPPE BRONZE AND MAHOGANY MANTELCLOCK c. 1840, French, patinated bronze military figure atop a rectangular string inlaid mahogany case, fitted with steel and ormolu dial signed 'Devrine', 15"h x 6"w x 5"d...
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A Louis Philippe Bronze Figural MantelClock
Mid-19th Century
the dial signed E. Vittoz et Cie.
Height 25 x width 20 x depth 7 1/4 inches.
Property from the Collection of Ron Winter, Merwins Antiques, Birmingham,...
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A Louis Philippe Bronze and Sienna MarbleMantel Clock
Circa 1830-1840
Height 23 1/4 x width 11 1/8 x depth 7 1/4 inches.
Property from the Estate of Michael L. Wilkie, Chicago, Illinois...
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Louis-Philippe Bronze Three-Light Candelabrum,second quarter 19th century, in the neoclassical style, bronze patinated and parcel gilded, now mounted as a table lamp on a conforming black lacquered wooden tripodal pedestal...
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Pair of Louis Philippe Bronze and MarbleGarniture Coupes, second quarter 19th century, in the neoclassical style, the double scroll-handled, patinated bronze coupes presented on tall, polished Siena marble pedestal...
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Large and Stately Pair of Louis-PhilippeBronze-Patinated and Parcel-Gilt-Brass Vasiform Six-Light Candelabra, second quarter 19th century, in the neoclassical taste, now wired as table lamps through the central...
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A Louis Philippe Bronze Two-Light BouillotteLamp c. 1845 adjustable shade the base cast with foliate decoration and grotesque masques issuing candle supports height 16 in. width 12 in. depth 4 3/4 in....
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A Louis Philippe Bronze-Mounted MahoganySettee 19th c. molded crest rail reeded arms straight seat rail rosette mounted blocks sabre legs height 34 in. width 49 1/4 in. depth 20 in....
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Louis Philippe bronze shelf clock, figureof lady, holding letter with inscription "Moi, Ninon de l'Enclos promets…" and standing beside table mounted with clock face, base with scroll and acanthus...
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A Louis Philippe Bronze-Mounted MahoganyLit de Repos 19th c. cylindrical crest rail paneled head and footboard mounted columnar stiles domed feet shaped conforming rails height 43 in. width 72 in. depth 43 in. ...
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A Louis Philippe Bronze-Mounted MahoganyLit de Repos 19th c. cylindrical crest rail paneled head and footboard mounted columnar stiles shaped conforming rails height 43 in. width 72 in. depth 43 in....
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Pair of Louis-Philippe Bronze-Patinatedand Parcel-Gilt-Brass Tripodal Candlesticks, of columnar form on haunched paw feet above conforming plinths, each fitted with a detaching gilt-brass bobeche, h. 12", w. 4-1/2"....
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