Seabrook, NH, c. 1910
18 ¾ in. long
“I had the good fortune of visiting with Jim McCleery on several occasions in his home in Texas. He was one of the...
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Seabrook, NH, c. 1910
18 ½ in. long
"Jim reserved special spots on his shelves, fireplace, and walls for his favorite birds. I remember the first time I...
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TWO CARVED DUCK DECOYS TO INCLUDE MILESHANCOCK, AMERIC...Two Carved Duck Decoys to include Miles Hancock, American merganser; along with a merganser hen attributed to Samuel Archer, 1912 merganser hen length 16...
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6 PC. CARVED & PAINTED DUCK DECOYS:Handsome variety of hand carved, hand-painted wood duck decoys including tackeye bluebill, red-breast merganser, large American black duck etched ''K'' underneath, and more....
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MARTY COLLINS AMERICAN MERGANSER DRAKEDECOY EAST WAREHAM, MASSACHUSETTS, 20TH CENTURY LENGTH 18”. DECOY, East Wareham, Massachusetts, 20th Century, Antique style, with tack eyes and carved wings. Branded on...
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SIX MINIATURE BIRD CARVINGS 21ST CENTURYHEIGHTS FROM 1.5” TO 7.5”.SIX MINIATURE BIRD CARVINGS, 21st Century, An egret, a white heron, a pike and a goose head by Frank Adamo (Pocasset, Massachusetts, Contemporary),...
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AMERICAN FOLKSY MERGANSER CARVING. Mid20th century. Body shaped from a burl knot with an added root carved head (removable). 12"h. 16"l....
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AMERICAN MERGANSER DECOY. Early 20thcentury. Carved wood with original paint and leather fringe crest. Minor edge loss, neck and wing have repairs. 17.25"l....
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UNUSUAL AMERICAN HOODED MERGANSER DECOY.Possibly Maine, late 19th-early 20th century. Canvas sewn on frame and turned carved wooden head with glass eyes. Graphic original polychrome paint. Some wear, mainly to paint...
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AMERICAN JOHN PAXSON MERGANSER DECOY.Dated 1992. Carved and painted in rust, grey, black white, green and yellow worn paint. Glass eyes, broom comb and lead weight on bottom. Age cracks and chip under tail. 7.5"h....
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TEN AMERICAN CARVED AND PAINTED BIRDS.Fourth quarter 20th century. Nine are duck decoys. Two are "Swan Quarter'' red head by K. Kulin, dated 1982 and brow head by L. Dustier (?), dated 1982. Approx 6.5"h. 13"l....
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AMERICAN FOLKSY MERGANSER. First half20th century. Low profile carving with curved neck and beak. Original paint. Age splits and beak has some damage. 17"l....
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BYRON E. BRUFFEE (1942-2013, MA) CARVEDANDpainted American Merganser duck. Excellent original condition. Signed on bottom of tail. 21" long, 8 1/2" high, 7" wide....
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(4) INUIT BIRD SCULPTURES BY AL ANDTED MAYAC Inupiak, King Island, Alaska, carved and painted walrus ivory, signed, dated and identified on underside, including: King Eider by Ted Mayac, Jr., 3-11-12; Hooded...
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THREE DECOYS, MUTE & TRUMPETER SWANS& MERGANSER Group of three modern American carved and painted wooden hunting decoys with glass eyes comprising, a mute swan, a Hornick Brothers signed 1980 Raymond E. Hornick...
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Three American Carved and PolychromePainted Duck Decoys Charlie Moore comprising a Mallard drake signed Chas Moore '90 a Long-Tailed drake signed Chas Moore '96 and a Common Merganser drake signed Chas Moore...
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