AMERICAN PAINTED ROCKING HORSE. Ca.1900, mixed woods. Worn brown overpaint with red and white detail. Wear and missing tail. 20.5"h. 11.5"w. 42"l....
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Painted Rocking Horse American, 19thcentury, horse with original dark-green paint with red highlights, leather ears and bridle, Windsor style seat, probably Pennsylvania, 37 x 17-1/4 x 11-1/2 in.,...
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2 PETI CLEMENTS O/C PAINTINGS, TRUEIN BLUE & PRECIOUS ...Two (2) Peti Clements (Alabama, 1911-1999) Black Americana folk art acrylic on canvas paintings depicting children's scenes. 1st item: Painting, titled...
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AMERICAN CARVED AND PAINTED ROCKINGHORSEAmerican carved and painted dapple grey rocking horse on stenciled red stand, label on underside "Whitney Reed Chair Co. Leominster Mass". 38 1/2" high, 16 1/4" wide,...
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SIGNED PAUL FORSTER PAINTING - "THEPORTAL"Paul Forster (American, 1925-2012). "The Portal" oil on canvas, n.d. Signed at lower right. A wonderful painting by Paul Forster, depicting an indigenous woman and...
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Delbert Buck (Navajo, b. 1976). Mixed media folk sculpture (cottonwood, acrylic paint, string, and wool) n.d. Signed on underside of...
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E. 20TH C. WHITE PAINTED WOODEN ROCKINGHORSE American or European wooden rocking horse, early 20th century, having a distressed white painted finish with red striping, glass eyes, leather elements and horse hair...
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AMERICAN CARVED AND PAINTED WOOD PLATFORMROCKING HORSE 1991, hand carved and painted by Bryce & Debra Chase, wooden horse with leather saddle, glass eyes, horse hair mane and tail, oak platform, labeled to underside...
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A SOUTH AMERICAN POLYCHROME ROCKINGHORSEA South American polychrome rocking horse, 20th Century The carved wood rocking horse painted red and with designs in hues of yellow and green 25" H x 6" W x 26" D...
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CHILD'S ANTIQUE ROCKING HOBBY HORSE,AMERICAN, C. American, c. 1900, painted wood with horsehair tale and mane, leather saddle, red wood floor platform, 36"L....
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AMERICAN REPRODUCTION PAINTED AND DECORATEDROCKING HORSE, H: 28 IN. (71.12 CM.)American Reproduction Painted and Decorated Rocking Horse,, Dimensions: H: 28 in. (71.12 cm.)...
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AMERICAN PAINTED AND DECORATED FRUITWOODROCKING HORSEAmerican Painted and Decorated Fruitwood Rocking Horse...
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AMERICAN PAINTED WOOD ROCKING HORSE,CIRCA 1900American Painted Wood Rocking Horse, circa 1900...
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EARLY AMERICAN CARVED AND PAINTED ROCKINGHORSEEarly American carved and painted wood rocking horse attributed to Crandall with dappled finish, full tack, saddle with stirrups, fringed velvet blanket, and horsehair...
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ANTIQUE AMERICAN ROCKING HORSEAntiqueAmerican Rocking Horse, painted gesso over wood, with red cloth saddle blanket, brown leather seat and metal stirrups, on an oak base Dimensions: 35 x 34 x 11 1/2 in. (88.9...
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GREAT C.1860 AMERICAN PAINTED WOOD ROCKINGHORSE United States, Circa 1860 Early and well made rocking horse in white paint with black mane and red seat on a blue painted frame with pinstriping, a great primitive toy...
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TWO AMERICAN ROCKING HORSES. Secondhalf 19th century, pine. Both are missing their stands. Smaller is white repaint missing many parts 22"h. 38.5"l. Larger has heavily worn paint and is missing many parts including...
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ROCKING HORSE ON GLIDER BASE. Americanor German, late 19th-early 20th century. Carved wooden horse with original dapple grey paint and leather tack. Horse hair tail. Wear and areas of loss. 44.5"h. 49"l. overall....
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AMERICAN SHOO-FLY STYLE ROCKING HORSE.Ca. 1930s-40s. Cut out wooden silhouette horse and rockers with original paint including flowers on the rockers. Leather reins. 20"h. 39.5"l....
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ROCKING HORSE. American or German, late19th-early 20th century. Carved wooden horse with original grey dapple paint, horse hair tail and cloth and oil cloth tack. Red painted base with scenic medallion. Wear and...
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LOUIS MENDEZ CERAMIC ROCKING HORSE LouisMendez (American, 1929-2012) ceramic pottery rocking horse sculpture mounted on two purple painted rocking wood supports, with Navajo rug saddle and sequined bridle, horse...
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ANTIQUE AMERICAN PAINT DECORATED CHILD'SROCKING HORSE 19th century, mixed woods, the horse mounted with leather and brass tack trim saddle, paint decorated body, stenciled legs, mounted to a rocking frame with center...
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FOLK ART OIL BOY WEARING KILT ON ROCKINGHORSE North American or British/Scottish School untitled, 1876, oil on pressed artist board, Victorian Folk Art painting depicting a red haired boy wearing a kilt on a rocking...
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MERRIAM BALANCING HORSE TOY Pat. Jan.25 1870 early American tin toy features two horses side by side able to rock forwards & backwards on weighted support painted in red white and blue stenciled Pat. Date scarce...
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Two Rocking Horses American, early 20thcentury: painted wood, fabric and leather, one black "Midnight The Mountie's Horse", one light-colored "Bingo the Bronco", made by Tots Toys, each 32 in. tall,...
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ROCKING HORSE. American late 19thcentury mixed woods. Leather saddle horsehair tail and mane and original paint decoration. 24''h. 48''l. Ex Frank Gaglio (New York)....
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WOODEN ROCKING HORSE. American early20th century. Yellow and black painted rocking horse 21''h....
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HOBBY HORSE. American early 20th centurymixed woods. Carved wooden rocking horse with original dapple grey paint. Cloth and leather tack with traces of horsehair mane and tail. Imperfections. 24''h. 37''w. ...
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WOODEN ROCKING HORSE. American early20th century. Paint decorated rocking horse with cloth seat and wooden swing carrier 23''h....
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ROCKING HORSE TOY. American mid 19thcentury pine. Two silhouette horses with a seat between. Retains its original black and yellow paint including ''C.E.T.'' on the front. 22 1/2''h. 38 1/2''l. Ex Stephen...
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ROCKING HORSE. American late 19th-early20th century wood. Original white paint rockers are blue with red striping and base shelf has painted landscape scene. Wear harness and saddle are incomplete. Imperfections....
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Early paint decorated child's rockinghorse, hide-covered horse figure on red and white painted stand fitted with iron wheels, fitted with early replacement rockers, American, 19th century, Losses and separations...
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ROCKING HORSE. American late 19th-early20th century mixed woods. Old paint. 48''l....
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AMERICAN PAINTED WOOD ROCKING HORSE.H: 23'' W: 48'' D: 10'' Condition: No Specific Condition Recorded - Sold As Is...
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ROCKING HORSE. American early 20thcentury hardwood. Carved horse with original tack and white paint with dry surface. Imperfections. 30''h. 33''l....
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