American Rococo Revival Burled Walnutand Walnut Parlor Table, third quarter 19th century, of tortoise form, the richly circassian burled top over a conforming foliate- and floral-carved apron, each side centered...
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AMERICAN ROCOCO REVIVAL CARVED WALNUTFIRE SCREENNew York, mid 19th century, possibly J. & J. Meeks, elaborately carved frame centering tapestry style textile panel, pedestal base with scrolled legs, adjustable,...
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19TH C. PRUDENT MALLARD WALNUT HALFTESTER BED Prudent Mallard (American 1809-1879), Victorian era New Orleans market Rococo Revival walnut and mahogany poster bed, third quarter 19th century, having a serpentine...
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AMERICAN ROCOCO CARVED WALNUT CENTERTABLEAmerican Rococo Carved Walnut Center Table , c. 1860, marble turtle top, conforming apron, turned support centered by a carved tazza, scrolled legs, casters , h. 29 in.,...
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AMERICAN ROCOCO REVIVAL MARBLE TOP PARLORTABLE Circa 1860, walnut, walnut veneer, chestnut secondary, shaped white marble turtle top with molded edge, conforming base with a veneered skirt and applied molded bottom...
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BURL WALNUT SIDEBOARD, ATTR. ALEXANDERROUXMonumental American Rococo Carved Burl Walnut Sideboard, mid-to-late 19th c., attr. to Alexander Roux, New York, robustly carved acanthus crest centered by a mask cartouche,...
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A Pair of American Rococo Carved WalnutConsole Tables mid-19th c. possibly John Jelliff Newark each with white marble top molded skirt with oval cabochon C-scrolled volute cabriole legs shaped stretchers centered...
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An American Rococo Carved Walnut YouthBed mid-19th c. arched half tester centered by scrolled shell crest on turned posts; molded paneled headboard footboard and conforming rails height 84 1/2 in. length 54 in....
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An American Rococo-Style Carved WalnutDining Table the rectangular top with rounded corners deep molded skirt opening to take six leaves the cabriole legs robustly carved with shell and strapwork augmented by...
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American Rococo Revival Walnut and Marble-TopOccasional Table, third quarter 19th century, with a faux-rosewood finish, the period tortoise-form marble top over a conforming scalloped apron centered by applied foliate...
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An American Rococo Carved Walnut CenterTable mid-19th c. Boston ink stamp "James G. Blake/ 12 Cornhill/ Boston" the serpentine Egyptian marble top above a conforming floral carved skirt with rocaille cartouche...
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American Rococo Revival Crotch Walnutand Walnut Console-Base Etagere, third quarter 19th century, the upper portion with a pair of graduated serpentine shelves supported by pierced scroll-carved brackets and...
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Pair of American Rococo Revival Walnutand Marble-Top Consoles, third quarter 19th century, each with a serpentine marble top over a conforming crotch-veneered frieze centered by a cabochon and foliate carving,...
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American Rococo Revival Walnut and Marble-TopCenter Table, third quarter 19th century, the white marble top of tortoise form over a molded frame, supported by cabriole legs with grape- and leaf-carved knees, h. 28",...
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Rare American Rococo Revival CarvedWalnut Revolving Sofa, attributed to the workshop of Charles White, Philadelphia, fourth quarter 19th century, the frame fitted with a stationary round center table and flanked...
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American Rococo Revival Walnut Armchair,third quarter 19th century, the corseted back joined to closed arms, the double serpentine front seat rail centered by a cabochon-carved cartouche, on cabriole legs with French...
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American Rococo Revival Mahogany, Walnutand Marble-Top Center Table, third quarter 19th century, the tortoise-form marble top over a conforming crotch-veneered frieze, on cabriole legs with foliate carving at the...
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American Rococo Revival Walnut Armoire,third quarter 19th century, the bonnet top with a pierced foliate- and scroll-carved crest centered by a fruit-carved cartouche, each door with crotch-veneered panels, on...
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American Rococo Revival Walnut Settee,ca. 1900, the back crest with grape-carved center, flanked by scrolls to each side, raised on four cabriole front legs, h. 39-1/2", w. 77", d. 23"....
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Transitional American Renaissance intoRococo Revival Burled Walnut and Walnut Armchair, third quarter 19th century, the medallion back centered by a carved crest with allegorical classical mask, the back joined...
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An Important American Renaissance CarvedWalnut Burled Ebonized and Gilt-Incised Bedroom Suite c. 1865 attributed to Thomas Brooks New York comprising a monumental bed dressing chest and single door armoire; the...
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American Rococo Revival Walnut and Marble-TopCenter Table, third quarter 19th century, the period marble top of tortoise form on a conforming molded apron centered by a cabochon-mounted cartouche, the cabriole legs...
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An American Rococo Carved Rosewood CenterTable mid-19th c. attributed to Alexander Roux New York serpentine rosewood top with gadrooned edge skirt carved with cabochon cartouches and fitted with drawers; C scroll...
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American Rococo Revival Walnut CenterTable, third quarter 19th century, of tortoise form, the white and gray variegated marble top over a conforming scalloped apron with a central cabochon-carved cartouche,...
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An American Rococo Carved Walnut CenterTable 19th c. inset serpentine marble top floral-carved frieze with drawers volute cabriole legs scrolled stretchers connected by an urn finial height 28 1/2 in. width 51...
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An American Rococo Highly Carved MahoganyTwo-Piece Bedroom Suite dated 1866 Philadelphia with maker's notations pierced armorial crest of Georgian inspiration centered with a bust of Shakespeare arched headboard...
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An American Rococo Carved Rosewood GamesTable mid-19th c. possibly Alexander Roux New York serpentine foldover top with gadrooned edge shaped apron opposing "C" scroll legs height 29 7/8 in. width 32 5/8 in. depth...
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