VICTORIAN ANSONIA SWINGER CLOCK, SEATEDLADY WITH CUPIDVictorian Ansonia swinger clock, seated lady with cupid in silvered finish. Measures appx 29 1/2" t. Running....
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ANSONIA VICTORIAN SWINGER CLOCK WITHSPELTER FIGUREAnsonia Victorian swinger clock with spelter figure. Measures appx 27 1/2" t. Running. Has an old repair to arm and a crack in the elbow as shown....
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VICTORIAN ANSONIA KITCHEN CLOCK NewYork, late 19th century, walnut case with gilt metal mounts, printed paper face with Roman numerals, transfer decorated hinged glass door, the case with canted and mirrored...
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(2) AMERICAN ANSONIA 'MONTAGUE' & VICTORIANCLOCKS(lot of 2) American Ansonia mantel clocks, comprising: (1) "Montague" shelf clock, having back painted iron case, in Louis XV style, time and strike movement, with patinated...
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ANSONIA VICTORIAN WALNUT MANTLE CLOCKAnsoniaVictorian walnut mantle clock, time and strike, appx 16 1/2" t. Good condition....
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ANSONIA VICTORIAN SWINGER CLOCK WITHSPELTER FIGUREAnsonia Victorian swinger clock with spelter figure. The spelter figure holding the clock. Measures appx 27" t. The clock is currently running but may require...
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WALNUT VICTORIAN ANSONIA HANGING REGULATORCLOCKWalnut Victorian Ansonia Hanging Regulator Clock...
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ANSONIA ADELAIDE VICTORIAN CLOCKAnsoniaAdelaide Victorian Clock...
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(3) AMERICAN OAK CASED KITCHEN SHELFCLOCKS(lot of 3) American Victorian kitchen clocks, each in an oak "gingerbread" case, paper dials with roman numerals, time and strike movements, including: (1) E.N. Welch...
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CLASSICAL STYLE MAHOGANY EGLOMISE MANTLECLOCK AND A VICTORIAN CARVED OAK MANTLE CLOCK BY ANSONIAClassical Style Mahogany Eglomise Mantle Clock and a Victorian Carved Oak Mantle Clock by Ansonia,...
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VICTORIAN SLATE MANTLE CLOCK BY ANSONIACLOCK CO.Victorian Slate Mantle Clock by Ansonia Clock Co....
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ANSONIA VICTORIAN PINE SCHOOLHOUSE CLOCKAnsoniaVictorian Pine Schoolhouse Clock...
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VICTORIAN ANSONIA "CORTEZ" FIGURAL MANTELCLOCK, LATE 19TH C., ENAMEL FACE, STANDING COURTIER WITH SWORD, CLOCK WITH OPEN ESCAPEMENT...Victorian Ansonia "Cortez" figural mantel clock, late 19th C., enamel face, standing...
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ANSONIA VICTORIAN MAHOGANY, ETCHED GLASS,MIRROR-INSET, AND PATINATED METAL MOUNTED MANTEL CLOCK, H OVERALL 24 IN. (61 CM.)Ansonia Victorian Mahogany, Etched Glass, Mirror-Inset, and Patinated Metal Mounted Mantel...
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TERRY AND ANDREWS FOR ANSONIA TOLE DECORATEDMANTLE CLOCK WITH VICTORIAN VANITY MIRROR, H OVERALL LATTER 16 3/8 IN. (41.6 CM.)Terry and Andrews for Ansonia Tole Decorated Mantle Clock with Victorian Vanity Mirror,, Dimensions:...
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ANSONIA VICTORIAN CAST IRON GRIFFINMANTEL CLOCK New York,Circa 1885Lacquered cast iron case with an open escapement Roman numeral dial flanked by gold painted figural griffin elements supported by robust beast...
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American enameled metal slate and marblemantel clock; and an Ansonia enameled metal mantel clock second half-19th century; 1) Victorian clock - with brass and slate urn top etched slate front and marble corner sections...
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Victorian oak regulator clock Estimate$ 40-60 Additional comments added 12/6/2011: *Movement is original *Clock is not ansonia *Original movement 22 in. long...
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COLLECTION OF FOUR: unusual Japaneseivory carved netsuke of a stylized bat with joined open wings fierce facial expression signed; brass and copper Victorian wall plaque with inset mirror twin candle holders...
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A Victorian Walnut Wall Clock Ansoniahaving a shell and flared cornice over a door with an arched glass plate revealing the circular dial with Roman hours and a hanging pendulum. Height 47 inches....
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Ansonia Victorian Mantle Clock Acomafloral 10''....
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