A PAIR OF METAL CUT AND MOLDED GLASSWALL SCONCESA pair of patinated metal cut and molded glass five light wall sconces20th centuryheight 32in (81.5cm); width 20in (51cm); depth 11in (28cm)...
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A ROCOCO STYLE GILT METAL CUT GLASSWALL LIGHTA Rococo style gilt metal cut glass six branch wall light20th centuryheight 49in (124.5cm); width 15in (38cm); depth 9in (23cm)...
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ART DECO CUT GLASS WALL SCONCE, 2 Pairof Art Deco Cut Glass Wall Sconces in silvered metal frame. 12.75" H x 8.25" W x 4.25" D. Keywords: Lighting, Decorative, Sunburst, Art Deco period...
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REGENCY STYLE DROP PRISM CHANDELIERAND WALL SCONCES 20th century, the chandelier an eight light electrified form, brass mounts, central graduated prisms, cut glass bobeches with drop prisms and spiral twist...
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PAIR OF FRENCH GILT AND CUT GLASS WALLSCONCES A pair of French gilt and cut glass wall sconces, france circa 1900, each having three lights with rosette decorated and tear drop accents, 16"h x 11"w...
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PAIR TIN CUT OUT PANELED GLASS WALLSCONCES Pair tin cut out paneled glass wall sconses, electrified as pendant fixtures 18"h x 9.5"w x 5.5"d...
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THREE SHELVES OF GLASS AND MAINLY MEXICANPOTTERY AND OTHER PORCELAIN AND GLASSWARE Three shelves of glass and mainly Mexican pottery and other porcelain and glassware, consisting of (6) Tonala animals; Solis covered...
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PAIR OF SCHONBEK CLEAR CRYSTAL WALLSCONCESDESCRIPTION: A Pair of Schonbek Clear Crystal Wall Sconces. This is an all crystal chandelier wall sconces with elaborate cut crystal column pieces, dishes, and bobeches....
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STEUBEN GOLD AURENE WALL POCKETDESCRIPTION:Steuben gold Aurene glass wall pocket with cut glass figural dragon and scrolling floral details. Fitted with a steel open-work wall mounting hardware.
Cut Glass
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FOUR BALTIC NEOCLASSICAL STYLE WALLLIGHTSA set of four Baltic Neoclassical style gilt bronze and cut glass three branch wall lights late 19th/20th century height 27 1/2in (70cm); width 16in (40.5cm); depth...
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PAIR OF EMPIRE GILT BRONZE AND CUT GLASSURN FORM TWO L...Pair of Empire Gilt Bronze and Cut Glass Urn Form Two Light Wall Sconces, having scrolling arms, height 10 1/2 inches, width 9 1/4 inches.
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LARGE VENETIAN CUT GLASS WALL MIRRORLargeVenetian Cut Glass Wall Mirror beveled shield-form plate within a slip mounted surround, etched and carved with wheat sheaves, having fronds and rosettes height 70 inches,...
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PAIR OF JEAN PERZEL ART DECO STYLE WALLSCONCESFrench, early 20th century, two metal wall sconces, each with a frosted glass saucer form shade above a stepped and curved mount, curved glass design element on bottom,...
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FINE PAIR GEORGIAN CUT GLASS AND SILVEREDWALL SCONCESBritish, probably 19th century, brass supports with numbered slots for arms and central shafts, each issuing two scrolled cut glass arms with glass drip pans with...
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FINE PAIR NEOCLASSICAL BRASS AND CUTGLASS WALL LIGHTSBaltic States, attributed to St. Petersburg, Russia, late 18th century, each with faceted top and drops, pierced galleries, three candle arms with later electrification,...
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Roman, Imperial period, Eastern Mediterranean, ca. 1st to 3rd century CE. A gorgeous glass beaker boasting a minimalist form highlighted by...
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LARGE ASPREY, LONDON SILVER MOUNTEDCUT GLASS JAR Letter dated for 1885, mark for W. Leuchars London & Paris, the hinged sterling lid engraved with an armorial shield surmounted by winged dragons and inscribed...
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ART DECO GREEN PAINTED METAL & GLASSSCONCES, 2 Art Deco pair of green painted and gilt metal wall sconces with clear and purple cut crystal glass pendants, circa late 1940s. Each: 7" H x 4.5" W x 4" D....
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PAIR OF BRONZE & CRYSTAL 6-LIGHT WALLSCONCES Probably Italian, 20th century. Pair of dark patina bronze frame six light wall sconces with applied cut crystal prisms.Approx. h. 27", w. 14.5", d. 7.5"...
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(2) ITALIAN CRYSTAL PRISM 3-LIGHT WALLSCONCES(pair) Italian silve-tone metal and crystal prism three-light sconces, 20th c., having fountain and foliate scroll motif wall plate, supporting wire scrolls and three...
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HOYA CUT CRYSTAL PUTTER GOLF CLUB INDISPLAY CASEJapanese Hoya cut crystal putter, housed in glazed display case, reverse with wall-mounting hardware, putter: approx 34.75"l, case: approx 41.25"l, 11.75"w, 2.75"d...
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FINE PAIR OF REGENCY STYLE CUT GLASSWALL SCONCES First half 20th century, tall scrolled tapered glass arms with notched pattern, glass star mount, cut bobeche and drop prisms, with clip shade, gilt metal wall...
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PAIR OF LOUIS XV STYLE BRASS CUT GLASSNINE-LIGHT WALL SCONCES NINE-LIGHT WALL SCONCES, both with shaped backplate issuing the tiers of S-scrolling arms and hung with faceted drops (2)...
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SILVERED ETCHED GLASS WALL MIRRORSILVEREDETCHED GLASS WALL MIRROR, with floral cut glass, curved edges, h: 61 x w: 41 x d: 3 in....
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PAIR OF HOLLYWOOD REGENCY STYLE BRASSAND CUT GLASS WALL SCONCES AND CUT GLASS WALL SCONCES, both with rectangular backplate suspending a pierced shaped crest hung with faceted beads, h: 11 x w: 8.75 x d: 5.25...
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TWO PAIRS OF HOLLYWOOD REGENCY STYLEBRASS AND CUT GLASS WALL SCONCES BRASS AND CUT GLASS WALL SCONCES, each with rectangular backplate suspending a pierced shaped crest hung with faceted beads, h: 11 x w: 8.75...
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CUT AND ETCHED CRYSTAL WALL POCKET,H: 9-1/2 INCHESCut and Etched Crystal Wall Pocket, H: 9-1/2 inches...
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PAIR GILT METAL AND CUT GLASS TWO-LIGHTWALL SCONCESPair Gilt Metal and Cut Glass Two-Light Wall Sconces...
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19TH C. OIL LAMP AND TWO WALL SCONCESWITH CUT CRYSTAL DECORATION, THREE PIECES, DETAILS INCLUDE: PAIR OF ITALIAN SCROLLED GILT META...19th C. oil lamp and two wall sconces with cut crystal decoration, three pieces,...
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BACCARAT-STYLE GILT BRONZE, CUT GLASSWALL SCONCEBaccarat-Style Gilt Bronze and Cut Glass Wall Sconce , 19th c., scrolled arms, floriform candlecups, pendeloque prisms, h. 14 in., w. 12 in...
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THREE CRYSTAL TABLE ITEMSThree crystaltable items, Three works: A Lalique "Venise" double lion head vase Circa 1978-present Signed to the underside: Lalique ® France; further marked with paper label: Made in...
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(LOT OF 3) LOUIS XVI STYLE GILT BRONZEAND CUT GLASS TWO-LIGHT WALL LIGHTS (lot of 3) Louis XVI style gilt bronze and cut glass two-light wall lights, each sconce with oval patera backplate issuing two eagle headed...
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MODERNeach with twin scrolling arms with candle nozzles, and a central arm with a spike finial, hung with prism drops and swags, electrified(4)43cm wide...
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A Pair of Neoclassical Style Gilt Metal,Ebonized and Cut Crystal Wall Sconces
Height 28 x width 8 x depth 9 inches....
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CUT CRYSTAL WALL STREET GOLF TROPHYBOWL United States20th CenturyLarge footed bowl decorated with intaglio cut golf balls, golf clubs, and an engraving of Wall Street that reads "The Wall Street Corporate Golf...
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Pair Brass and Cut Glass Wall SconcesBritish, 19th century, each with central obelisk supporting single pineapple finial above three arched arms with urn-shaped sockets, hung with swags, prisms and cut glass...
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