A Reed & Barton plate, marked 'Sterling', engraved 'Rolling Rock Hunt Races, 1974, The Ligonier, About Seven Furlongs on the Turf, Won...
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CA. 1900 BUFFALO BILL WILD WEST SHOWSTERLING PINThis is a fantastic Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show early 1900 sterling silver pin. The pin features a wonderfully and professionally crafted sterling silver construction...
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THREE STERLING TRUMPET TROPHY VASESAmerican,20th century, including smallest with square rim, base engraved "Country Club Horse Show/1937/The Gerken Trophy/Ladies Saddle Horses/Won By/Mrs. George A. Andersons/'Brass...
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SIX PIECES TIFFANY STERLING HOLLOWWAREAmerican,late 19th/20th century, including rectangular friendship tray, engraved "To Nan and Par/with Love/from Ed", "Winter 1959-1960", 5-3/4 in.; English silver barrel form creamer,...
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13TH C. MEDIEVAL ENGLISH SILVER SEALTEMPLAR KNIGHTNorthwestern Europe, England, or Byzantium, Medieval period, ca. 13th century CE. A lovely Medieval era 95% silver seal from the time of crusades! This seal...
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7 STERLING PRESENTATION TROPHIES & COMMEMORATIVEAWARDS: Approx. 57.49 Troy ounces (not including weight of presentation box). Comprising; 1- Trophy cup for Clay Pigeon shooting, 1- Trophy plate for Polo, 1- Trophy cup from...
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7 PIECE SILVER ITEMS - SOME MARKED 800:1) Vintage repousse pierce napkin holder marled 800, has 4 ball feet; 2) German repousse 4 footed creamer has lovely scroll work and is marked 800 with a maker's mark; 3)...
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ATLANTA HORSE SHOW WEIGHTED STERLINGTROPHY, 1929 Watson Co. (American, 1874-1955), Latham & Atkinson, retailer (Atlanta, GA). circa 1929. Weighted sterling silver equestrian trophy vase inscribed with "J. K....
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WEIGHTED STERLING SILVER TROPHYWeightedsterling silver trophy. American, 1936. A trophy awarded at the Lenox Horse Show in 1936 awarded to the winner of the Thoroughbred Green Hunter. Bottom marked "STERLING"...
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FRANK SMITH SILVER CO. STERLING PRESENTATIONTRAY GARDNER, MA., CHIPPENDALE PATTERN, 1942Frank Smith Silver Co. Sterling Presentation Tray, Gardner, MA., Chippendale Pattern, 1942 The elongated oval tray with scalloped...
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STERLING TRAYA large sterling swing-armtray / basket with upturned edges, pierced swag and urn decoration, inscribed "Fairfield County Hunt Club Horse Show 1927". Dents & surface scratches. Marked Sterling at base....
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A Lot of Sterling Silver Table Articlesby Gorham Wallace Black Starr & Frost and Lunt Consisting of: a reticulated sterling mini trophy dish of rectangular form raised on four ball feet; engraved inside with "Fox...
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Italian sterling silver clad resin sculptureof a horse mounted on black lacquer base. Horse has gold tone highlights on the hooves. Silver is stamped ''Arg 925'' and there is a paper label on the base which reads ''Argento...
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A Group of Two Sterling Silver TrophyCups and Sterling Bud Vase Consisting of: a silver with gold wash trophy cup by Wallace engraved with Foxcroft Horse Show winner name and dated 1930 apprx. 6"T x 3-1/4"D at...
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