HARVEY JOINER (AMERICAN, 1852-1932)6 ?" x 14" Wooded landscape. Oil on canvas board, signed lower right corner, in gilt wood frame, overall 12 ½" x 20 ¼"....
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HARVEY JOINER O/B, AUTUMN LANDSCAPEHarveyJoiner (KY/IN, 1852-1932) oil on board Fall landscape depicting a lakeshore with trees at sunset. Signed "Harvey Joiner" lower left. Housed under glass in a molded gilt wood...
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HARVEY JOINER O/B, SPRINGTIME BEECHESHarveyJoiner (KY/IN, 1852-1932) oil on board painting titled en verso "Springtime Beeches" depicting a sunlit path through a forest. Label en verso reads "Springtime Beeches, Jacob's...
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ATTR. HARVEY JOINER OIL WITH 2 TREESAttrib.Harvey Joiner (Kentucky/Indiana,1852-1932) oil on canvas-wrapped board, landscape depicting two trees in a forest, one bathed in sunlight, the other in shadows. Ornate giltwood...
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HARVEY JOINER OIL LANDSCAPE, POOL INTHE WOODSHarvey Joiner (Kentucky/Indiana,1852-1932) oil on board landscape depicting sunlight streaming through a grove of beech trees, reflected in a pond or pool of water...
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HARVEY JOINER SMALL LANDSCAPEAttributedto Harvey Joiner (Kentucky/Indiana,1852-1932) oil on canvas laid on board landscape of dirt road running through field with sunlight breaking through trees. Unsigned. Sight:...
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HARVEY JOINER(American/Kentucky, 1852-1932)
Untitled(Sunlit Beeches), signed lower right "Harvey Joiner", oil on board, 6 x 14 in.; gilt wood frame, 12-1/4 x 20-1/4 in.
some surface dirt, minor losses especially...
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JOINER, Harvey, (American, 1852-1932):Forest Landscape with Early Light, Oil/Board, 6'' x 14'', faintly signed lower right, original gilded gesso frame, 11.75'' x 19.75''.
CONDITION: Scattered craquelure, needs...
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HARVEY JOINER, (AMERICAN, 1852-1932),ROAD THROUGH THE WOODS, OIL ON CANVASBOARD, 12 X 10 IN., FRAME: 20 X 17 3/4 IN.HARVEY JOINER, (American, 1852-1932) Road Through the Woods, oil on canvasboard signed Harvey...
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HARVEY JOINER (AMERICAN 1852-1932),AUTUMN LANDSCAPE, OIL ON CANVAS, 18 X 30 INHarvey Joiner, (American, 1852-1932) Autumn Landscape, Signed Harvey Joiner l.r. Oil on canvas Dimensions: 18 x 30 in (45.7...
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Harvey Joiner
(American, 1852-1932)
InBig Thompson Canyon - Estes Park, Colorado
oil on board
signed lower right
11 1/2 x 9 1/2 inches....
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Harvey Joiner
(American, 1852-1932)
SunlightThrough the Beeches
oil on canvasboard
signed lower right
9 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches....
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Harvey Joiner
(American, 1852-1932)
NearEstes Park - Bit of Sunlight
oil on canvasboard
signed lower right
7 x 14 1/4 inches....
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Harvey Joiner (Kentucky 1852-1932) LandscapeOil on canvas signed l.l.; 19.5 x 15.5 in. Condition: Slightly loose canvas....
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Attributed to Harvey Joiner (Kentucky1852-1932) Landscape Oil on board a summer scene in typical Joiner fashion with horizontal slashes housed in a Closson's frame; 4.5 x 5.5 in. From an Independence KY Collection....
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Harvey Joiner painting (Kentucky, 1852-1932),wooded landscape titled verso "The Beeches", signed lower right "Harvey Joiner", oil on canvas board, 9-3/4 x 7-3/4 in.; gilt and painted wood frame. Retouch affecting approximately...
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Harvey Joiner (Kentucky, 1852-1932)Light Through the Beeches, signed verso "H. Joiner", oil on canvas board, 5-7/8 x 12-3/4 in.; original gilt wood and composition frame with frame plate,...
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