ALFRED THOMPSON BRICHER (AMERICAN, 1837-1908)ROCKY SHORE, SHELTER ISLAND, MAINE Watercolor on paper. Signed 'A. T. Bricher' (lower right).
Alfred Thompson Bricher (American, 1837-1908)
Alfred Thompson Bricher was an...
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G.W. NICHOLSON MARITIME LANDSCAPE PAINTINGNew Jersey, Pennsylvania,1832-1912Impressionist depiction of sailing vessels full of sailors docked beside a harbor town. Nicholson was an apprentice to Daniel Woodruff in...
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RUDOLF JACOBI OIL ON CANVAS PAINTING,HARBOR SCENERudolf Jacobi (German/American, 1889-1972) oil on canvas maritime landscape painting depicting a bird's-eye view of a harbor with a large dock house in the foreground...
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GEORGE AMES ALDRICH O/C MARITIME PAINTING,LOW TIDE IN ...George Ames Aldrich (Indiana/Illinois/Massachusetts, 1872-1941) oil on canvas marine painting titled "Low Tide in Holland" depicting a figure atop a horse drawn...
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J. WAGNER O/B MARITIME PAINTING, STEAMERAT SEAAmerican or English school oil on board marine coastal landscape painting depicting a steamship departing a bay with a sailboat in the background, a flock of seabirds...
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REGINALD NICKERSON O/C PAINTING OF WHALINGSHIP, THE BA...Reginald Eugene Nickerson (American/Massachusetts, 1915-1999) oil on canvas maritime painting depicting the ship "Whaling Bark Wanderer" at sea with full sails,...
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2 AMERICAN WATERCOLOR PAINTINGS, MAXFERNEKES & SYD BRO...1st item: Max Fernekes (American, 1905-1984) watercolor and charcoal on paper maritime painting depicting a wooden shack situated on the shore of a lake....
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2 AMERICAN SCHOOL OIL LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS,INCL. SIGNED...1st item: Oil on board landscape painting depicting a barn and power lines. Signed "Helen C. Meredith '45" in red, lower right, and additionally signed en verso....
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MIRABEAU B. LAMAR, SIGNED BY PROXY,A REPUBLIC OF TEXAS... A REPUBLIC OF TEXAS $5,000,000 BOND, WASHINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA, MAY 16, 1838 - JULY 1, 1839, lithograph and manuscript ink on wove paper, unissued,...
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SIXTEEN ASSORTED HARDBOUND BOOKSSixteenAssorted Hardbound Books, To The third Power, Maritime Maveric, Palazzi of Rome, Bvlgari, Picturing Nantucket, Tony Bennet In the Studio, Design and Detail in the Home, The...
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4 CHINESE MING SWATOW WARE CUPS, BINHTHUAN SHIPWRECKEast Asia, China, late Ming Dynasty, ca. 17th century CE. This is a fabulous group of four petite Swatow porcelain cups all from a shipwreck near the Binh Thuan...
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JAMES KIVETORUK MOSES - MIXED MEDIA- INUIT HUNTINGJames Kivetoruk (Kivitauraq) Moses (Inupiat/Inupiak, ca. 1899-1982). Mixed media on paper, ca. 1960s. Signed and inscribed "Home Alaska" on lower left. A sophisticated...
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2 JAMES KIVETORUK MOSES MIXED MEDIA- "HOME ALASKA"James Kivetoruk (Kivitauraq) Moses (Inupiat/Inupiak, ca. 1899-1982). Two mixed media works on paper, ca. 1960s. Both signed and inscribed "Home Alaska" on lower...
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YONGZHENG ERA DUTCH MARKET CHINESE EXPORTTEAPOT Yongzheng Era, circa 1730 maritime subject that has been interpreted to be a Dutch ship in the Far East. The pear-shaped body painted on either side in rose, pink,...
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EDWARD MORAN (ATTRIBUTED), AMERICAN(1829-1901), NEW YORK HARBOR, CA. 1875, OIL ON CANVAS, 21 1/2 X 36 INCHESEDWARD MORAN (ATTRIBUTED), American, (1829-1901) New York Harbor, ca. 1875, oil on canvas unsigned...
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GROUPING OF ANTIQUE DUTCH DELFT TILES17th-18th century, first a framed set of two tiles in cobalt on tin-glazed ground, circa 1630, each depicting a nautical scene with fisherman (6 x 11 1/8 in. framed); second...
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TWO ANTIQUE CONTINENTAL SCENIC PAINTINGSThe first an oil on panel maritime scene at sunset, signed "E. R. Corner" at lower left, presented in a gilt frame (Frame dimensions 10 1/4 x 13 3/4 in.); the second an oil...
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ANNA G. MORSE MARITIME DOCK LANDSCAPEWC PAINTING New York, Massachusetts,1854-1954Impressionist depiction of three boats around a dock with rows of buildings in the background....
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T. BAILEY RIVER LANDSCAPE WC PAINTINGMassachusetts,Early 20th CenturyImpressionist depiction of a river winding through a forest lined by tall grass. T. Bailey is a fictitious maritime painter thought to be coined...
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DUTCH SCHOOL MARINE SEASCAPE OIL ONWOOD, 17TH C. Dutch School oil on wood panel painting depicting a maritime landscape scene with ships and boats off the coast of the Netherlands, the city of Amsterdam in...
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JAMES B SWORD LONG POND MARTHA'S VINEYARDPAINTING Pennsylvania,1839-1915Impressionist landscape of the vast greenery Martha's Vineyard offers, catching clouds rolling across an evening sky. With lack of large buildings...
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ATTR. VIOLET BRUNTON MARITIME LANDSCAPEPAINTING United Kingdom,1878-1951Impressionist depiction of a rock coast occupied by a small shack with sailboats in the distance....
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LAURITS HOLST MARITIME COASTAL LANDSCAPEPAINTING California, Denmark, Norway,1848-1934Depicts ships rolling through choppy waters with waves crashing into the rocky coastline. Holst was active in California, painting...
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RON G. DABELLE MARITIME LANDSCAPE PAINTINGRhode Island,ContemporaryImpressionist depiction of a small boat anchored in clear waters beside a rocky coastline with grand buildings....
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REYNOLDS BEAL MARITIME LANDSCAPE WCPAINTING Massachusetts, Rhode Island1866-1951Depicts sailing ships floating through calm reflective water bathed in soft sunlight. Beal studied naval architecture at Cornell...
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FILIPPO DE PISIS ITALIAN LANDSCAPE PAINTINGItaly,1896-1956Impressionist depiction of a busy street in Strada Maggiore, Bologna lined with stone buildings. Pisis is best known for his landscapes, maritime scenes, and...
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LARGE CHINESE EXPORT AMERICAN MARKETPUNCH BOWL Qianlong Era, circa 1780-90 large Chinese Export Maritime subject "Captain's Return." Exterior executed in garish Famille Rose palette, of sea captain returning...
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Maritime Scene & Landscape by Earl NorthEarl North (American 20th Century). Lot of two paintings one oil on board one oil on canvas one signed and dated 79 l.r. one signed l.r.; 15.75 x 19.5 in. (SIGHT) 17.5...
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19th century maritime painting, coastallandscape with figures on a beach, signed with monogram lower right IV", oil on canvas, European, 19th century, unframed, 19-5/8 x 23-7/8 in. Original stretcher and tacking...
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Francis Dixon (NY 1879-1967) Autumnoilon board signed ''Francis Dixon'' lower right presented in the work's likely original gilt wooden frame the verso having a mid-century label from Findlay Galleries Chicago...
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Francis Dixon (NY 1879-1967) Two Workstworocky coastal landscapes both are oil on board one signed ''Francis Dixon'' lower left and the other with like signature lower right both paintings are presented in gilt wooden...
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Francis Dixon (NY 1879-1967) MaritimeOutcropoil on board estate stamp in lower right presented in gilt wooden frame.Francis Stillwell Dixon was born into a wealthy family with deep roots in old New York and Connecticut....
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Spode Blue Ground Dessert Service c.1805-15painted with maritime and landscape subjects comprising twenty-eight pieces: 12 plates diameter 8.5" ??" 21.5 cm. 4 oval dishes 4 circular baskets 2 oval dishes 2 shell dishes...
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Rococo Style Paint-Decorated MiniatureSecretary Dutch, late-19th century, single-case construction, shallow upper section with single glazed door, bombé base fitted with three drawers, painted with maritime and...
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Eleven James W. Pattison sketchbooks(James William Pattison, Illinois/Asheville, North Carolina, 1844-1915), six sketchbooks, Gloucester, Massachusetts, with some Maine, New Hampshire and New York related, dating...
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