TWO AUSTIN PRODUCTION BUSTSGroupingof Two Austin Production Egyptian Revival King Tut and Queen Nefertiti Busts. Each marked on the surface. King tut measures 14" x 11" x 7". Nefertiti measures 16" x 7-1/4"...
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LARGE AUSTIN PRODUCTION WINGED CUPIDFIGURINELarge Austin Production Pottery Winged Cupid Figurine. Incised marked on the base. Measures 16" x 8" x 8-1/2". Condition: Good condition. Estimate 100.00 - 300.00...
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GYNTELIS FOR AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS MAN& WOMAN STATUE Gyntelis for Austin Productions, circa 1970s, plaster sculpture of a man and woman on rectangular plinth, signed "Gyntelis" and "Austin Productions" in cast....
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SCULPTURE: WOMAN & CHILD, AUSTIN PRODUCTS,1984Cast plaster sculpture on stand, Woman and Child, signed center and lower left Fisher, Austin Products, 1984, approx 12.25"h, 9"w, with stand: approx 17.25"h, 7.25lbs...
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SCULPTURE: ART DECO WOMAN, AUSTIN PRODUCTSCeramicbust on stand, "Art Deco Woman," signed lower left Fisher, Austin Products, 1987, needs cleaning, bust: approx 21"h, 12.5"w, 11.5, with stand: approx 26"h, 18.25lbs...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS PLASTER DISPLAY COLUMNPEDESTALCast plaster display column/ pedestal, Austin Productions, late 20th c., squared top with canted corners, columnar standard, on an octagonal base, approx 36"h, 13"w,...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS PLASTER RELIEF HEADOF A YOUNG WOMAN Austin Productions plaster relief head of a young woman, incised 'Austin Prod Inc. 1982 (c)', 10.5"h x 8"w...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS SCULPTURE, CAROUSELHORSEWhite horse with pink and white sadle.
Issued: 20th c.
Dimensions: 19"L x 4.5"W x 20"H
Manufacturer: Austin Productions
Age related...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS GUANYIN BODHISATTVAHEAD SCULPTUREDurastone sculpture of the Buddhist bodhisattva of compassion, Guanyin, on a wooden base.
Austin Productions engraved mark on the side. #AustinProductions #Sculpture...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS ELLEN LORD MENORAHDepictschildren with outstretched hands as candle holders. Austin Productions impressed backstamp on back.
Artist: Ellen Lord
Issued: 1965
Dimensions: 12.5"L x 7"H
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BACH AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS BUSTDESCRIPTION:Avintage terracotta bust mounted to wood base featuring Johann Sebastian Bach signed "Austin Productions, 1963" at base. CIRCA:1963 ORIGIN:USA DIMENSIONS: H: 13.5" x W:8.5"...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS FIGURAL SCULPTUREDESCRIPTION:Austin Productions Figural composite sculpture depiction a man, woman and child. Finished in a cream color. Signed "Austin Prod Inc 1979" CIRCA: 1979 ORIGIN: USA DIMENSIONS:H:27"...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTION FOO DOG PAIRDESCRIPTION:A pair of "Austin Productions" Thai foo dogs with mounted grab details and pointed mane designs. Marked: "Austin Prod. 1982" CIRCA: 20th Cent. ORIGIN: USA DIMENSIONS: H: 11.25"...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS JAMES MARSHALL SCULPTURE,SEATED SQU...A sculpted figure of a woman draped in a shawl, resting a basket on her lap. Attached to a black base. Austin Productions 1983 carved on the back of the figure.
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS SCULPTURE BY ARTISTDAVID FISHER, A ...Rhythmic figural sculpture depicting a mother embracing her two children. All white finish with black speckles. Fixed to black block base. Austin Sculpture...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTS PLASTER JAZZ BAND SCULPTURECubistmusic themed plaster table sculpture in brown tones. Austin Prod. impressed mark.
Dimensions: 23"L x 8"W x 10"H
Manufacturer: Austin Productions
Country of Origin: United...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS 1971 IRON POODLESTATUEStatue of a poodle on a standing base. Statue is hollow cast iron with plaster detailing and is painted to resemble oxidized bronze. Marked “Austin Prod-Inc 1971”...
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Mexican, composition, signed and dated 1962. The caparisoned elephant form supporting the circular glass top.
22 x 10 x 24 in. (55.88 x 25.40 x 60.96...
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KLARA SEVER (B.1935) AUSTIN PRODUCTIONSSCULPTURELarge cast plaster sculpture, Abstract Portrait of a Woman, Klara Sever (Czech-American, b.1935) for Austin Productions Incorporated, dated 1979, on a wood plinth,...
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AN AUSTIN PRODUCTION BRUTALIST-STYLESCULPTUREAn Austin Production Brutalist-style sculpture, Mid-20th Century Signed in the cast: K. Green / © Austin / Prod. 1967 The reproduction of a Brutalist-style sculpture...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS INC., TALL 40 INCHGUAN YIN GODDESS OF MERCY MUSEUM STATUE, 1985, 40 3/4"H X 9"W X 8"DAustin Productions Inc., TALL 40 inch Guan Yin goddess of mercy museum statue, 1985, Austin productions...
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2 AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS SCULPTURES2 signedAustin Productions sculptures. Woman with guitar, dated 1963, 14 1/2"H; woman on wooden base, dated 1966, 15"H including base. Chips to bow on sculpture on wooden base, paint...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS SCULPTURE, 1972 81/2 X 5 1/4 X 8 IN. (21.6 X 13.3 X 20.3 CM.)AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS SCULPTURE, 1972, marked to reverse, 'Mother and Child' Dimensions: 8 1/2 x 5 1/4 x 8 in. (21.6 x 13.3 x 20.3...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTION INC PLASTER SCULPTUREOF A KNEELING FEMALE NUDE, H: 13 IN. (33.02 CM.)Austin Production Inc Plaster Sculpture of a Kneeling Female Nude,, Dimensions: H: 13 in. (33.02 cm.)...
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AFTER JEAN PIERRE RENARD, AUSTIN PRODUCTIONSINC. 1979 PAINTED COMPOSITE FIGURAL SCULPTURE, H: 7-3/4 INCHESAfter Jean Pierre Renard, Austin Productions Inc. 1979, Painted Composite Figural Sculpture, H: 7-3/4 in...
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TWO AUSTIN PRODUCTION, INC MOLDED COMPOSITIONBOOKEND FIGURES OF A MAN AND A WOMANTwo Austin Production, Inc Molded Composition Bookend Figures of a Man and a Woman...
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KLARA SEVER FOR AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS SCULPTUREKlaraSever. (American-Czech, born 1935). Large figural bronze-clad plaster sculpture of a family. 1969. Signed "K.S.V." on base of woman's left foot. "AUSTIN PROD. INC. 1969" impressed...
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TWO AUSTIN PRODUCTS PAINTED PLASTERCHINESE STYLE FIGURES H TALLER: 20 1/2 IN. (52.1 CM.)Two Austin Products Painted Plaster Chinese Style Figures, Dimensions: H Taller: 20 1/2 in. (52.1 cm.)...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS ACOMA POTTERY COLLECTION1988 SCULPTURE EARTH WIND & FIRE 23"H X 9"DIAM.Austin Productions Acoma Pottery Collection 1988 Sculpture Earth Wind & Fire, Three Native American Pueblo women. Dimensions:...
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MODERN DECORATIVE GROUPING4 modern decorativeitems. Art pottery owl sculpture, signed illegibly along base, 8 1/2"H; Klara Sever for Austin Productions patinated plaster sculpture Mother & Child, signed Sever and marked...
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS TEMPLE GUARDIAN LIONS,PAIR Pair of Austin Productions Southeast Asian style ceramic pottery temple guardian lions, marked "AUSTIN PROD INC 1982 (c)" to paws. Each: 11.25" H x 5" W x 4.5" D....
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AUSTIN PRODUCTIONS "DAVID" BUST CERAMICREPLICA Austin Productions "David" bust sculpture cast ceramic replica on a tiered round pedestal, marked "Austin Prod. Inc. 1984" to underside. 16.5" H x 6.5" diameter....
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VINTAGE LARGE CERAMIC AFRICAN ORYX ANTELOPEHEAD ON PEDESTAL, AUSTIN PRODUCTS, DATED 1980 48" x 22" head, 36" x 10" x 10" pedestal Well sculpted traditional African Oryx Antelope head with exaggerated long neck and...
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Austin Products Statue of a MatadorTall composite figure of a matador on a squared base painted in silver and black pigments "Austin Prod. 1965" cast into the base....
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A Cast Metal Sculpture of a Woman andGreyhound, Austin Products Designed by Alexsander Danel (1940-2001), cast by Austin Products, Inc. in 1989, the painted metal sculpture has an Art Deco quality to the design;...
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