Miscellaneous Group of Stone, Bone,and Iron Implements, Various Cultures, Neolithic Period and Later including three Ontario banded slate gorgets and a scraper, an Inuit bone and iron harpoon spear head, a...
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THREE ANCIENT POTTERY & STONE HEAD FRAGMENTSThree various ancient terracotta and stone head fragment comprising, an Indus Valley terracotta fragment of a Zebu bull, 2000-800 BCE, an ancient Roman terracotta fragment...
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Indus Valley Civilization PolychromedPottery Jar, Mehrgarh, 2600-2000 BC with blue, red and black fish and geometric band around the ovoid body, with white collection inventory number
height 8.6 in — 21.8...
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A Bronze Indus Valley AnthropomorphicHarpoon, Uttar Pradesh, Circa 1500-1000 BC Mounted on a wood stand harpoon height 12.6 in — 32 cm...
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GANDHARAN STONE OIL LAMP - INDUS VALLEYAfine Gandharan stone oil lamp from the Indus Valley, ca. 3rd - 4th Century AD. This nicely detailed example is 3-3/8 in. long, 2-5/8" wide and is carved from the gray schist...
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GANDHARAN STUCCO HEAD - INDUS VALLEYAchoice Gandharan stucco head from the Indus Valley, ca. 4th - 5th Century AD. This lovely example is 3-1/4 in. high and portrays a beautiful youth with black hair. The expressive...
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10 INDUS VALLEY MEHRGARH POTTERY FEMALEFIGURESAncient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Mehrgarh period, ca. 3500 to 2800 BCE. A fabulous ensemble of 10 characteristically abstract Indus Valley females, 6 full figures...
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IMPRESSIVE INDUS VALLEY POTTERY JARCentralAsia, Indus Valley, Harappan/Mohenjo-Daro civilization, ca. 2700 to 2000 BCE. A wonderful, wheel-thrown pottery jar presenting a squat, circular body with a wide hip, a sloped...
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INDUS VALLEY MEHRGARH POTTERY SEATEDGODDESS FIGUREAncient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Mehrgarh culture, ca. 3500 to 2800 BCE. An intriguing, hand-built pottery figure known as a mother goddess shown in a seated...
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ANCIENT EGYPTIAN GOLD & CARNELIAN NECKLACEAncientEgypt, Third Intermediate to Late Dynastic Period, 21st to 26th Dynasty, ca. 1070 to 525 BCE. This is a stunning necklace made from 27 carnelian stones and 10 high quality...
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INDUS VALLEY MEHRGARH POTTERY FERTILITYIDOL, TL TESTED...Ancient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Mehrgarh culture, ca. 3500 to 2800 BCE. A lovely, hand-built pottery fertility idol exhibiting characteristically feminine...
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INDUS VALLEY BICHROME JAR W/ HORIZONTALSTRIATIONSAncient Near East / Central Asia, Indus Valley, Harappan / Mohenjo-Daro civilization, ca. 2300 to 1900 BCE. A remarkable pottery jar presenting a spherical body...
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INDUS VALLEY POTTERY BOWL W/ HEXAGONALMOTIFAncient Near East / Central Asia, Indus Valley, Harappan / Mohenjo-Daro civilization, ca. 2300 to 1900 BCE. A pretty pottery bowl presenting impressively thin walls that...
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INDUS VALLEY POTTERY FOOTED JAR LINEARMOTIFSAncient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Harappan/Mohenjo-Daro civilization, ca. 2700 to 2000 BCE. A wheel-thrown pottery jar with a petite circular foot, a broad base, tall...
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INDUS VALLEY BI-CHROME VESSEL W/ FELINES,TL TESTEDAncient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Harappan/Mohenjo-Daro Civilization, ca. 2700 to 2000 BCE. A wheel-thrown pottery vessel depicting a pair of abstract large felines...
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INDUS VALLEY HARAPPAN POTTERY BOWL W/ZEBU BULLSAncient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Harappan / Mohenjo-Daro Civilization, ca. 2700 to 2000 BCE. A wheel-thrown pottery bowl with a petite foot, squat walls, and...
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INDUS VALLEY MEHRGARH POTTERY FEMALEFIGURE, TL TESTEDAncient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Mehrgarh culture, ca. 3500 to 2800 BCE. A lovely, hand-built pottery fertility idol exhibiting highly stylized feminine...
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INDUS VALLEY POTTERY JAR W/ ZOOMORPHICMOTIFSCentral Asia, Indus Valley, Harappan / Mohenjo-Daro civilization, ca. 2700 to 2000 BCE. A fine wheel-thrown pottery jar with a petite base, wide walls which curve gently...
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Ancient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Harappan/Mohenjo-Daro civilization, ca. 2700 to 2000 BCE. A wheel-thrown pottery jar with a squat foot,...
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Central Asia, Indus Valley, Harappan / Mohenjo-Daro civilization, ca. 2700 to 2000 BCE. A wheel-thrown pottery bowl with a planar base, a...
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Ancient Central Asia, Indus Valley, Mehrgarh culture, ca. 3500 to 2800 BCE. A hand-built pottery female fertility idol of a characteristically...
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HUGE INDUS VALLEY POTTERY VESSEL BULLS,FISH TL TESTEDAncient Central Asia, Indus Valley, ca. 3rd millennium BCE. An enormous example of some of the earliest decorated pottery in Central Asia, a broad pottery vessel...
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INDUS VALLEY STONE ARCHITECTURAL FIGURALFRAGMENT, CA. 320-650 CE Gupta Empire Bust of a Voluptuous Goddess Parvati, with coiffed hair and jewelry, in carved schist, on a teak mount, 7 1/2" x 4 3/4" x 3 1/2" stone...
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INDUS VALLEY STONE HEAD, CA. 600-800CE Late Classical Period Head of Transcendent Man with Greek influence, having coiffed hair, moustache and beard, downcast eyes, in carved schist, on teak mount, 5 1/4" x...
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(6) INDUS VALLEY POTTERY MODELS OF COWS,CA 2000-1000 BCE Children's toys, and offertory figures, one nearly intact, one mounted on teak block, 3" to 5" long, losses....
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INDUS VALLEY POTTERY FIGURE, CA. 300B.C. Standing Figure of a Scythian Warrior, with shield strapped to back, conical helmet, on teak mount, label verso from Royal Athens in New York & Beverly Hills, 6 1/4"...
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Burton (Sir Richard) Falconry in theValley of the Indus, 12 mo., original cloth, 1852...
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An Indus Valley Terracotta Bowl ca.3000-2000 B.C. Reddish brown pottery with hand painted images in brown pigments of a bull and a fish. Very small foot at base 2-1/2"T x 4"D. From a private Shaker Heights...
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An Indus Valley Decorated Ceramic BowlReddish brown pottery bowl with angled shoulders and narrow mouth decorated in brown pigments with two animals and geometric patterns. Small foot on base. 4-1/2"T x 7-1/2"W...
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